Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Robin Mathews: To Assistant Commissioner Butterworth-Carr regarding John Stuart Nuttall and Amanda Marie Korody

April 21, 2017.

Dear Mr. Morris MLA, Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General: I regret that you did not choose to answer my letter to you about the treatment of John Stuart Nuttall and Amanda Marie Korody, allegedly entrapped as part of the dangerous and almost certainly major criminal undertaking by a very large number of RCMP officers, and others, to effect a fraudulent Islamic Terror Incident at the Victoria, British Columbia legislature grounds on July 1, 2013.  (I refer you to the Reasons for Judgement of Justice Catherine Bruce, B.C. Supreme Court, July  29, 2016). I consider your failure to reply to me an act of cowardice.

This is an Open Letter which will be widely distributed in Canada. 

The earlier letter I wrote to B.C. Attorney General Suzanne Anton on the matter was treated in exactly the same way as my letter to you.  That suggests you all, in cabinet, have a pattern of behaviour to avoid your public obligation to British Columbians, to mislead them, and to cover-up (as effectively as you can) for the alleged criminal behaviour of the RCMP (with whom you, yourself, served during 32 years). Ms. Anton - like you - refused to answer, handed the task to an ANONYMOUS writer, and had a letter sent that was plainly misleading. I believe the letter you had sent to me, also by an ANONYMOUS writer, is also intended to mislead and contains falsehood tortuously presented so it might be argued to be truth.

Let us consider the matter as if we were normally honest, reasonable, average British Columbians. To begin, you MUST (because of your cabinet portfolio) want to know if serious allegations exist about improper activity of any RCMP person (or people). Secondly, your ANONYMOUS secretary admits that your role is to ensure that an adequate and effective level of policing and law enforcement is maintained throughout British Columbia. If a Supreme Court judge declares that a large number (more than 200) RCMP officers were involved in some way in serious criminal activity over a fairly long period of time (consorting together), PLAINLY an adequate and effective level of policing and law enforcement" is NOT being maintained throughout British Columbia - and you must (a) respond in your own name, (b) accept public responsibility in your own name (c) and inform British Columbians what steps you mean to take to correct the situation. You, apparently, refuse to do that. And - in cowardly fashion, to my mind - hand on the task of writing me to someone who - like yourself - doesn't have the courage or the decency to write to me giving his/her/its name … and writes mostly tortured, misleading verbiage.  I call that cowardice cowardice under your direction.

I think Canadians may fairly conclude that you wish to protect criminal wrong-doing as I believe Ms. Anton indicated by her devious circumvention of responsibility to reply (also having an ANONYMOUS letter sent) may be accused (by Canadians) of wishing to protect criminal wrong-doing.

In short, we may conclude that you have taken a wide, probably intentionally fraudulent route to avoid your responsibility to British Columbians … and to all Canadians, since the RCMP is a national police force.

In addition, the person you had operate in disguise as NO ONE, to answer my letter to you and others, played his/her/its role wonderfully as if a professional at dishonest communication!  The simplest and fairest thing for the non-person who wrote to do … was to say "I am sending on your letter to The Honourable Ralph Goodale because HE, TOO, (not he alone!!!!) is responsible for RCMP activity in Canada".  Your faceless voice in the letter to me played EXACTLY the same game as Ms. Anton's shadow liar did, directing me to contact someone else … who would doubtless direct me to contact someone else… who would doubtless direct me to contact someone else.  The letter written by a non-person (so that you could hide in cowardly fashion, I believe) is marked, as I read it, by the intention to mislead.  In the Province of British Columbia YOU are responsible for the RCMP.  RCMP Assistant Commissioner Brenda Butterworth-Carr is ALSO responsible for the behaviour of the RCMP as are the premier and the attorney general.Your obvious attempt (through a nameless nobody) to suggest otherwise is frankly and openly dishonest, I suggest. Will you dare to say to me (or to anyone) that the law enforcement institutions of British Columbia cannot act against an RCMP officer reasonably believed to be engaging in or having been engaged in crime ('terrorist' crime or other and there were, allegedly, many other kinds of crime in which those RCMP officers engaged)? Will you say that? (I'm sure you won't, unless you can find someone to do if for you anonymously.)

I regret that you so readily insult British Columbians and other Canadians, taking them to be semi-morons who can't see through the obvious sham you (and apparently the whole government to which you belong) are perpetrating in the matter of the  RCMP Fraudulently Created Islamic Terror Event in Victoria. One can only conclude that the cabinet to which you belong has an interest in supporting the RCMP actors alleged to have committed a wide variety of criminal acts, among which is the creation of an Islamic Terrorist Event. We remember that the disgraceful Gustafsen Lake standoff of the mid-nineties was characterized by the recorded statement of an RCMP officer that we [the RCMP] are specialists in smear and disinformation. First Nations representatives are still calling for a Public Inquiry into that debacle. We remember that the fraudulent take-down of premier Glen Clark at the turn of the century was marked by highly questionable RCMP investigation of Clark and related activity by RCMP sergeant Peter Montague - sought by Gordon Campbell as a Liberal candidate. We remember that the B.C. Rail Scandal and its Gilbert and Sullivan trial from 2007 to 2010 was pocked with questionable RCMP behaviour - not the least being the refusal of the RCMP to investigate the activities of the ruling Liberal government and Party and its servants in the matter. 

British Columbians (and other Canadians) may well ask what special value to the Liberal Party and its backers is provided by having a thirty-two year veteran of the RCMP in the position of cabinet doorman in B.C. to any scrutiny of RCMP activity in the province. 

Please note that, unlike you, I have written this letter. I have not (like you) had - what I consider - a dishonest hack do it. I have not (like you) had (what I consider) a dishonest hack write ANONYMOUSLY in order to give (what I consider to be) false and semi-false information. To the best of my ability I have written truth in this communication and I sign it myself: Robin Mathews.
Dear Robin Mathews:
Your correspondence of April 18th 2017, addressed to the Honourable Mike Morris, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General for British Columbia, and others, has been forwarded to the Policing and Security Branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General for response.  In your email, you advise that you are concerned about the RCMP's investigation that led to terrorism-related charges being brought against John Nuttall and Amanda Korody in 2013. 
It is important to note that under the Police Act (BC), the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General must ensure that an adequate and effective level of policing and law enforcement is maintained throughout British Columbia.  The Minister of Public Safety is responsible for setting the objectives, priorities, and goals of the Provincial Police Service.  Day-to-day deployment of police services falls to the RCMP (Provincial Police Service) or the jurisdiction's municipal police force.  Individual investigations and enforcement decisions, such as the ones described in your email, occur at arm's length from government and we cannot interfere with or direct police on such matters.
Terrorism investigations and prosecutions in Canada are a federal responsibility, and as such, RCMP federal resources are utilized.  Any decision to review a federal RCMP investigation is the responsibility of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness:
The Honourable Ralph Goodale
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
House of Commons
Ottawa ON  K1A 0A6
Your email indicates that you may have already filed a complaint with the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP.  If this is not the case, you have the option of doing so.  The Commission is an independent agency established by the Parliament of Canada to ensure that public complaints against members of the RCMP are examined impartially. More information on the public complaint process is available on the Commission's website at  www.cpc-cpp.gc.ca. You can contact the CRCC by telephone at 1-800-665-6878.
We trust you will find this information is helpful.
Thank you for writing.
Policing and Security Branch
Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General
PO Box 9285, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9J7

John Stuart Nuttall and Amanda Marie Korody
Table of Contents

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Part VI Hard Rock Cafe @ 30.96 Hastings Mike Ma Metal Works Forum

March 25, 2017
Metalworks HRC

Dear All

-- Greetings, wonderful show at the PNE; managed to see a few friends from the past...here is a circle divider from Tim McCreight's Book-Complete Metalsmith-use it to divide up circles into equal parts. love the presentations of our club at the show as well as our Presidents display of jewellery/carving. he has gathered some great talent behind him. I see a group of seven in the far future.




March 26, 2017  8:24am
     Metalworks  your makerbot sample request

dear all,
here's a suggestion for a program for the HCR one of these days .. there also is a place (3DSmith) west on Seymour at 518 West Pender on the north side of the street a few stores down that has a range of 3-D printers and he has displays of what it can do ..particularly to jewelry he has a range of pendants/rings n' others that he had cast in silver derived from the 3-d printer...i will get some cards from him to get to  our next meeting..see attached letter. enjoy the attached video file.
 We've released new products since then, and we have a wide network of resellers in Canada now, and I'd be happy to set up a demo or talk about time and money-saving uses for Creative jewelers Guild.

For example, you might like this new video we produced with Lockheed Martin about their satellite telescopic lenses: http://mbot.co/2m88i87  MakerBot One MetroTech Center, 21st Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 W
 makerbot.com | thingiverse.com


April 3, 2017  8:00am


Enjoy viewing the attached websites...instructional DVD shorts on techniques/tool reviews/tips n' tricks..titanium strip pieces for clamping down your soldering projects (download pics of some clamp configurations)

--Dear all,

 here are 2 websites that are both free and paid for service subscription .. some of the free viewing is listed on Andrew Berry's website and on youtube. They are: www.atthebench.com -over 1000 instructionals available and he is producing 3 DVD shorts each week with techniques/tool reviews/top tricks n tips. he is a definite well versed instructor and covers what we all would like to achieve in jewelry and at a fractional cost of doing a jewelry course in the lower mainland. it might be the way to expand one's experttise in the long run the next website introduces titanium strips for usage as clamps for soldering. you can view the assorted ways they are shaped and view Andrews Berry's use of them on youtube. www.andrewberry.co.uk/product/knew-concepts-titanium-soldering-strips/# you can download pics of the various shaping of his minicamps on this web page



April 3, 2017  9:30am


here is a great overview of soldering by Kate Richbourg on youtube-elapsed time 1 hour 39 minutes in length..intensive/thorough...I read through her newest book...love her 1 inch square tester plates. will make up several of them for our future classes


and from the attached website:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCng1kQjEAc




April 10, 2017  12:07pm


Dear all,

 at the central library on 5th floor-Magazine section- Ornament magazine (undergoing a new management)-reference magazine Volume 39 no.3 listing the work of glass bead maker-Kristina Logan ... check out her website- www.kristinalogan.com probably could play with enamels this way...watching how she frames her work might help us play with our bezels too- jazz it up so to speak !


mike m


April 13, 2017

Metalworks-HRC  Your forging Ebook is right here!

Dear All

Here is a fella that started blacksmithing with singularity & zeal at the age of 11 years old .. he is on youtube with exercises that can be incorporated into copper/brass/silver and gold I'm sure ... attached I have subscribed (freely for) to his ebook. an interesting way to see in small steps how the metal will move.
My name is Alec Steele, I am a blacksmith! You probably know me through YouTube and know that I film and edit a daily YouTube vlog, forging projects that push the boundaries of my knowledge and entertain you, the viewer!
check out his website as well he is a comedian with a hammer .. you will be smitten .. keep hammering on!




April 15, 2017
Metalworks-from HCR - Becker youtube on Kinetic jewelry

Dear All

Jeweler Kinetic Rings - Studio Michael Berger


 ... loves transforming graceful hands into eye-catching stages. Appropriately, his hand-made collections feature kinetic jewellery pieces that move and spin on the wearer's hand. At first glance, his stainless steel or gold ring sculptures seem to be attractively heavy, clearly shaped pieces. It is when you put them on and start moving your hands that their full magic is revealed: the top elements, which nestle closely together, start to move and rotate.

-this is a beauty of engineering/structure and art...all rolled into one .. savour this !





April 19, 2017

Metalworks-from HCR

- hydraulic press excerpts from Ganksin

-- see if you can view from the attachment...a nice overview of the hydraulic press with accessorial methods from the past- Devcon plastic metal for die forming-positive/negative space ... other methods using 2 stage epoxy/plaster etc. my email from telusmight be changing and acting strangely- sorry if attachment doesn't work!   decided to print out the web site for your immediate usage-key points to the hydraulic press c/o www.ganoksin.com

Susan Kingsley, Floating Variations Hung-up in a Structure



April 20, 2017

Metalworks from HCR Studio Craft as Career-a Guide to Achieving excellence in Art-Making

Dear all,

discovered a nice synoptic book on art as career containing a 45 year career by author Paul J. Stankard's advice and attendant with this is a synopsis of 48 Artist A-Z showing their works and adding a pithy piece of advice to pursuing one's dreams (as well as their websites)...if you know someone who is younger/eager and artistic this might be a book that could be a good mentoring book to use.

Studio Craft as a Career Guide to Achieving Excellence in Art-making

an example of advice ?

p 191-Sondra Sherman:  Creative:

Growth-protect time to explore and follow curiosity
be fearless (or pretend to be)
be obsessive
cultivate and embrace your idiosyncrasy
be brave, be brave, be brave

for Practical concerns:

recognize the difference between creating and producing; knowing both are necessary in professional practice and not always in desired proportions explore the varied types of practice in your field-try them-directly or as an employee/assistant knowing yourself is key to understanding what motivates your creative growth and what form of practice will be fulfilling and viable.

Motivation must be internal and supported by your personal values or it will be fragile.

now add another 47 words of advice from other artist in glass/wood/metal etc and quotes: i.e.

page 150 - Ferne Jacobs Carl Jung said:   Pick the hardest thing to do, because if you do that, all your energy comes together to focus on it. If it is too easy, not enough energy gets engaged. I always want to be in a mystery, and learn something new, so I take the risk!



April 23, 2017

Metalworks HRC  A jig and dance

a nice jig that one can make to cut one's chain links..several other designs which i will be bringing into the next smithing class ... any ideas to improve this design ?... how to secure this jig for usage ?



April 27, 2017 
 Metalwork-HRC-jewelery show at Vancouver Community College on May 18, 2017

 Dear all, 

consider visiting VCC for their annual jewelry show to be held on May 18, 2017 between 6-9 PM it will be held at their downtown campus on Hastings street.

    check out what's the latest craze in jewelry  and what the school is offering in terms of evening courses. it has come to my attention that at John Oliver high school they are offering in their machine shop at the back of  the high school a jewelry course  and that these courses are convertible to credits at VCC's downtown jewelry school. So if you are young or old and want to consider training in this direction that might be a way to go and re-invigorate yourself.




May 7, 2017

 Metalworks-HRC-jewelry tutorials-small portable / efficient jewelry bench  Jewelry Tutorial Newsletter

Hello Fellow Metalsmithers,

The Workbench, Workshop and Tools, a reflection of ourselves, our creativity and our workmanship....the holy grail for every metalsmith.

This is the place where designs are dreamed up and come to fruition, work is done for hours on the finest detail and where we expand our skills, all the while doing what we love doing. There is no getting around it. This is where we spend most of our time.

That is why we must make our space work for us. Set it up to be efficient. Set it up comfortable. Make your tools work for you.

 Previous Metalsmith Newsletter Editions

Prepping Copper for Hydraulic Press


Mike Ma
Part I Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  MetalWorks Forum; Torch Fired Enamelling; SilverSmithing  

Mike Ma
Part II Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  Torch Fired Enamelling; Silversmithing; Blacksmithing

Mike Ma
Part VI Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  MetalWorks Forum:  Mike Ma


Part III Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings   Books

Part IV  Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  Days of Old, Days of Gold

Part V Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  Annual Rock and Gem Show : Children Activities too

 Hastings Centre Community Rockhounds

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

North Vancouver RCMP: Where-did-this-money-come-from? BC Liberal secret donors?

Google Search Criteria:

RCMP’s Sensitive Investigations Unit, part of force’s Federal Serious and Organized Crime division

Metro News
.... a “huge loophole” in British Columbia’s election laws may have allowed corporations and unions in B.C. to keep their hefty donations out of the public eye — at least until long after the May 9 election is over.

According to a government transparency watchdog, B.C. voters should ask every would-be MLA one question at campaign stops and all-candidate forums: “Will you disclose your donors before election day,” suggested Duff Conacher, co-founder of Democracy Watch. “Then watch them all squirm.”

The reason for the question, he said, is that under B.C.’s already lax donations rules — which permit unlimited donations, donors outside Canada, and $3,000 in anonymous gifts per candidate — individual candidates don’t have to reveal who gave them money until three months after every election.  ....

Where did this money come from?

North Vancouver
2017-04-19 15:35 PDT
File # 2017-8001 

That is what the North Vancouver RCMP is asking after they seized a significant amount of cash and rare coins from a male with no fixed address. The monies were discovered on April 06, 2017 at approximately 11:00 pm in the Lower Lonsdale area of North Vancouver after the North Vancouver RCMP Strike Force had observed a male acting suspiciously. The male was arrested for ‘Trespassing at Night’.

Subsequent to the arrest police seized from this 21 year-old male a large amount of cash along with a valuable coin collection of international origins. The male also had in his possession a pair of bolt/lock cutters. When questioned by police the suspect could not provide a lawful explanation of how and where he came to be in possession of the large amount of money.

Investigators are certain that the monies are stolen, perhaps from a break and enter of a residence or business, said Cpl Richard De Jong of the North Vancouver RCMP. Residents, not only of the North Shore, are encouraged to check the places they may hide their valuables to see if they are still there!

If these monies are your property and you can provide accurate and specific details of the total amount the police would be pleased to return them to you. Please quote file number 2017-8001. The North Vancouver RCMP can be contacted at 604-985-1311. By identifying the rightful owner of the money it will assist the police in charging the suspect criminally with ‘Possession of Stolen Property’.

Released by
Cpl. Richard De Jong
Media Relations
North Vancouver RCMP
147 East 14 St, North Vancouver, BC, V7L-2N4
Office: 604-969-7561
Cell: 604-363-5584
Fax: 604-990-7450
Email: richard.dejong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wanted: A Name: $30 reward: Buzzer? BC Electric aka BC Hydro / TransLink

 British Columbia Electric Company   The Buzzer  1916 - 1929

 Public Utilities Must Be Understood
We often hear people say: "Oh, that's some more B. C. Electric propaganda!"  Well, what of it?  The only thing wrong with the remark is the insinuation put in the word propaganda.  If the other fellow says it, it's propaganda; if you say it, it is truth.

Every public utility company has to keep informing the public about its business.  That is the only kind of "propaganda" we use.  But the criticism is so general that we came across some remarks made the other day by Preston S. Arkwright, president of the National Electric Light Association, which express what we have in mind better than we could do.

Our business is peculiarly subject to public favor or ill-will, and is regulated and controlled everywhere by commissions, city councils, LEGISLATURES and juries.  Their attitude is influenced by prejudice which arises largely out of unfamiliarity with the business.  We therefore should acquaint them with the business.  If we are going to perform our public duty, we have got to expand every year.  We have get to GET THE MONEY for EXPANSION from somebody else, and we can't get it if the community is prejudiced against us.  so it is our business to see that the industry is understood, for one reason so that we can get the additional finances we need in order that the public may benefit in better service at a smaller cost.  That is only one of the benefits from public relations.  We want the public constantly to benefit in better treatment, greater consideration, more universal service and economical rates."
February 15, 1929

British Columbia Electric Railway Company Limited

February 15, 1929
British Columbia Electric Company
August 11, 1922
June 16, 1922
May 12, 1922
September 16, 1921
February 9, 1917
July 14, 1916
June 2, 1916

June 2, 1916
July 14, 1916
February 9, 1917
September 16, 1921

Thursday, April 6, 2017

'Chalke' one up for the good guys: MISFIRE

OmbudsReport 2017 533-web-sm

Mike de Jong passed the problem onto Margaret MacDiarmid

with the Premier's blessing

Page 482 of 512

   And the costs just keep climbing, and not just in money:

Page 24 of 66

Page 25 of 66
 More Info

British Columbia. Ministry of Attorney General
Statement of Crown Proceedings Payments for the Fiscal Year ... 

Search Criteria: Crown Proceeding Act

Alternate Titles: 
Treasury Board directive 1/15 : settlements of claims and payments into court proposed to be certified under section 14 of the Crown Proceeding Act in amounts greater than $500,000
Settlements of claims and payments into court proposed to be certified under section 14 of the Crown Proceeding Act in amounts greater than $500,000

Treasury Board Directives INDEX