Saturday, February 2, 2019

If only bcIMC's offspring QuadReal understood that on the North Shore there is a difference between V7T 1A9 & V7P 1S3 ownership

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Owner of Park Royal Tower is Maple Leaf Property Management

According to the QuadReal's website, their Capilano Mall "Tower 1" is located at 935 Marine Dr. West Vancouver, British Columbia, V7T 1A9    whereas in reality Capilano Mall is in City of North Vancouver.  It must get terribly confusing to QuadReal, operating two of their offices so close together.  Downtown Vancouver and Cap Mall.

Who is QuadReal?

British Columbia Investment Management Corporation  = bcIMC

Municipal Pension Plan, Public Service Pension Plan, Teacher's Pension Plan, College Pension Plan, BC Hydro Pension Plan, WorkSafeBC Pension Plan

Our clients:

BCI makes investment decisions that secure the financial futures of our clients’ pension plan members, representing more than 583,000 people in British Columbia, and the insurance and benefit funds for over 2.3 million workers. This is a role that we take very seriously. We focus on understanding our clients’ different investment needs – whether managing pension funds on behalf of trustees, growing capital reserves for insurance funds, or generating income for trust funds.

Jun 1, 2016 - bcIMC launches QuadReal
Victoria, BC – The British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (bcIMC), through its Realpool Investment Funds, today launched QuadReal Property Group (“QuadReal”), an independent privately held company based in Vancouver, Canada. QuadReal will be owned by bcIMC and will manage bcIMC’s more than $18 billion in real estate assets. In addition, QuadReal will have a mandate to acquire and grow real estate investments in Canada and in new markets in the US, Asia and Europe while continuing to deliver strong, reliable long-term returns for bcIMC’s pension plan, public trust and insurance fund clients.

This image advertisement is supposedly a true representation of Capilano Mall's North East corner on Marine Drive, however, as Joni Mitchell ...... sings ...

RealQuad (2019) 'Took Out the Parking Lot' for esthetics

RealTime 2019-02-03 photo
This is RealQuad's current location