Thursday, January 28, 2016

Gabriola Island Fixed Link Feasibility Study - January 2016 - Premier Christy Clark goes OH NO, NO, NO

For a Premier who blames others for saying NO, NO, NO to development, amazing what 24 hours will do for the spin doctoring.  Free Enterprise Party?

Gabriola Island Fixed Link Feasibility Study

Press Release Negative on Possibility, in other words, one word ... NO

Study concludes costs outweigh benefits of bridge to Gabriola Island wouldn't have the traffic of an old Massey Tunnel, nor the proposed Massey Bridge to sustain it, but .... if BC Ferries wanted to move out of Departure Bay to the east side of Gabriola to shorten the travel time to Horseshoe Bay, then the New bridge could be tolled in the same fashion as the Sea to Sky Highway, secretly.

Results of the Gabriola Island Fixed Link Feasibility Study conclude that while a bridge appears to be technically feasible, it would not be a cost-effective alternative to the current ferry link.
Because of this, Cost effectiveness, the Government of British Columbia will not consider a fixed link to Gabriola  Island AT THIS TIME.  - Minister Todd Stone
 We're glad its a NO-GO, but will it mean that those 'residents', those weekenders, those 'off-shore' investors, be going after the BC Liberals for the return of their contributions to the Party?

What about the naysayers of the Massey Tunnel being replaced with $3 billion bridge, ... 'costs outweighs the benefits' Delta to Lulu Island (Richmond).  What about public transit?

New Gold's Blackwater Gold Project went to BAT, BAP!!! Why isn't Mount Polley held to the same Gold standard of environment protection?

When was Imperial Metals given the Green light to restarting their Mount Polley Gold mine by Bill Bennett and Mary Polak?  Did they take the SAME steps as Canada's laws?   Did Mount Polley present a Tailings Alternative Assessment (TAA) and a Best Available Technology  (BAT) along with a Best Available Practices (BAP)  based on the Independent Investigation Review Panel findings for Mount Polley to Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency?

British Columbian taxpayers footed the bill for the report on Mount Polley Investigation on the Tailings Pond Breach


The Right Way

New Gold

Blackwater Gold Project

Executive Summary  (Page 3 of 642)

New Gold completed this Tailings Alternative Assessment (TAA) for the Blackwater Gold Project (Project) in response to a request from the British Columbia (BC) Environment Assessment Office (EAO; March 19, 2015) that ALL MININGS PROPONENTS consider the implentation of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Available Practices (BAP) identified by the Mount Polley Independent Investigation Review Panel (the Panel).

In a letter dated June 3, 2015, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency requested that environmental effects, as defined in section 5 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, be included as factors to be considered in the assessment of the preferred option.

 Has Imperial Metals completed these Six Steps?

• Step 1 – Identified initial candidate alternatives utilizing three tailings management technologies (thickened slurry, paste, and filtered ‘dry stack’ over a wide area of potential sites (23 candidates identified).
• Step 2 – Conducted a pre-screening assessment (fatal-flaw analysis) to eliminate any candidate that did not meet certain minimum criteria for the Project (10 candidates eliminated;  13 remained).
• Step 3 – Conducted a high level risk assessment (HLRA) to identify the lowest risk candidates for each of the tailings technologies, and eliminate the higher risk candidates from further consideration.
• Step 4 – Conducted a multiple accounts analysis (MAA) to identify BAT for the Blackwater Project (3 candidates eliminated; 1 selected candidate).
• Step 5 – Assessed the selected BAT candidate using a Failure Modes Effects Assessment (FMEA) to determine BAP including additional practices beyond those described in the Application/EIS that could further improve the physical safety of the impoundment.
• Step 6 – assessment of the impacts to Aboriginal rights and interests.

Page 54 of 642


Google Search:  Mount Polley BAT BAP

The University of Western Australia

BAT or BAP?  A review of some dramatic changes in tailings management in the recent past and potential changes in the future   43 Pages

Andy Fourie    School of Civil, Environmental  & Mining Engineering

Mount Polley, British Columbia, Canada

Itabirito, Minas Gerais, Brazil tailings pond

Cananea, Sonora, Mexico Tailings Pond

Dan River Steam Station Tailings Pond

Contrast 'conventional' tailings with thicker tailings
Provide examples; what worked, what perhaps did not work so well
The use of filtered tailings
Concluding comments

Monday, January 25, 2016

$3 Billion Bridge: Sinking Flood Plain Fund to replace Massey Tunnel

Christy Clark's Massey Tunnel Replacement with a $3 Billion Bridge Sinking Fund through Delta and Richmond flood zones seems like a total waste of financial resources when there's the possibility of the BIG ONE, the feared earthquake turning the dikes into quick sand.

The towers and bridge deck will still be visible for a hundred years from the high ground, accessible by boats and a lot more room to maneuver their LNG vessels on the 'Fraser River' channels to and from Tilbury's.

Surrey/Delta/Richmond Flood Plains

Queensburough Bridge & Port Mann Bridge approaches are flood plains, recognized by the Province and Federal Governments (responsible for dredging)(responsible for the Fish), but the NEW and Improved Bridge replacement will stand tall and quite possibly become the first, of many, links connecting Surrey with Vancouver. Richmond will cease to exist.

Newestminster / Coquitlam / Surrey Bridging flood plains

Surrey / Coquitlam Flood Plains


Burrard Inlet at Second Narrows will be okay except for the bit at the bottom of THE CUT

A Cut above above the flood plain dwellers
Now you know the reason why North Shore residents have the highest property assessments in British Columbia

January 27, 2016
Richmond News Letters

Dear Editor,

I think the George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project is not the right way to go at the current time. 

But, we sure need to improve the traffic in this region. I propose a new plan to merge the traffic pattern at the maximum efficiency for the commute, that is the Boundary Highway Plan!

The Boundary Highway (I named it) not only adds a new highway, but also reduces the traffic jam on the Highway 99 and the Alex Fraser Bridge.

This highway connects Boundary Road and the Highway 17 with an intersection at Highway 91. 

Hopefully, my idea would be considered.

The attached picture is the idea of my Boundary Highway Plan, which is marked as red.

Vincent Li


Change of topic. There is something that the BC Provincial government's Bill Bennett is doing for Snowmobilers or ATV operators during his hunting season.  They're providing the maps around Prince George of the Critical Habitat of the Caribou.   All nicely colour coded too.

Will the government be posting No Hunting signs?

 Can hunters read? 

Do they care?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Who's the Media Mole at 911 leaking internal police bulletins on Dix and Pacific Centre visitors

NDP leader Adrian Dix failed to produce a ticket for the SkyTrain / Canada Line and the BC Liberals took great pleasure in using that leaked information for their own political gain.  Timing couldn't have been more perfect for their GCPE because Dix's 'crime' diverted the public's attention away from Compass Card fiasco, millions of dollars over budget and late of implementation by two years.  Compass Card was conceived to prevent miscreants from having a FREE ride on Translink and ironically the designers of the Compass Card are the only ones having a FREE ride at the public's trough.

Was it a MOLE in Translink's police department who leaked the Dix file to the local Vancouver Media or has there always been a Media MOLE in 911, the source for BOTH leaks at Nine One One  where all criminal and security and safety and first responders are overseen.
The men are described as Middle Eastern-looking.   According to photos shared by Vancouver Buzz   - Vancouver Sun

Vancity Buzz acquired an internal police bulletin through a tip on Thursday evening. The details of the bulletin were confirmed and discussed with police prior to the publication of the article.

Vancity Buzz: EDITOR’S NOTE: Since VPD has identified and deemed the men’s actions innocent, we have removed the images of the men in question.

Vancouver Sun Editorial January 23, 2016 : Security Leak is real issue, not investigation.  ..... release an internal security bulletin and surveillance photos to certain media      OR is the Media bribing (blackmailing) someone within our 911 security forces for their own financial gain?

A reminder shouldn't have to be made, but from an earlier Post here on Who's the Mole

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

1985 DTES 'Uneducated consumer' on social assistance sold a vacuum cleaner

Enforcement Report; Summary of Trade Practices Act Enforcement Activities

Consolidated Foods Corporation Ltd.






Totally unrelated to vacuum cleaners, but is related to the Reum's, indirectly

 BC  Provincial airways history

New and Improved Link:  (via WayBackMachine)

Monday, January 18, 2016

AfterMath of a Riot: Step 11 Ctrl+Shift+S to save record of incarcerated children, and other recent press releases by the BC Liberals

The Placement of Children and Youth in Care in Hotels in BC

Appendix B – Adding a Location/Placement in ICM

Step 1
Navigate to the Child Service Case

Step 2
Navigate to the Location/Placement view tab

Step 3
Highlight the Child in the Involved Family Members applet

Step 4
Scroll to the Location Placement History applet

Step 5
Click the Add Location button

Step 6
Select “Hotel/Motel” as the Location Type from the drop down menu

Step 7
Type Name of the Hotel in the field

Step 8
Enter Start Date in the field

Step 9
Enter Apartment number (or hotel room number) and Address
in the corresponding fields

Step 10
Scroll down and enter the reason for the hotel placement in the Comment text box

Step 11
Ctrl+Shift+S to save the location record

Alex Gervais

Andrew Chang interviews Stephanie Cadieux

Despite calls for the minister to resign, Premier Christy Clark said Friday that she stands behind her minister.
The premier said that she is "eye to eye" with Cadieux over the minister's assertion that nobody told her children were being housed in hotels.

What happened to Gervais is unacceptable, Clark said, but she said the blame should be placed on the Abbotsford agency responsible for the teen

Jan. 14, 2016


To ensure B.C.s future climate actions reflect the values of British Columbians, Premier Christy Clark today invited families and members of the public to tell government what they would like to see in B.C.s new Climate Leadership Plan, to be released later this spring.

The next public engagement for the Climate Leadership Plan will launch on Monday, Jan. 25 and will run for 60 days


Final Results of consultation of public discussing Climate Change in 2015




Prepared and Resilient  A discussion paper on the legislate framework for emergency management in BC


Healthy Eating in Kindergarten


 Stanley Cup Riot Report

Media Statement on Stanley Cup Riot Report


Friday, January 15, 2016

Why does Massett need a forest of Wind Turbines when Grouse has one, for 400 Homes?

400 homes in Vancouver will house 1,600 residents, or more.   Massett has 884 residents living in 104 homes, or less.

Grouse Mountain Resort has its Eye and relatively no wind but still claims that the Eye 'can' generate enough for 400 homes (4,000 Square Feet each).  To be truthful, and for the benefit of planners at Massett which has an almost unlimited supply of wind, GMR should tell the truth, and share, exactly how many 'homes', not theoretically, are being provided with their electricity.

Based on five years of wind generated electricity, alone, from the Eye, has GMR reduced their dependency on their consumption from BC Hydro by 25%?

Masset-tonians just might be over sold by unscrupulous contractors and government officials of just how many wind turbines are needed for their population. They can't sell excess to BC Hydro grid because they're not on the Smart Grid.   All current electrical power needs are generated by BC Hydro Diesels as part of the Remote Community Electrification Program.

BC Hydro Non Integrated Area, BC Hydro Remote Community electrification program 

Alternative options for supplying electrical power to Bamfield and Bella Bella, B.C. / for and by B.C. Hydro

 Capacity Funding Application - Province of British Columbia

 Old massett village, diesel generator company

BC Hydro: Canadian Off Grid Utilities Association:
The Non-Integrated Areas (NIA) department within BC Hydro operates, maintains and manages all aspects of energy supply (generation, distribution & customer service) in 18 communities in 10 remote BC locations that are not currently connected to the BC Hydro integrated electrical system. It also provides new service to remote communities through the Remote Community Electrification (RCE) program. The electricity supply to each non-integrated community serviced by BC Hydro is produced by a generating station in or near the community. Approximately 5,100 residential and 1,200 commercial customers are served either by BC Hydro’s own generating stations or independent power producers and a further 1,000 residents in many new remote communities will be added over the next 8 years.  ........In the locations which have a standby diesel station, BC Hydro purchases required energy from an Independent Power Producer (IPP).
Residents who can least afford (Rocky Mountaineer owner) electricity, Savary Islanders, have an application in for their RCE   Approximately 5% of Savary Island property owners live on the island year round

Bread Crumb Trail
   Clean Energy Fund
      Renewable Programs



Population (2011)
 • Total 884
 • Density 45/km2 (120/sq mi)

BCUC decisions on BC Hydro servicing Remote Villages    including Savary Island

Table of Contents

4.6          Project Costs

 Haida Gwaii
July 14, 2014:

BC Hydro undertook a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) in fall 2012. In response to the RFEOI, BC Hydro received 26 submissions. After reviewing the submissions and considering different process options, BC Hydro has decided not to proceed with a commercial process at this time and to formally conclude the RFEOI process.

BC Hydro typically uses an RFEOI process in cases where the number and types of potentially viable projects isn't known. It's used for information gathering only.

The RFEOI itself doesn't result in a contract such as an electricity purchase agreement (EPA) with BC Hydro, nor does the RFEOI include a commitment by BC Hydro to any further commercial process which is required before an EPA may be signed.

If the RFEOI reveals viable projects, BC Hydro may decide to proceed to a commercial process which could involve any of the following potential options:
  • a competitive process with evaluation criteria (e.g. Request for Proposals);
  • bilateral discussions with one party; or
  • bilateral discussions with multiple parties.
On November 2, 2012, BC Hydro held a webinar on the Haida Gwaii RFEOI to review its requirements and answer questions. A copy of the presentation is available.  (Workshops and Presentations, Webinairs)
Please note that submissions are no longer accepted. The RFEOI closed on November 23, 2012.
New Link


Over the next 10 years, BC Hydro will pursue its RCE program to expand its service to remote communities that meet specific criteria and that are seeking service from BC Hydro.  Service to these communities will be provided under BC Hydro’s Zone 2 tariff.  (The Zone 2 tariff is used to service BC Hydro’s existing Non-Integrated Areas.)  Costs will be recovered from currently-responsible agencies – such as the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs – and BC Hydro ratepayers.

Policy Action 28.  Ensure BC Hydro considers alternative electricity sources and energy efficiency measures in its energy planning for remote communities.

Remote communities and Non-Integrated Areas tend to rely on diesel generation for electricity supply with high operating costs. Given the environmental and economic issues associated with this type of generation, the business and social case for pursuing clean electricity and energy efficiency solutions in remote communities is much stronger than in other areas of the Province. These solutions should not be overlooked when considering service options for remote communities. BC Hydro will work with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR) to develop community energy plans (CEP) prior to extending service to remote communities under its RCE program.  In addition, BC Hydro will develop community energy plans when it is considering renewal or replacement of diesel generators in Non-Integrated Areas, or in other circumstances where unique opportunities are evident.  CEPs will consider all cost-effective solutions to meet the electricity needs of the remote community, including energy efficiency, alternative energy solutions and integration with the main grid.  In addition, the CEPs will seek to integrate with plans for skills training and local economic development opportunities.


BC Hydro 1962 Annual Report page 60

D is for Diesel

Alert Bay    D
Bella Coola  D
Blue River   D
Burns Lake   D
Chetwynd Gas/Diesel
Dawson Creek Gas/Diesel
Fort Nelson Gas/Diesel
Georgia ??? Gas/Turbine
Hazelton  D
Houston D
Kamloops Gas/Diesel
McBride Gas/Diesel
Port Hardy D
Prince George Gas/Diesel
Queen Charlotte D
Quesnel  Gas/Diesel
Smithers D
Terrace D
Tofino  D
Valemont D
Vanderhoof  D
Wiliam Lake Gas/Diesel

BC Hydro Reports



Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Canada: The Colonial Curse Part One - By Robin Mathews January 4, 2016

The Canary In The Coal Mine: Culture.

We often think of ‘Culture’ as out there. But it’s here. And it has to be here because it’s us.

Economics makes possible the culture we know and live and create… and is part of culture. And culture is, normally, the voice and character of the people (visibly expressed in the arts). As “speaking of what we are” culture is very important … and so (in a colony) it’s controlled in a hundred ways (we don’t see). “Speaking of what we are” can be dangerous. So, for instance, appointments to major cultural management positions show who is really in charge in a country.

In a colony culture is the voice of the foreign-owned and sold-out economy. The two link inextricably – culture and economy. In Canada formal “Culture” doesn’t explain, doesn’t resist the colonial condition. In Canada it sells out. Cultural organizations which – in a colony - should be leaders towards independence are, in Canada, guardians of on-going colonization.

By definition “voices” of and for the culture – freest to speak, existing to speak (we say), artists, arts organizations and all those others who speak to us (universities, presses, Media, magazines, etc. etc. “Culture”) in Canada deny their critical role; they urge colonial passivity. And they do so, often, by denying the colonial condition exists.

Norway (no one’s colony), with fewer fossil energy resources than Canada, has built itself a safety reserve fund from its fossil energy development approaching, now, one trillion dollars. (It has that reserve - to say nothing of generous social benefits like free education available for all, which Canada doesn’t have.) Canada (the colony) has no fossil energy safety reserve fund. Alberta (the colony) is struggling to stay out of the red as oil prices crash.

Norway’s is a culture of sharing. Canada’s is a culture (when we face it honestly) of inequality and denial, of gigantic (often foreign) riches and abject poverty, of stringent censorship – side-lining any critical voice and denying genuine debate (especially about who owns Canada). The much more than a trillion dollars Canadians could have stored for a healthier, happier community has found its way into the hands of private (mostly foreign) hands, which stash much of it away in ‘offshore’ tax havens so that no sharing will ever happen.

The Canary in the Coal Mine

Canada has about 35 million people. It has a sophisticated and advanced educational system, Art and Management training, Art schools, and Arts Councils. Nonetheless …


Ontario is in the process of hiring a U.S. citizen from outside Canada to head one of the largest Art Galleries in North America: the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Ontario has just hired a U.S. citizen from outside Canada to head “the largest museum in Canada” which “attracts over a million visitors a year”. “The ROM” (the Royal Ontario Museum) already has, I am told, a second-in- command brought in from the U.S.A.

Ontario has recently hired to head the large and important Festival Organization Luminato a person from Britain.

British Columbia. Vancouver Art Gallery hired a U.S. person as head. No Canadian – we must assume – was good enough for the job. Kathleen Bartels has pushed and pushed (an Empire builder?) for a new Vancouver Art Gallery (VAG). To urge on the “need”, I believe the present attractive gallery was purposefully made to look shabby.

When the ‘okay’ for a new building was given, rumour has it that Ms. Bartels went directly to the U.S. to discuss plans. No Canadian architectural competition has been held for a new building. Architects chosen (how?) are Herzog & de Meuron of Basle, Switzerland, proposing the highest “wooden” (??) building in the world. Their design is controversial. (Many materials, it seems, will have to be imported from Europe because of the design. Just one of the problems.) Maryse de la Giroday, tasked to write about it for B.C.’s “Guide to Galleries and Museums” (PREVIEW, Nov.Dec.Jan 1015/16), was refused an interview by Ms. Bartels. Like the recent Stephen Harper Operation, the VAG “prepares” (apparently “unauthored”) statements of policy and replies to questions in written form.

Current estimate for the proposed building is $350 million – and history shows that such projects almost always go far over budget.

Most interestingly, an expert Vancouver pair, fronted by Bob Rennie – who has rich artistic credentials - have been resisting from the beginning. Rennie says: “It should be all about the viewing spaces, art, sustainability, philanthropy, and the common good. Big buildings are beside the point.” (Preview, p.33) He and David Baxter propose a Vancouver solution using the (centrally located and attractive) present gallery and mixed related galleries, developed as time and need call for them.

Gossip has it that the difference between Bartels and Rennie is so pointed that when Bartels arrived to a dinner party at his home, Rennie (out of town and informed of her arrival) telephoned long distance to make sure Bartels was asked to leave. He cannot, it would seem, ask her to leave the VAG.

We see from the picture drawn here why culture is the canary in the coal mine of colonialism. No one in the world would suggest that a prosperous country of 35 million can’t find among its own people the brilliant and capable talent needed to run its Arts institutions and organizations - and to design excellent containers for them. But those people aren’t found. And the reason is that the people in power don’t want them to be found.

Colonial managers always fear strong and capable fellow colonials. Given power, those ones might question the way things are run, might, from high-profile positions, work for significant change: (decolonization?). Colonies can’t have that! Use foreign people with no attachment to the local population – preferably from the Imperial Centre - uncluttered by an understanding of local history, culture, taste, or knowledge of the community. Foreigners are always superior in every way to use…. They make no trouble, and they believe in colonies.

Contact: Robin Mathews

Sunday, January 3, 2016

KM Chief, Ian Anderson, "persists" in comparing his Trans Mountina legacy benefits to Canadian Pacific Railway: Grabbing Land and Resources?

Like the Canadian transcontinental railway built in 1885, the legacy of benefits from the original 1953 Trans Mountain pipeline persists.  - Ian Anderson - Vancouver Sun

Mr. Anderson seems to believe that he has been sent into our midst, to be revered, as a GOD, or Santa Claus. Ho Ho Ho... jolly green back giant?

Did Mr. Anderson truly mean to use the word 'persist'?
    continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.
    "the minority of drivers who persist in drinking"
          "if the symptoms persist for more than a few days, contact your doctor"
                "if dry weather persists, water the lawn thoroughly
1882 File
Resolved, that the Government of British Columbia be respectfully requested to move the Government of the Dominion to take steps as may be necessary to induce the contractors on the Canadian Pacific Railway to import and employ white labor on their works instead of Chinese; and .....

1883  -  1884 File

1885 Files

Our History - CPR

Building a nation

Canadian Pacific Railway was formed to physically unite Canada and Canadians from coast to coast. Canada's confederation on July 1, 1867 brought four eastern provinces together to form a new country. As part of the deal, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were promised a railway to link them with the two Central Canadian provinces – Quebec and Ontario.

Manitoba joined confederation in 1870. British Columbia, on the west coast, was enticed to join the new confederation in 1871, but only with the promise that a transcontinental railway be built within 10 years to physically link east and west.

The railway's early construction was filled with controversy, toppling the Conservative government of John A. Macdonald in 1873 and forcing an election. By the time Macdonald was returned to power in 1878, the massive project was seriously behind schedule and in danger of stalling completely.

On October 21, 1880 a group of Scottish Canadian businessmen finally formed a viable syndicate to build a transcontinental railway. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company was incorporated February 16, 1881, with George Stephen as its first president.

The 1881 construction season was a bust and the railway's chief engineer and general superintendent were fired at the end of the season after building only 211 km (131 miles) of track. Syndicate member and director James Jerome Hill suggested William Cornelius Van Horne was the man who could get the job done.  Snip

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Part IV: Hard Rock Cafe @ 30.96 Hastings: Days of Old, Days of Gold

So many accounts have been given of the first discovery of gold in British Columbia that it is not easy to determine which of them is most to be depended upon. One of these accounts, published in 1895, is as follows:

The early discoveries of gold in small quantities range between the years 1850 and 1857. In 1850 specimens came from Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands.

An incipient mining took place at Queen Charlotte Islands in 1851 and 1852. Dr. George M. Dawson said, that from one little pocket or seam in Gold Harbour, Morseby Island, between $20,000 and $75,000 was reported (273) to have been taken. It has been stated by others that more gold was lost in the harbour in the operation of mining than was recovered. However, much or little, the 'find' ended there. About the same time Indians from up the Skeena, a River, brought pieces of gold to the Hudson's Bay Company's fort, but the several expeditions to find it in places ended in failure. In the Interior, gold was found in the Natchez Pass and Similkameen as early as 1852, and in 1854. Colville Indians were known to have had nuggets in their possession".

Why TWO pickle bottles?  Why not ONE?  Too Heavy?

Just how much does a glass half full, of gold, weigh?

Days of Old, Days of Gold

page five of twenty six;  eight photos

Mike Ma
 Part I Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  MetalWorks Forum; Torch Fired Enamelling; SilverSmithing  

Mike Ma
Part II Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  Torch Fired Enamelling; Silversmithing; Blacksmithing

Mike Ma
Part VI Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  MetalWorks Forum:  Mike Ma

Part III Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings   Books

Part IV  Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  Days of Old, Days of Gold

Part V Hard Rock Cafe 30.96 Hastings  Annual Rock and Gem Show : Children Activities too