Saturday, December 24, 2022

There's 'Ancestry Gold' in Wingate's Grange Colliery (14th, October 1906) coal mine disaster, if ....

.. if you're in your late, late Seventies

like I am;

.. if you've been holding onto a 1919 photo taken at Station Town School

like my Mom did, second row from the front, second child to the right of the Teacher.

Sta III    Station Town School   1919


Would tonight be a good time to read 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens (February 7, 1812 - June 9, 1870)?   Not really.   Maybe Dickens didn't get it right when it came to the coal mines.


Check out the Durham Mining Museum (online) where volunteers have assembled a wealth of information on coal mine disasters.  Documented investigations backed up with testimonies.  More importantly, the 1901 census, listing off the family unit.

For example:  James Morrison

James (39) and Catherine (29) and their Children: 10y, 8,y and 10 Months.



 Highlighted in red above is my Grandmother, Catherine

However ......

James Morrison  is not my Grandfather because at the Age of 44 he:

Died:   14th Oct 1906
Accident:   14th Oct 1906 11:40 PM
Year Born:   abt. 1862
Colliery:   Wingate Grange  Colliery


Widowed, Catherine married Joseph H., who is my Grandfather, a coal miner, and a soldier who didn't return from The Great War.


 The Morrison sons, James Jnr. and Thomas, moved their Mother and children to Vancouver, and eventually into this home at 1076 East 11th


Vancouver City Hall has moved the Fire Hydrant closer to the intersection. 

and Home owners have moved the stairs for their Secondary suite tenants.


2022  And another Reno.  Would Grandmother H be surprised? NO!!

The Fire Hydrant isn't going anywhere


Catherine's Maiden name?  Whitwham, from the town of  Whitwham, which leaves me wondering if it was a requirement by the 1901 Census to provide a Surname rather than just plain  .....  Catherine.



The Durham Mining Museum

Information on working conditions: Children workers: boys only; starting at 12 years;  jobs, ages, hours and pay scale in the Pits and its all here: 


Durham Mining Museum

In Memoriam  

 The data has been gleaned from a number of sources, those details that have been verified by newspaper reports etc. are shown in bold face, the remainder have yet to be verified. In some cases we have obtained the names of the sufferers from the sources we have consulted - these can be viewed by following the link in the right hand column.

Collecting and updating this information is an ongoing exercise - any help or information would be greatly welcomed.

The above graph shows the number of fatalities recorded in our database for the period specified. This database covers the northern counties which constitute our primary focus: County Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland etc. It is not representative of the fatalities across the UK - that is outside the scope of this web site.

Disasters - 1900-09

only those accidents where 5 or more lives were lost are shown in the tables

Monday, November 28, 2022

CBC 1964 "Cariboo Country - The Education of Phyllistine" with Nancy Sandy and Chief Dan George

 If you want to wile a way a bit of time, here is a link to  245 Photos,  with captions: date, who, where

CBC Vancouver Archives

Historic photographs documenting early TV production and Vancouver.


March 1964.  (Cariboo link updated) Production still for "Cariboo Country - The Education of Phyllistine" with Nancy Sandy (2021) and Chief Dan George.  (CBC/Franz Lindner)
Full screen with all the images ... check out the banner's right side

Online click the bottom of each image to see the caption and move along to other images/videos


Guess WHO

Thursday, August 11, 2022

24 kilometres? With a bit of elevation gain, loss, gain, loss, gain. Should be just a walk in the park. Parks!

UpDate 2023-03-05 

How good is the 2022-10-5 single Cingal injection to my right knee?




A Roundabout walk

Leave the car at P.K. Auto (mechanic)

1155 15th St W, North Vancouver

17.4 k

 Pemberton and Marine Drive to Cleveland Dam to Tempe to Marine Drive and Pemberton



Osteoarthritis in my Right Knee



a Single Cingal, and now the Second Injection has made all the difference

with a couple of restrictions

No more 14 kilometre walks per day

Minimum 7 kilometres every other day is okay

Bonus    unlimited 4 kilometre walks per day


Second injection of Cingal  2024-04-12

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

"Any of my images are available for download in exchange you make a donation to a wildlife charity, ..

  ........ such as International Bird Rescue" (


Interesting concept, one that ensures that the wildlife which are in the greatest need, receive the greatest care.

'Nature as Art' photographer is providing a means for the public to donate to a rehab in exchange for any one of his many images

Other professional photographers might want to follow suit.

As it is, I can't stop looking at these 4 videos:  

A Family of Barred Owls

Baby Sooty Grouse

Pygmy Owl Hooting

Bighorn Sheep and ...

  Nature as Art


 Nature as Art Video

Download Information

Any of my images are available for download.  I only request you make a donation to a wildlife charity, such as International Bird Rescue (

Contact me to discuss the details.

 Mark K. Daly

'About Me'

 I have had a lifelong passion for nature.  I graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1992 with an M.Sc. in genetics, and have built my career in the life sciences.  I currently work for Dovetail Genomics, a start-up based in Northern California specialized in building plant and animal genome assemblies for biologists studying evolution, conservation and other disciplines.  In my off-time, I get out in the field as much as possible, primarily photographing birds and wildlife.

Flickr Photos 

Albums Photos


 Locally, Metro Vancouver's wildlife charity is  

 Wildlife Rescue

Your donation supports our efforts to care for and rehabilitate an annual average of 5,000 wild animals representing 150 species. Together, we are giving injured, orphaned and pollution-damaged wildlife a second chance at life.