Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hey Honey, Did you sell the house? Elections Canada seems to think that there's nine voters living here!

UPDATE:  Saturday October 3rd  10:00pm   
We took a walk on the wild side this afternoon and stuffed the three cards through the mail slot of the house on the West Side of Town.  The only differences were the East vs West and the fact that the last three characters were different in the Postal Code, but the first three were the same!!!!  If they aren't the recipients then at least they'll have our address to walk them back.  Hopefully they'll take note of the heavy red ink printing of : NO SUCH| PERSON on the East side of Town.

Update Sunday October 11, 2015

To All Canadians


We just received two THREE Election Canada cards in the mail.  Both THEIR names are not ours.  We did receive ours over a span of three business days but what of these poor people who can't even write in their true Postal Code?  Husband and Wife ???? both got it wrong?

Is Election Canada's only means of verification, tally, take place during an election?

If we write upon the notice:  No Such Person!!!!  Will Election Canada send out their Enforcement Officers, CSIS, RCMP, to hunt down the votes?

Will these two THREE miss out on being able to vote?

Do they care?   Elections Canada or the missing voters?

With the race for getting the highest amount of votes, we thought that by now some enterprising party organizers would offer a public service to connect the dots together, after all they do provide a free shuttle service to the election place, right?

Oh my goodness, I sure hope the parties aren't taking Elections Canada information as being true, or worse, that honest voters like us will actually take the time to write, in time, RETURN TO SENDER; NO SUCH PERSON before October 19th?

SIXTEEN days to go..... will Canada Post be able to get these sorted out?

1 comment:

scotty on denman said...

The wrench is in the gears.