Google Search Criteria 1403300 2403035 193432 1406628 generates six Results.
Third and Fourth are the same, Third in English, Fourth in French, Fifth makes you stop, and wonder.
Just what is the BC Liberal Government doing, to protect our coastal waters from the north end of Vancouver Island and all points SOUTH, if Premier Christy Clark is not going to take a stand against Oil Tankers and Pipelines from Alberta? Is she going to hop on her Government Jet plane, with floats, and hop from one island to another claiming AFTER the FACT, that she will be there for US?....... after disaster strikes like that which has been happening up in Burns Lake and Prince George Saw Mills?
It isn't just the pristine waters of Burrard Inlet that is at stake here, its Wild Salmon too which are not marked on any map that I've found today.
"Marine Finfish Aqualculture (with LF)" .... slow loading but lots of detail and inside the PDF file its called differently, once the file is opened up on your monitor:
"Saltwater Aquaculture Facilities in British Columbia December 2010 (with Crown Land Fish Number)" or there's this:
another source for the same sort of information but with a different title altogether
0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers - Ministry of Agriculture and Lands ...
Shades of Boss Power settlement, Energy Minister Rich Coleman will take care of it, he knows the procedures on how to settle on the Court House steps.
Now compare this image with the one above, and then go to this Blog of Alexandra Morton's who created the image/document below for more information.
Update: April 29, 2012
Laugh Out Loud
the file is dedicated to the Aquaculture Management team of Fish Farmers who see themselves as "Ensuring Sustainable Fisheries"....... as their product is decimating the natural habitat!!!! Did they get their spin doctoring degree from Master Spin Doctor Rich Coleman when he was busily planting the Province's Six Billionth Tree and then continued to watch our Province's forests being decimated by the Mountain Pine Beetle..... and then..... and then...... hasn't a word to say on two explosions in two Saw Mills?
Oh yeah, he passed the portfolio file onto Steve Thomson the New Minister of Forests.... and where is he, Thomson, on the two explosions in the Saw Mills? Was he pre-empted by Christy for another one of her Photo-Operations.
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