Saturday, August 26, 2017

DNV: 'Fish-Ladder-Go-Cyclist' or is it 'Cyclist-Ladder-Go-Fish'?

The District of North Vancouver's 'New Delbrook Recreation Centre' facility is open along with their plaza art waterworks of a salmon riding a bike, without, a certifiable helmet.

From the perspective of this tradesperson, its not unsettling to see the use of two stainless steel, six foot diameter, discarded lumber saw mill blades as a bicycle wheel for an oversize fish. 

What is unsettling is that circular and table saw blades turn counter-clockwise.

Circular saw cuts into wood that is stable.

Wood is fed into a fixed table saw blade.

Counter Clockwise rotation
To make the fish cyclist move forward, the saw blade has to move in a clockwise direction which is opposite from table and circular saws.

New Delbrook Community Recreation Centre

Moving forward - Reading backwards:

A sign of the DNV time$  You are now leaving  ......

A wooden sign for Murdo Frazer Park has been visible from the road for pedestrians and motorists, and CYCLISTS for at least the last twelve years, so why spend a ton of cash building a sign that is not visible to anyone, a hundred feet into the woods and doesn't match any other park sign in the District?  Are there more park sign changes in the work?   The collected property taxes are paying for these sign changes.

Murdo Frazer Park: Black sign: cut-out Lettering on a Forest Green background.  At night its Black on Black even with the lighting
The trail was upgraded so that LED lighting could be installed, and then the cyclist faction on District Council got involved because of the environmentalists were complaining about the destruction of the vegetation on the side of the stairs.  The answer:  loose gravel so cyclists couldn't navigate.

Result: Bike Trough needed for the concrete stairs to accommodate the cyclists.

At that point, DNV should have hired a Rocket scientist to figure out their bike trough logic because of the existing concrete stairs didn't run in a straight line.

The experts have one thing in common, bike troughs only work along straight run.  

Bike Troughs don't Zig, and then Zag, they do in DNV.

Wikipedia Bike Trough
WashCycle  Bike Trough
Cycle Works Ltd. Bike Trough
  Seattle Bike Blog  Bike Trough
  Seattle has finally done it. They figured out how to build a functional stairway “runnel” that also includes railings required to meet accessibility guidelines.

Do both wheels of a bicycle follow the same path?

Bike Portland

Do both wheels of a bicycle follow the same path?
DNV Murdo Frazer Park stairs: 'crooked like a Dog's hind leg'

Moving along: Same topic: Stopping a tank with steel and concrete?

Concrete abutment strong enough to stop a tank.  Same design at the top.
There was  ONLY    ONE    sign stipulated in the specs, and its for the top of the stairs which is 100 feet away from the road.  A sign at the bottom would be ridiculous when the nearest road is four blocks away.  The contractor built the forms complete with underground wiring, had it inspected by DNV, poured the concrete, only to discover later that no sign was contemplated for the bottom one.

Grinder to the rescue.

Galvanized Steel is rusting.

The Sign:

You have now arrived at .... steel plate lettering cut our with a laser?

One minor detail: the Colour scheme: its totally the opposite from street signage.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

British Columbia Low Cost Housing: Take a GPS discovery tour of your local Flood Plain





Gauges Metro Vancouver to Hope

Gauges Metro Vancouver to Pemberton

Kamloops to Monte Creek Dykes

Kelowna to US border Dykes


Before Upgrade