Saturday, April 30, 2016

Is Prince Rupert foreshore going the way the North Shore already went? Where's my I.R.? Teck Coal at Neptune Docks?

Where oh where did my land go?

Key in the divided road Keith; Top Left corners
Oh yeah, A golf driving range, a BC Hydro Substation loaded with PCB, and a highway interchange linking to the Second Narrows Bridge which is always loaded with stopped motor vehicles

Skid Roads in North Vancouver    Enfor Consultants Ltd.

One skid road route commenced near the Dempsey stone quarry 1 on the west side of Centre Road (Mountain Highway) in Upper Lynn Valley and passed through what later became Princess Park, continuing tip to 29th Street (also known in 1907 as Boundary Road). The skid road then followed around Tempe Crescent 2 south of the 29th Street hill on the west side of what is now Lonsdale Avenue. Here there was a wide turning circle from 29th Street on to Chesterfield Avenue 3 to allow a 16 oxen team towing 160-foot long tree trunks in three inline sections, to turn south 4 down to Burrard Inlet. Once in the water the logs were towed by steam tug to

The skid road branch 5 came from the south-east side of Tempe Crescent (presently located by steps and paved footpath leading down into Tempe Heights subdivision). As late as the 1920's the local children could hear the "chuff chuff" of the steam donkey engine hauling logs at the foot of this slope and see its sparks and smoke long after dark.

The skid road linked in 1903 with a feeder road coming down from the area of Harold and another from the south-west. All then proceeded south 6 down Fromme Road/27th Street angling down to join the skid road continuation of 7 Allen Road (which was built around 8 1903 for the Hastings Shingle Manufacturing Company owned 9 by James and Robert Mcnair of Vancouver). The 1875 and 1903 skid roads met just east of the "Dog Leg" on Mountain Highway at 14th Street and the resulting single skid road continued on the south side of the curve of Heywood Street to Moodyville mill site and the waterfront.
Roy J. V. Pallant, MA

Native Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of British Columbia

Trees and shrubs : food, medicinal, and poisonous plants of British Columbia
 by James R. Anderson. --   British Columbia. Dept. of Education

Page 134

Native Medicinal and Poisonous Plants

The following are those plants which either have come under my notice through their reputation amongst the natives or are well known to have qualities attributed to them.  In the first instance, there is no doubt plenty of room to allow of considerable latitude in the supposed qualities with which there are credited; nevertheless, we may reasonably suppose that long experience has proved the efficacy of many of the samples used by the natives, and in some degree has justified the faith placed in the remedies and in those whose business it was to recommend their use.  This latter, of course, goes a long way towards establishing belief in their healing properties.  As regards poisonous plants, those having that property attributed to them by the natives have long been proved to bear the qualities  they are credited with, and whilst their use was not frequently required or made available for unlawful practices, they were occasionally used for suicidal purposes.

In addition, there are many plants which may be classed as suspects and are often accused of causing the loss of live stock, and these I shall refer to in a general way.

Paison; Death Camas
False Solomon's Seal
False Hellebore
Cowbane or Water-hemlock, Water-parsnip, and Poison-hemlock
Fireweed; Great Willow-herb
Western Larch; Tamarack
Cow-parsnip and Hog-fennel
Rattlesnake Plantain
Broad-leaved Laurel
Barberry; Oregon Grape
Poison-oak; Poison-ivy
Black Nightshade
Poisonous Mushrooms

Page 150

Rattlesnake Plantain

Goodyera Menziesii, Lindl.; Peramiumdecipiens, * Piper.

A low-growing plant with beautiful mottled leaves and a spike of inconspicuous greenish-white flowers, belonging to the Orchid family.  It is abundant in the fir woods in the vicinity of Victoria and general throughout many parts of the Province.  On Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii) there is a variety with longer leaves and not so beautifully mottled as the first named.  The leaf, if crushed with a sidewise motion between the thumb and forefinger, divides, and is used as an application for cuts and bruises, the raw side of the leaf being laid next to the wound.

Page 152


Apocynum androsamifolium, * L., and A. cannabinum, L.

Both are common plants in the Province.  A quantity of white milky juice is exuded when the plant is broken.  This juice, when collected, forms a perfect INDIA-RUBBER.  It is reported to be poisonous to stock, but is rarely eaten as it is not enticing.  A good fibre is made from the stalks by some of the natives.


Acontium columbianum, Nutt.

A handsome plant occurring in the high mountains of the Interior.  It is poisonous to stock, but as it only occurs in high regions, little or no harm need be anticipated.

Page 152


Esquisetum spp.

It has been reported to me as poisonous to horses in the East, and similar reports have come from England.  Experience in this country is not confirmatory of these reports;  the Horse-tail, or, as it is called by the French-Canadians, "Prele," used to be considered excellent horse-feed, and when possible the Hudson's By Company's brigades were halted where it was abundant.  "The plant, if deleterious, is evidently so only on account of its harsh scouring action in the mouth and intestinal tract," is the verdict of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Poisonous Mushrooms.

Amanita muscaria, L.; A. phalloides, Fr.

Their poisonous nature is too well known to need description.  A case which was reported to me from near Kamloops of the loss of valuable horses from apparent poisoning resulted in the making a personal investigation on the range, and the only plant which seemed at all likely to have caused the loss was a Mushroom apparently of the poisonous variety, the symptoms resembling those produced by phallin.  Inquiries led to the discovery that goats had been poisoned in Oregon from eating so-called Toadstools.  Cows also have been poisoned by the same cause in the United States.

Our forests and their protection

(Contributed by the Forestry Branch of the Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C.)

A Tree

A tree may be described as the noblest example of plant-life.  It may be more particularly described as a woody plant growing up from the ground usually with a single stem.  Numerous branches are produced at both ends of this stem, those at the base penetrating the ground and forming an anchor for the tree, while those at the top form a crown in which develop leaves and flowers where they can secure air and sunlight  required for their growth.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Vancouver Sun 'Raise a Reader' Alphabet encourages aixelsyd, DUH!

Ever since the Vancouver Sun did a major revamp of their layout in their hard copy edition, to match their online version, all hell has broken loose.

For generations, learning the alphabet theoretically leads to raising a reader using a basic rhyme ....
.... E,F,G
..... H,I,J,K,
 ... L,M,N,O,P  etc.

The new alphabet for the Vancouver Sun's hard copy has turned out to be a version of Campbell's soup:

A, NP, B, FP = C, T, and D
What is the sense of even having an alphabet when the Vancouver Sun has introduced a new order of collation? is it an oxymoron?

Shouldn't it be:

A, B, C, D, FP, NP, and T

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rudyard Kipling: Vancouver Real Estate Speculator

Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors in the Province of British Columbia 1890 - 1920

Page 33 of 217
One of the most prolific writers of the day did a little speculating when he passed through Vancouver in 1889.  Rudyard Kipling, though still nostalgic for the India he had just left, and mindful of Vancouver's importance in the Imperial world, was advised to buy a lot - presumably sight unseen.  His words have already been used in describing the boomtown that was Vancouver, but in this context they are so apt that I have no hesitation in requoting them: -

"And I took it as easily as a man buys a piece of tobacco.  Mivoici(sp), owner of some four hundred well-developed pines, a few thousand tons of granite, scattered in blocks ... and a sprinkling of earth.  That's a town lot in Vancouver.  You or your agent hold it till property rises, then sell out and buy more land further out of town and repeat the process.  I do not quite see how this helps the growth of a town ... but it is the very essence of speculation, so it must be alright.  But I wish there were fewer pines and rather less granite on my ground."5 (From Sea to Sea and other sketches. Rudyard Kiplings. 1908.)

Kipling does not say how much he made on his investment; but he did manage to catch 70 trout at Harrison Hot Springs, and was most gratified to note that the spittoons in his delightful comfortable hotel were unused.

Google Search:  From Sea to Sea and other sketches. Rudyard Kipling. 1908.

Vancouver Archives:

First in the Field,The Pioneer Years of Garden, Hermon and Burwell

Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors in the Province of British Columbia 1890 - 1920

Rudyard Kipling in Vancouver

It’s not widely known, but three or four chunks of land in Metropolitan Vancouver were once owned by the famous English writer, Rudyard Kipling.
When Kipling first visited Vancouver in June 1889, (during a tour of North America), he was, at 23, just beginning to be famous. When next he came around in April 1892, he was very much more well-known. (And 15 years after that, on his third visit, October 5, 1907, he was the most famous author in the world.)
In a travel reminiscence called From Sea to Sea, Kipling wrote about his brief visit here in 1889, and how he came to own a piece of the city.   SNIP

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

City of Vancouver takes issue with discarded Butts, and Fire escapes, Seriously?????

In the City of North Vancouver, the Mayor there, wants to pay 5 cents per returned butt.

In the City of Vancouver, the Mayor there,  has a $250 reward for anyone caught discarding a butt.

One Game Camera: $300!   One infraction $250!

One Game Camera: cost remains the same, but multiple infractions will more than pay for itself!

For example:   7th and Willow South West Corner Park
Count the butts X  $250!!!

Does the Park Board ever clean up this place?  Do they provide ashtrays even though smoking is not permitted?  Do they offer an alternate habit: Cessation Mediation from London Drugs... which also sells the Cigarettes that are littering the park.  A Corporate Sponsor for the Park?

If City Hall prefers not to do anything about collecting the Fines, then that's fine too.  At least the Park Board can look at the site's cleanliness via the Game Camera

Two blocks east of City of Vancouver's Hall

A fire escape??? useless, if a butt starts a fire?

Monday, April 25, 2016

British Columbia Police: Spitfire Fund? 1942 to 1949

General Orders 1942  to  1949

Google Search Criteria:  Spitfire Fund, Canada, Provinces


This list of former RAF Stations is a list of all stations, airfields and administrative headquarters previously used by the Royal Air Force.

The stations are listed under any former county or country name which was appropriate for the duration of operation. Stations initially took their station name from the nearest railway station or halt to the airfield, e.g., RAF Abingdon from Abingdon railway station.


September 26 1941

Schools Band Here Rehearsing Often
 North Vancouver Schools Band is practicing regularly Tuesday afternoons and will soon be preparing for its annual concert to be held around the first of December.  The junior band, which has been practicing Thursdays during the summer, will be together Saturday morning from now on.
 Instead of playing at the Spitfire party as advertised, the band will play at the ferry wharf on Saturday, Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. in aid of the Spitfire party to be held that evening.

December 3 1943

Missing In Action
          PO. Richard Wallace, one of the four sons of Clarence Wallace, president of Burrard Drydock Company, Ltd., who are with the armed forces, is reported missing in action overseas and is presumed a prisoner of war.
          PO. Wallace has been flying Spitfires overseas since October, 1941, as also has his twin brother, PO. Philip Wallace.
          Sergt.-Instructor, David Wallace is stationed at Lethbridge and Flt.-Lieut. Blake Wallace was reported missing presumed dead two years ago.


Britain's New Pursuit Plane Is Sensation in Air circles