Wednesday, February 24, 2016

BC Power Commission News: There's Gold in Kamloops by the meter!!! Polish Submarine Force???

BC Power Commission Tie-lines: Staff News
Kamloops - Roy Moffat's new home received a novel finishing touch, March 11 - a gold-lacquered electric meter. The meter was installed to mark the fact that the Moffat family is the Power Commission's 75,000th customer. With the meter went a gift of an electric dryer for Mrs. Moffat, and small gifts for the two boys and a little sister who are now busily exploring all the corners of their new home.

Roy Moffat, who is a shovel operator on highway construction near Barriere, B.C., told Commission officials: "It is the first time I ever won anything in my life."  Mr. Moffat did much of the work on the house himself.  The connection of the 75,000 customer marks a new high not only in the number of PC customers but in the rate of growth of this utility, according to Mr. Griffin.  The Commissioner told the gathering that nearly 6,000 customers have been added during the current fiscal year.

The average rate of growth for the previous 11 years has been 5,000 customers a year.  When the PC was set up in 1945 its first billing went out to 13,000 customers.

The soundness of this reasoning can be tested by the fact that while the Commission has been busily extending service in all directions during its 13 years of operation it has cut the average cost of power in half from 5 cents to 2.4 Cents a kwh.

Fifteen years before that George was one of a party of one hundred and thirty Polish officers and men who after the fall of Poland ran the gauntlet of wartime blockade to escape in two submarines.  With empty fuel tanks the escaping craft barely made Britain's naval base at Rosyth, Scotland.  Eventually George commanded the Polish Submarine Force that served with the Royal Navy.  He knew the Murmansk Run, the Battle of the Atlantic, and the unrelenting struggle of the Mediterranean.

After it was all over he4 had the right to wear the DSC and Bar.

BC Hydro SAP Over Budget Software started out like this two years ago for Brad and Bill Bennett (not related)















Sunday, February 21, 2016

If every possible Independent Power Producer is built in BC, do we need Site C?

Does it make sense as to why the BC Liberals are so focused on a decade building boom for 10,000 workers when it would be prudent to have 1,000 continuous jobs over sixty years based on demand.

Why put BC Hydro into triple digit debt by building Site C for $9 Billion when plans are afoot to pay the Independent Power Producers an inflated price of $56 Billion for their electricity?

Google Search Criteria:

appendix 3a-14 2010 ror – romap report attachment figure 2-8 – potential run-of-river

Why is there a need for Site C when BC Hydro has plans to buy, at twice the $$$$, from IPP?


Norman Farrell

In-Sight February 29, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

1926 Sumas, Pitt Meadow, Maple Ridge: 'Land of The Diplodocus' aka 'Buckeye Machine' aka 'trench digger'

Chronologically: Fraser Valley Dikes brought on the discovery of Dinosaurs


Once upon a time the Diplodocus roamed the Fraser Valley, two miles down below the current communities' flood plains of ....... Sumas, Pitt Meadow, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, Matsqui .....

... so why haven't the locals used that Dinosaur link as a tourist attraction rather than listening to the musings of Starbuck customers asking 'What the hell is that 'smell'?'.

From an earlier Post  ........undigested 'food' of the cow and their meadow muffins, .... 

The answer lies within this 1926 document:

 This pamphlet will only deal with some agriculture opportunities brought about by reclamation in the lower 900 square miles of the Fraser River watershed

Some Fine Agricultural Opportunities - Fraser River Valley - 1926
Images in no particular Order

 Clayburn Station  Page 14 of 24

Page 15 of 24

Reclamation consisted of barring the Fraser River flood waters, eliminating as far as possible the inflow of run-off water to the sump (Sumas Lake), and the unwatering of the sump. Two rivers of importance flowed into the Lake, the Vedder on one side and the Little Sumas on the other and these contributed materially to the problem and lessened the economic possibilities of the project. The Vedder was diverted from its entrance to the Lake and led through an excavated channel, supplemented by parallel dykes, in a direct course, utilizing a part of the Main Sumas as an escape, to the Fraser. These parallel dykes were continued at their outflow ends up the Fraser to Chilliwack Mountain on one side, and up the Main Sumas River and across it to Sumas Mountain on the other side, thus completing the barrier to flood-waters from the Fraser. The Little Sumas River, with its tributaries, was led on a high level around the Lake and emptied into the Main Sumas River at the Dyke Crossing, discharging by gravity through a flood-box when conditions are favourable, and thus minimizing pumping requirements in the sump.


An excellent book about the development of the early tanks is The Devil's Chariots

by John Glanfield. He fleshes out the many strands of the story which were taking place around this time. One thread involves Murray Sueter asking Vickers to build a hand-propelled armour shield arranged on a single wheel. Realising that the wheel would be useless in mud, Sueter now recalled Captain Scott's Wolseley crawler tractors used in the Antarctic. Apparently Sueter had advised Scott on these crawler tractors. A catalogue was found advertising Diplock's small wagon with full-width chain track. Diplock exhibited his chain tractor and trailer (model? full-size?) at the 1913 London Commercial Motor Show in 1913, but was unsuccessful in selling the idea, but apparently went on to produce the horse-drawn tracked wagons (intended for Colonial use). One of these small wagons was demonstrated in 1915 working in deep mud. The mud was too deep for the horse, but the wagon remained on top of the mud, thus Sueter bought it for his infantry screen.

Could this photo show Mr Diplocks exhibition display track? (Also from The Devil’s Chariots).



Fraser Valley Dinosaurs and more:

Page 21 of 24
New and Improved traction wheels

Page 23 of 24


1916: "Oliver Fruit and Gardens" fueled by Water.  99 years later same technology in use by moving Petroleum


 1918 A Little will work wonders when used in conjunction with many of the recipes contained in this booklet, lending that touch of individuality that often turns an ordinary dish into a delightful dainty.  Remarkably strong and not baking out.  Why not give it a trial?

British Columbia Fruit  Item 3 of 428

June 6, 2013 "Great Rain Forest Karst" Re-visited after "Agreement Fails to Protect Rare Karst" February 10, 2016

UPDATE 2017-08-20 
Google Search Criteria: bc government special reports Protecting Karst in Coastal BC

February 10, 2016:

Agreement fails to protect rare karst landscapes, expert warns

Great Bear Rainforest largely protected by new accord, but caves and sinkholes left out

By Larry Pynn, Vancouver Sun

June 6, 2013

Each one of these little red dots represent a known cave, or a Karst... which is okay by those of our communities that just love to go underground....

Updated below on December 2, 2014

Google Search Criteria:  karst vulnerability mapping north eastern British Columbia

As you can see, Vancouver Island has more that their fare share... and if you're thinking that it's directly related to ... volcanic activity... or earth quakes....... Karst is having to do with carbonated bedrock...
Source of map Page 4 & 5 of 28
The BC Minister of Forest has this to say about Karst:

In British Columbia, the responsibility for managing karst resources in provincial forests lies with the Ministry of Forests. Under the Forest Practices Code, several provisions have been made for managing sensitive areas such as karst. The Code requires identified sensitive areas to be treated in a way that protects or conserves special resource values. To accommodate some of the unique requirements of managing karst, the ministry is developing interim karst management guidelines that will provide direction on managing forestry and recreational activities in karst landscapes.


Karst is recognized as a highly valuable, non-renewable resource that can be especially vulnerable to disturbance, more so than many other land resources. The primary reason for this higher level of sensitivity is the three-dimensional nature of karst. The intricate relationship between karst's unique surface characteristics and the subsurface caves and hydrology make for a delicately balanced system. Industrial activities, such as rock quarrying or forestry, if not properly conducted, can lead to excessive soil erosion, destruction of surface and subsurface karst features, changes in groundwater flows, and contamination, sedimentation, or clogging of underground and surface streams.

Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipeline has been turned down by the BC Liberals, so far, although it's not an outright complete rejection.  At the Federal level, they've already made up their minds, haven't they.

There was a very detailed study done regarding the watersheds that the pipeline will be going through, fish counts too ... but did the Minister of Forests step up to the plate and talk about Karsts?


LNG Hydraulic Fracturing  (Fracking) doesn't mix with Karst......

the leaching of calcium carbonate from bedrock has important buffering effects on acidic streams,

the groundwater associated with karst results in cool, even stream temperatures throughout the year,

the storage capacity in karst stream systems buffers seasonal flow rates to produce lower peak flows and higher low flow periods,

karst streams tend to supply more nutrients and encourage more algae and moss growth, aquatic insect populations within karst streams are larger and more diverse,

karst stream systems provide more protective sites for fish to rest, breed, and avoid predators
In 2003 the BC Liberal Government put together this little document: Karst Inventory Standards and Vulnerability Assessment Procedures for BC  BROKEN   New Link at bottom  September 24, 2014 Updated

Reconnaissance-level karst inventory work for the entire province of British Columbia was completed in 1999. The result of this work is a set of 87 map sheets (1:250 000 scale) outlining those areas in the province that have the potential for karst development. These maps can be used to assist with strategic planning and for directing more detailed karst inventories.   Page 4 of 123

Karst Inventory and Vulnerability Assessment Procedures in the Forested Karst Landscapes of British Columbia, Canada - ABSTRACT

Last but by no means Least, there's The First Nations concerns about Karsts:

As the archaeological evidence suggests, karst played a significant role in the lives of many aboriginal peoples in the past. Karst caves were not only used for shelter, but were also considered by some groups to be sacred places for burial and ceremonial purposes. .... snip


June 7, 2013

 Protecting karst in coastal BC : special report
Forest Practices Board, 2007.

Updated   December 2, 2014

It seems that the Province via the Forest Practice Board is no longer interested in protecting Karsts, the link above is broken, ........ However there is the Wayback Machine for May 26, 2007:

and the Wayback Machine for the year of 2007 on Karst*/

How effective will licensees be at protecting karst in coastal BC from damage due to forest practices? The answer remains unknown. We know that karst is a resource that, particularly on the BC coast, is sensitive to damage from forest practices. Government no longer protects karst by checking and approving forest practices. Instead, those who carry out forest practices must themselves determine how best to carry out forest practices in a way that avoids damaging identified karst features. 

This shift of responsibility for karst stewardship, from government to industry, requires that licensees, their professionals, contractors and equipment operators all learn about karst, its identification, its sensitivity and its protection. More information on karst can be found in an on-line training course on the Ministry of Forests and Range website at

Dr. Bruce Fraser, Chair
Update: December 2, 2014:

B.C. researchers dive underwater caves to solve salmon mystery (with video)

They donned scuba gear to follow the salmon, which seemingly swim through mountains near Bella Bella

Acta Carsologica

Karst areas occupy 10-20 % if ice free land. Dissolution of rock by natural waters has given rise to specific landscape and underground.  Karst surface features and caves have attracted man's curiosity since the dawn of humanity and have been a focus to scientific studies since more than half of milenia.

Acta Carsologica publishes original research papers and reviews, letters, essays and reports covering topics related to specific of karst areas. These comprise, but are not limited to karst geology, hydrology and geomorphology, speleology, hydrogeology, biospeleology and history of karst science.

Speleo ... Caving.... Link     Curated by PAUL


Management of Karst Resource Features on Northern Vancouver Island

April 2, 2014

September 24, 2014

Google Search Criteria:  Reconnaissance-level karst inventory work for the entire province of British Columbia was completed in 1999

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Justin Trudeau Election Promise of Transportation Infrastructure spending ... similar to his family, political, financial building blocks

On a tip from ourselves to Norman Farrell at In-Sights he produced his April 9, 2015 Post: Canadian Elites.  Norman didn't include the possibility that Justin Trudeau would achieve his exalted position as our Prime Minister on October 19, 2015.   With promises of cash infusion for transportation, along with all his other election promises, he won a majority.  However, with 20-20 hindsight today, its interesting to note that the promise to promote public transportation, is graphically similar to our Cape Horn Interchange at the Port Mann Bridge, and to his interchanges with other politicians.

If someone could be of assistance here, and using 'Pierre Elliot Trudeau' as a starting point in creator J.J. McCullough's diagram below, has the Trudeau family dynasty been expanded, and in which directions?

 Norman Farrell:
Canadian Elites   -  As the creator J.J. McCullough says, this is not evidence of a conspiracy or of sinister intentions. However, it demonstrates:

"...for at least the last five decades or so Canada has been a remarkably elitist country, in which a very small group of inter-connected families, business associates, and political allies, have controlled most institutions of relevance..."

Answer: 45 degrees to the South East of Pierre