Friday, October 9, 2015

Alex Gervais was pushed out the Window! It was MURDER! and the BC Liberals did it! Again!

Headline Hunters PostMedia / Vancouver Sun Publisher Editorial:

Child welfare system overhaul long overdue.


Wasn't it Judge Ted Hughes who stated that the BC Liberals Gordon Campbell took the knife too far with the welfare of the children?   Nothing learned from that debacle.


 Beating on their chest about what PostMedia achieved in their investigative series on "aging-out" earned them a Michener Award nomination, that was a NOMINATION not an award to take home.

"The government did make some modest contributions to support teens transitioning from foster care."  BULLSHIT   The Vancouver Sun contributed diddly squat to shift the BC Liberal government why else would they sit around on their laurels, a fig leaf, of a nomination.

It boggles the mind that the Editor dares to use a phrase like: "Let us be blunt" and then jumps to two possible conclusions on how Alex Gervais died:
"He jumped or fell do his death from the window of a hotel where he was not supposed to be housed..... etc."

There is a third option, He Was Pushed by a third party.

Being blunt should have required the Publisher of the Vancouver Sun to be much more clearer to the premier of British Columbia and therefore the public.  It was the "old system" of  micro manager premier Gordon Muir Campbell who started the cutting, cutting, cutting of monies to fund the children and used those funds to balance his budget which has, should be, haunting his successor, Christy Jo-Anne Clark but who has only followed up with more tight fistiness, more frightfulness than El Gordo.

Shameful and disgusting.

The Buck Does Not Stop At The Premier's Desk!   Never has!

It's obvious that Alex Gervais death was the result of a FALL from his hotel window!!!  but to then determine that he jumped???? without a witness for corroboration?   He was pushed by the system, without a witness, pushed by a corrupt child care system ...... run by the system's Minister.

If there was a Witness, in the room, would the system have stopped the attempt, or texted with JUMP!!! JUMP!! One less; more money; for the system!

The Vancouver Sun were so close to win the Michener-Deacon Fellowship award but lost and then gave the thumbs up to their boss for tenth position.
We would like to thank the Michener Awards for this nomination, and our boss Harold Munro for his continued support of investigative journalism. (aging-out)

Investigative journalist is someone who is actively involved in prevention of teenagers dying by the dozen.  Investigative journalism is not a one month, one week, gig.

This,   is investigative journalism???  Technology use in the classroom !!!!!  Are there windows in the Quebec hotel classroom; one student per room; no peer visits?
The Michener-Deacon Fellowship for investigative reporting is awarded to veteran Radio Canada journalist Marie-France Belanger, based in Montreal for her project entitled “Le programme de tableaux Numériques Interactifs au Québec” (The program charts Interactive Digital Quebec).  Belanger will examine the use of technology in the classroom.

Applicants for the fellowship are expected to undertake a project that aspires to the criteria of the annual Michener Award for journalism with its emphasis on identifiable benefits for the public good, improvements in public policy, ethical standards, corporate governance or the lives of Canadians.

Investigative journalism by the Vancouver Sun should have least solved the mystery of Alex Gervais death. Pushed by the Man or pushed by the system put in place by the Man.

If Alex Gervais had lived, he would have had the right to VOTE, someday, a VOTE to achieve change.

Liberals 'took the knife too far,' investigator says

 The safety net protecting B.C.'s most vulnerable children has been ravaged by cutbacks and "buffeted by an unmanageable degree of change" created by the provincial government, an independent inquiry concluded Friday.
By The Vancouver Sun April 9, 200

VICTORIA -- The safety net protecting B.C.'s most vulnerable children has been ravaged by cutbacks and "buffeted by an unmanageable degree of change" created by the provincial government, an independent inquiry concluded Friday.

In a scathing critique of the Liberal government's stewardship of the child welfare system, former judge Ted Hughes said the government "took the knife too far" after it was elected in 2001 and must now restabilize the system that has more than 9,000 children under its care.

After the tragic deaths of aboriginal toddlers and a scandal involving the loss of more than 700 files concerning their deaths, Hughes also called for appointment of a Representative for Children and Youth. That independent office, which he sees being held for five-year terms by a non-partisan appointee who can stay above the political fray, will be the voice for the neediest children. The office would be able to identify major trends and in special cases demand full inquiries into a death.

"In the best interests of our province's most precious assets -- our children and youth -- I call upon all members of B.C.'s government to move towards substantial compliance with the recommendations in my report," said Hughes, who was pressed into service by the Liberals. 


But Hughes didn't spare the premier.

"I cannot agree with the premier's earlier assessment that budget cuts did not contribute to the failure of the transition process ...," wrote Hughes. "As I have commented throughout this report, the impact of budget constraints reverberated throughout the child welfare system from 2002 until recently. Those responsible for the transition were under pressure to meet deep spending cuts across the board and as a result, this small program [to review the children's deaths] got lost in the shuffle."

Hughes also urges the government to hire more aboriginal social workers and child-care experts. That is crucial, he said, because about 50 per cent of the 9,000 children in government care are of aboriginal descent, even though natives represent only nine per cent of the population.

"I am disheartened by the rate of suicide among young aboriginal people and the ever-increasing numbers of aboriginal children being taken into care," he said.

Hughes also made a strong pitch that the first children's representative, or one of the two deputies working with him or her, be an aboriginal, to improve the child welfare system's appreciation of the complexities and social challenges facing first nations communities and families.

"At the very least, one of these three senior people must be aboriginal," said Hughes. "When I say aboriginal, I mean not only a person of aboriginal heritage but one with a track record of involvement in aboriginal communities, who understands aboriginal children and youth, and has a direct experience or at least deep understanding of life on a reserve." 


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Marijuana Harper: "We've spent a couple of generations trying to reduce the use of Tobacco...." Two Generations is 50 years Stevie

Harperites are using that popular phrase of “blowing smoke up your arse.” again to buy votes.

Harper makes 'Two Generations' sounds like a couple of decades when in fact, using his numbers 1999 to 2012 it crunches down to only 13 years, well short of his acclaimed "couple of generations" or even two decades (20 years).   

One generations are defined as 25 years;  Two generations would be 50 years.

Stephen Harper:
“We’ve spent a couple of generations trying to reduce the use of tobacco in Canada with a lot of success,” he said.

“Tobacco is a product that does a lot of damage — marijuana is infinitely worse and is something we do not want to encourage.”

A government survey of tobacco use found that the overall smoking rate among Canadians over the age of 15 declined from 25 per cent in 1999 to 16 per cent in 2012.

Kaleidoscope of other governing parties in Canada other than Harper's Reformed Conservatives, therefore they should be given credit where credit is due when it comes to reducing the public's dependency on tobacco.

Tobacco Smoke Enema Kit (1750s – 1810s).

The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, but primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims.
A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke into the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.  Doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase “blowing smoke up your arse.”

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hey Honey, Did you sell the house? Elections Canada seems to think that there's nine voters living here!

UPDATE:  Saturday October 3rd  10:00pm   
We took a walk on the wild side this afternoon and stuffed the three cards through the mail slot of the house on the West Side of Town.  The only differences were the East vs West and the fact that the last three characters were different in the Postal Code, but the first three were the same!!!!  If they aren't the recipients then at least they'll have our address to walk them back.  Hopefully they'll take note of the heavy red ink printing of : NO SUCH| PERSON on the East side of Town.

Update Sunday October 11, 2015

To All Canadians


We just received two THREE Election Canada cards in the mail.  Both THEIR names are not ours.  We did receive ours over a span of three business days but what of these poor people who can't even write in their true Postal Code?  Husband and Wife ???? both got it wrong?

Is Election Canada's only means of verification, tally, take place during an election?

If we write upon the notice:  No Such Person!!!!  Will Election Canada send out their Enforcement Officers, CSIS, RCMP, to hunt down the votes?

Will these two THREE miss out on being able to vote?

Do they care?   Elections Canada or the missing voters?

With the race for getting the highest amount of votes, we thought that by now some enterprising party organizers would offer a public service to connect the dots together, after all they do provide a free shuttle service to the election place, right?

Oh my goodness, I sure hope the parties aren't taking Elections Canada information as being true, or worse, that honest voters like us will actually take the time to write, in time, RETURN TO SENDER; NO SUCH PERSON before October 19th?

SIXTEEN days to go..... will Canada Post be able to get these sorted out?