Thursday, April 11, 2013

Germanium, not Geranium; Lithium and Epidolite, only on horseback you say

Modern Day Geologists in British Columbia may be able to cover a lot of ground via Helicopters, but when it comes to finding, what was first found 1860 - 1912, when the only means of transportation was on foot, or by horseback, why not go back and try it again... using Guide Operations.   Guide Operations may not be financially beneficial, but what about the possible spin-offs of staking claims.

 Germanium not Geranium


Select Bibliography:
Page 5 of 5

Germanium and Other Trace Elements in Some Western Canadian Coals, John A. Fortescue, The American Mineralogist, Vol. 39, 1954, pp. 510-519

 Google Search Criteria:

Germanium and Other Trace Elements British Columbia Coals

Wikipedia on Germanium


Canadian Deposits of Lithium

In British Columbia there is only one recorded occurrence of a lithium-bearing mineral;  i.e. (epidote),  lepidolite in quartz and calcite about 10 miles northeast of  Illecillewaet Station (Glacier National Park) on the Canadian   Pacific Railway main line in the Selkirk Mountains  (~  Geological Survey  of Canada Ann. Rept.  New Series  Vol. VI, p. 29R, 1893).

Few complex pegmatites have been reported in British Columbia but they undoubtedly  occur. Areas  rich in pegmatites,  most of  which  are probably  simple unzoned  ones  include  the  Horse Ranch Range

  Cassiar;  Wolverine RangeOmineca; Big Bend and Bugaboo areas of Selkirk Mountains,  and others



Thursday, April 4, 2013

BC Liberals Bitter Pills: Misleading Graphs leads to Graft

Sometimes, for Some people, swallowing a pill is not doable.  It's like learning how to ride a bike. Or rather, being told HOW to ride a bike by someone who learned how to ride bike fifty years ago.... what the hell do they know... they drive a frigging car..., or worse, horse and buggies!

I learned how to ride that bicycle long before I learned how to swallow a bitter pill, ..... Aspirin.  When I was TOLD i HAD to take the Aspirin it was an uphill battle for my Mother, she never did manage it.   She gave up finally, Crushed the Aspirin between two spoons, then loaded strawberry jam into the mix and said "Enjoy Dessert"    ....   I did, and spat out the gritty stuff.

At sixteen I was advised that for the rest of my natural life I would be on pills.... twice a day.....  and at that point I was still in the fight of my life, I hadn't conquered that bitter pill routine.  I'd asked pharmacists, you know, those guys and gals (not back then)'s their product...pills... they would surely know how to ... explain  .... in detail... how to swallow a pill.  They had no idea...  I was really starting to wonder if they ever took any of the pills that they sold to others.... maybe I'm the only person in the whole wide world (1.42 Billion people back then) who didn't know how, to.

Along came a buddy, "JR", we both belonged to the same "Gang "... South Vancouver Scout Troop at Knight Road and 49th.   JR didn't have to take pills, no help there, but his twelve year old Kid sister, did know, but didn't have to, do it.

Here's what she said:  'you have to keep the tongue busy, because it will take that aspirin, so too the gritty crushed aspirin, and push it hard to the roof of your mouth, it's a gag reflex ..........   r-i-g-h-t ...'  the tongue has to go hard against the back of your lower jaw's teeth's gum line ...... r-i-g-h-t....'   now put the pill in your mouth...... okay??.....ah-ha....'  here's a glass of water....... keep the tongue busy..... swallow.
It worked, has worked since 1960.  Doesn't matter what size the pill is, it works.
Why all of the talk about a "Bitter pill" when we're supposed to be writing about Graphs and Grafts? 

Because, back in the Fifties through to the Eighties my family NEVER voted for W.A.C. Bennett, nor Bill Bennett, nor his sibling "brother" Bill Vander Zalm.  We were a small business family, Newfoundlanders, came out in the 1860's.... to Vancouver.

The Social Credit Party "died" out in 1990, remember ...... , first Gulf War was a happening, followed hard on it's heels was the Conservative Party of Canada's Brian Mulroney doing his popularity death spiral poutine because of his introduction of the GST!!!, a TAX that no one wanted..... but we still have it today.

BC NDP came to power in 1991 lasted through to 2001 where the BC Liberals ran a smear campaign extolling their ability to do things better.  The majority of voters bought into, all except two seats.
In less than ONE year of our Personal Income Taxes being cut by 25% the BC Liberals' Finance Gary Collins felt that he was obligated to Raise MSP Premiums by 50%!  What a Bitter Pill that was.

Facts not Fiction

In September of 2004, Prime Minister Paul Martin signed an Agreement that gave the Provinces and Territories a Ten Year honey pot of a deal, tranquility in financing Health costs, whereby British Columbia's share of the pie was $5.9 Billion...... for Ten Years... and here we are one year short of 2014 and the BC Liberals have been bumping our MSP Premiums up since 2010.

Where's the missing Money Christy?  Four years worth.


January 2013  Auditor General John Doyle:  Health Funding Explained


Who was the Best Government for BC since 1987?

 Check out Will McMartin over at the Tyee...... with his Post in April of 2009.

Facts not Fiction


More Math from 2004    should be used in 2013     "We have increased health funding by nearly $6,000 per minute" - Kathrine Whittred

BC Liberal Fiction not Fact


Weekend Reading material on MSP Premiums in 1992 $s

Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures in Alberta and British Columbia: The Role of Sub-National Politics 1992 - 2002*

Daniel Cohn, Ph.D.
Department of Political Science
Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia 
Page 46 of 47

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Trutch" we never Trusted. How about Truce, Christy?

 What's in a name eh......    Names of landmarks have been changed across British Columbia like Chinaman Lake to Chunamun Lake and Boss Lake (Uranium Fame $30 million worth) to Bosk Lake.

A BC Government Website likes to hang onto the old names database, by listing off their "Alias", like it was a crime, a fraud and to a large degree, they were.   If Grandpa called the best fishing hole in British Columbia "Rum Cache", don't look for it on the map, the name is now Cicuta Lake, south-west of Vanderhoof, well before you reach the Nechako Reservoir.

Christy Clark is the MLA for Vancouver-Point Grey, although you'd never know it (RossK...... ). Within the next 33 days, before she leaves her three Offices as Premier of British Columbia, perhaps she would consider putting pen to paper and ask Vancouver's Mayor Gregor Robertson to delete the street called Trutch.    Doyle Street?

And please Christy, no more of your pandering towards specific groupings for votes with a Street name.

92% of 100% Reserve land was put aside for the 1% like Trutch, by Trutch, for Trutch!

Page 8 of  279

Land policy under Colonial B.C. 1850 - 1871

The first Indian (First Nation Land) Reserves were created in this period.  These reserves were located on southern Vancouver Island, the Fraser Valley, the Fraser Canyon, Kamloops, the Nicola Valley, the Okanagan,  and the Shuswap Lake areas.  Most of these were set up by Sir James Douglas in the early 1860's.

Douglas' reserve policy generally allowed Indians to select as much land as they wanted.  In 1861 Douglas directed the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, who had responsibility for laying out these early reserves, to "take measures to .... for marking out distinctly, the Indian Reserves throughout the Colony".  He added that "the extent that the Indian Reserves to be defined" was to be "as they may be pointed out by the native themselves".

This policy was dramatically reversed in 1864 - 1865 by Joseph Trutch.  As head of the colonial Department of Lands and Works, Trutch initiated a policy of reduction of the Douglas' reserves, of reluctance to allot additional reserves, and of non-recognition of the Indian's aboriginal claim  (native title).

An example of Trutch's policy of reduction can be seen along the Thompson River.  The Indians of Kamloops, Neskainlith and Shuswap Lake originally held a reserve along the north bank of the South Thompson River from Kamloops to Shuswap Lake.  This included Little Shuswap Lake and areas around Adams Lake.  In 1866 these reserves were "adjusted" by Trutch by reducing them to approximately their present size.

This policy was extended to the Fraser Valley in 1867.  It is difficult to get precise information on the location and size of the present reserves in the Fraser Valley are only remnants of the original reserves.

To learn more about these early "cut-offs" and other land grievances in the 1850 -1871 period, see the article, "Joseph Trutch and Indian Land Policy"  in B.C. Studies  (1971 - 72) by Robin Fisher.


CBC Lede: Sticker campaign targets Trutch Street signs

..... He (Trutch) also made sure Indian reserves were small, quickly overturning the generous and inclusive decisions of his colonial predecessor, Governor James Douglas.

"He reduced the reserves that Douglas had allowed for by 92% and changed the laws so that a Sto:lo family could only occupy about 10 acres of land," says Kluckner.
Trutch went on to be the first lieutenant-governor of B.C. in 1871, when the province decided to join Confederation.

"His policies and the policies of the government of the time were perfectly in keeping with serving the needs of the British government,” says documentary filmmaker Vince Hemingson.  .......