Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Mother" of inventions, a b-b-b-baby.... my baby, my bagel holder, my bike rack, perfected

Update:  November 21, 2012   Couldn't believe our good luck today, the Canadian Department of National Defense came visiting, again, this time for:       3 hours 56 mins 9 secs   ... however, their interest seemed more to do with the 1964 Chevrolet Malibu than the Bagel Holder or the Bike Rack.  That's the pitfall when you click on one our links... we have it set up so that it opens in it's own Window so that you DON'T lose track of where you got the idea from in the first place.... the latest POST is  HERE!


Maybe the title is just a little bit over the top today, but, "Babies" come in many forms... like:

"how yah doing Baby!"

"this here Robin Egg Blue, 1964 Chevrolet Malibu, is my Baby"

"Oh what a cute Baby"   the real ones  "Kitchy Kitchy Koo"

With each, there are "growing" pains, achievements and dilemmas that need to be conquered, solved, but it's the latter Baby, that really challenges the mind to keep up with his daily developments.   Our family encourages the youngsters, the toddlers too, to do their fare share of the preparations for our meals. Salad making is a great treat because the vegetable seeds were planted by "them", weeded and watered by "them", harvested by "them", to then have "them" prepare the vegetables as a a salad..... or desserts like carrot cake, or COOKIES, gluten free cookies, vegan cookies.

There's the actual preparation, getting out the necessary mixing equipment, like Large spoons, Measuring Cups, large mixing pots, Sheets to cook the cookies upon, flour to be ground, or ground already.  Occasionally there's the BC version of a Mount Everest, not insurmountable, with the Baby crawling, not quite toddling, not quite ready to stand, but is quite ready to be propped up in the highchair while his older sibling, by four, knows all the ins and outs, of cooking...... and cleaning up by .... DOING THE DISHES.  It's better than being IN a bathtub, splashing around, keeps the children's attention too, while the adults daily chores are somewhat accomplished.

Real cookies are oh so more delightful than relying upon one's imagination of a sandbox cookie or the Internet's Cookie.

Each "proving ground" comes with it's own challenges.

Households have these cabinets with plenty of doors and cupboards, and there are numerous safety devices to keep the children out, doors and drawers locked.  However, in our household, there is one "invention" that .... is somewhat akin to the development of the Steam Engine.  We all "know" that James Watt "invented the steam engine", when if fact the Steam Engine was invented long before James Watt came along.  What Mr. Watts did, was PERFECT his Baby, by making the Steam engine much more efficient.

On a BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) documentary from 1978 there emerged The Connection,  John Burke was the narrator.  A Great series, it was HIS Baby.  In one of the series, it touched upon the motor engine, which has gone onto be such a great asset for the world today and possibly the demise of the world tomorrow ......   The point here is, where one Man invented his Baby, the Perfume bottle.... for spraying it unto one self, ..... Benz, as of Mercedes-Benz, saw it as something quite different, something that was missing from his Baby, perfecting the motor engine, with an atomizer      "perfume bottle = the carburetor" ......    think cars, think aircraft, think LawnMowers, think Tanks, think compressing LNG to be shipped out of Kitimat for China......with a motor.

We, here, in our household, have done something that is an improvement upon a product that has been around for years.  The Bagel Holder for slicing safely..... which one of us, not me, saw it as something that would allow the Crawler, the Toddler to be involved with cooking.... and not in a pinch.

Right Side up, the Bagel Holder is a Bagel Holder

Upside Down, the Bagel Holder STOPS the drawer from closing, on fingers


My Baby, is the perfection of the bicycle storage in the garage.   All those cars traveling with their bike racks firmly mounted in the trailer hitch, made me stop and think... where am I going to find a place in the garage to hang MY Bike rack carrier, when space within is already at a premium.  Takes up a lot of space, and then I would have to hang the bikes from hooks from the ceiling which is Nine Feet high.  There are always those moments when one goes Hmmmmm!  Like maybe a "Watts" or a "Benz", where they still own the patent, whereas in this day and age of the internet, it's so simple to get a patent, and then share the idea.

What I wanted was just the right achievable height for lifting, horizontally.   One drawback, was the handle grip of the first bike against the wall, is fourteen inches long from the centre.  I wanted the bike as close as maybe the pedal... which didn't happen, the wall is made from 2 X 6.  I cut out a square of Gyproc,  ...... it's only a garage, not a living space.

As to the strength to hold the bike carrier in place, we "back framed" the wall and recreated the trailer hitch, out of sight, out of mind.  We added a 2 X 4, for added support, that is resting on the foundation.

The distance from the floor to the bottom of the wheel "hoops", is five feet, which leaves plenty of room to ... park a car's front hood, under, or as in our case, a table saw and it's outfeed table.

From a commercial point of view, one could make up a metal "cross" to fasten directly to the stud (vertically) and a horizontal bar to straddle the studs on either side, for stability from twisting..... oh, and weld the "trailer" hitch square tubing to the "Cross" dead centre.


Monday, November 12, 2012

"End Notes" yield up such nuggets as "Dr. Fred and the Spanish Lady: Fighting the Killer Flu" 1918 Vancouver

Practically every book written, in its last pages, has a section called either "End Notes" or "Reference" to keep the reader abreast of from where quotes were taken for research in THE book.

Look at it this way, the book may be new, but the data at the back of the book is a GOLD mine of information just waiting to be re-discovered.   Those References, those End Notes, those Bibliographies, were written before the NEW book was even thought about, probably written before the Author was born.

In an earlier Post, Friday, November 26, 2010, which we called: 

"Appropriation, Taxes and Tolls" and now Shadow tolls, Some things never change

 We mentioned this book:    "The Coast Connection, R.G. Harveyavailable in your local library, but its now available on-line via Google  under something called What????:   

THE Eusmesnm/G ms nrurs OF CANADA
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
by RG Harvey - 2001 - Related articles
Scottish born, Bob Harvey graduated in civil engineering from the University ...... In The Coast Connection, R.G. Harvey examines the history of road construction ...

 So here I am today reading:

SNIP   Endnotes link updated 2019-02-09 via the WayBackMachine


This is Page one of three 

1 Task Force on Crown Timber Disposal, “Forest Tenures in British Columbia,” (Report prepared by the Task Force on Crown Timber Disposal, 1974), i; British Columbia, Forest Service of British Columbia, Timber Tenures in British Columbia: Managing Public Forests in the Public Interest ([Victoria]: Ministry of Forests and Range, 2006), 2.
2 British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Timber Tenure System in British Columbia ([Victoria]: Ministry of Forests, 1997), 1.
3 Donald Mackay, Empire of Wood: The MacMillan Bloedel Story (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1982), 19; Cortex Consultants Ltd., “A Quick Reference: British Columbia’s Timber Tenure System,” (Accessed 4 June 2009).
4 Construction needs in the colony and export markets in California fuelled early demands for Vancouver Island timber in the 1850s. For a history of the early timber industry on Vancouver Island see W. Kaye Lamb, “Early Lumbering on Vancouver Island, 1844-1866 [Parts I and II],” British Columbia Historical Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 1 (1938), 31-53, 95-121.
5 “An ordinance for regulating the acquisition of Land in British Columbia,” in Ordinances Passed by the Legislative Council of British Columbia (New Westminster: New Government Printing Office, 1865).
6 Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, “Crown Land Factsheet,” (Accessed 4 June 2009); David Haley and Harry Nelson, “British Columbia’s Forest Tenure System in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities,” Vancouver: BC Forum on Forest Economics and Policy, 2006), n.p.
7 Mackay, Empire of Wood, 15; Richard A. Rajala, Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest: Production, Science , and Regulation (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1998) , xviii. The terms of BC’s entry to Confederation in 1871 guaranteed provincial control over lands and resources, including timber. Previously, the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia controlled disposals of lands and resources since acquiring these rights from the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1860.
8 British Columbia, Final Report of Inquiry on Timber and Forestry 1909-1910 (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1910), D11; Statutes of British Columbia [SBC] (1888), ch. 16 s. 8, 18; SBC (1891) ch. 15 s. 13.
9 British Columbia Sessional Papers, “Public Accounts, 1899,” (Victoria: Queen’s Printer, 1900), 20.
10 Rajala, Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest, xviii, xix. Between 1888 and 1891, Crown land leases were for thirty-year terms at an annual rental rate of ten cents per acre and royalty rate of fifty cents per thousand feet of trees cut. British Columbia, Final Report of Inquiry on Timber and Forestry 1909-1910, D11.
11 SBC (1901) ch. 30 s. 6. No longer issued after 1905, pulp leases were subsequently renewed and converted to Special Timber Licenses in 1926 and 1927. British Columbia Forest Resources Commission, “A History of Forest Tenure Policy in British Columbia 1858-1978” (October 1989), 3. The 1912 Forest Act created pulp licenses allowing the cutting of wood for the manufacture of pulp. SBC (1912) ch. 17.
12 SBC (1903) ch. 30; SBC (1905) ch. 33.
13 SBC (1905) ch. 33.
14 British Columbia, Final Report of Inquiry on Timber and Forestry, D13.
15 Ibid., D7, D43-D44, D54-D55.
16 SBC (1912) ch. 17 s. 4.
17 SBC (1912) ch. 17 s. 12, 25.
18 British Columbia, Royal Commission on Forest Resources in British Columbia, Timber Rights and Forest Policy: The Report of the Royal Commission on Forest Resources in British Columbia (Victoria: Queen’s Printer, 1976), 3.
19 British Columbia, Report of the Commissioner Relating to the Forest Resources of British Columbia (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1945), Q127, Q143.
20 Ibid., Q127.   Sixth hit down, I think, are you still clicking and reading here folks
21 SBC (1947) ch. 38.
22 Province of British Columbia, Department of Lands and Forests, “Report of the Forest Service, 1948,” (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1949), LL81; Province of British Columbia, Department of Lands and Forests, “Report of the Forest Service, 1953,” (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1955), 131.
23 Rajala, Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest, 87.
24 British Columbia, Report of the Commissioner Relating to the Forest Resources of British Columbia [Two Volumes] (Victoria: Queen’s Printer, 1956), 399-400, 416, 528.SNIP

Or how about this Reference, on pages 7 and 8 (items #1 through to #39)

1 The estimated death toll varies, ranging from about 20 million to 40-50 million, to 100 million. J.K. Taubenberger, D.M. Morens, “1918 influenza: the mother of all pandemics,” Emerging Infectious Diseases [serial on the Internet], January 2006. Available from See also John M. Barry, “The site of the original of the 1918 influenza pandemic and its public health implications,” Journal of Translational Medicine 2: 3, (2004). “Ten things you need to know about pandemic influenza”, Weekly Epidemiological Record, No. 49/50 (December 2005).
2 Janice P. Dickin McGinnis, “The impact of epidemic influenza: Canada, 1918-1919,” in Medicine in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives, ed. S.E.D. Shortt, (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1981), 447.
3 McGinnis, “Impact of Epidemic,” 449.
4Ibid., 451.
5 Ibid., 458. Public Health Agency of Canada, The Chief Public Health Officer’s Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, (Ottawa: Chief Public Health Officer, 2008), 11.
6 Susan Goldenberg, “Killer Flu,” The Beaver 86, Iss. 5 (Oct/Nov. 2006). Eileen Pettigrew, The Silent Enemy: Canada and the Deadly Flu of 1918, (Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Book, 1983) 13, 134.
7 McGinnis, “Impact of Epidemic,” 460.
8 “An Act Respecting the Department of Health” was assented to on June 6, 1919. Betty O’Keefe and Ian MacDonald, Dr. Fred and the Spanish Lady: Fighting the Killer Flu, (Surrey, BC: Heritage House, 2004), 183. Pettigrew, Silent Enemy, 134.
9 O’Keefe, Dr. Fred, 159-60. Pettigrew, Silent Enemy, 71. [Medical Health Officer], “Report of the Medical Health Officer [1918],” in Corporation of the City of Vancouver Annual Report 1918, (Vancouver: The Corporation, 1919), 72.
10 B.C. OIC 2399/18. “Health Act,” RSBC 1911, ch. 98, sec. 13. Margaret W. Andrews, “Epidemic and Public Health: Influenza in Vancouver, 1918-1919,” BC Studies 34, (Summer 1977), 30-34. BC OIC 2400/18. [Medical Health Officer], “Report of the Medical Health Officer [1918]”, 73.
11 British Columbia, Department of Education, “Annual Report 1919,” in Sessional Papers British Columbia Vol. 1 – 1920, (Victoria: [n.p., 1920], A18.
12 British Columbia, Provincial Board of Health, “Report of the Provincial Board of Health [1919],” in Sessional Papers British Columbia Vol. 1 – 1920, (Victoria: n.p., 1919) B6.
13 “Fifty thousand is cost of ‘flu’ for province to date,” Victoria Daily Times, 18 November, 1918, 8.
14 O’Keefe, Dr. Fred, 85, 92, 96-97. [Medical Health Officer],“Report of the Medical Health Officer [1918]”, 72. British Columbia, Provincial Board of Health, “Report of the Provincial Board of Health [1919],” B6. McGinnis, “Impact of Epidemic,” 455.
15 British Columbia, Provincial Board of Health, “Report of the Provincial Board of Health [1919],” B6. [Medical Health Officer],“Report of the Medical Health Officer [1918]”, 73.
16 British Columbia, Provincial Board of Health, “Report of the Provincial Board of Health [1919],” B5.
17 World Health Organization, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response: a WHO Guidance Document, (France: WHO, 2009), 13. N.J. Cox, “Global Epidemiology of Influenza: Past and Present,” Annual Review of Medicine 51, (2000), 413. Michael Tibayrenc, Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases, ([n.p].: Wiley-Liss, 2007), 206. “Ten things you need to know about pandemic influenza”, Weekly Epidemiological Record, No. 49/50, (December 2005).
18 Edwin D. Kilbourne, “Influenza Pandemics of the 20th Century,” Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 12, No.1, January 2006, 10.
19 The basis for this statement was unclear. The statement was made in the “R.E. Dyer Lecture” published in Public Health Reports in 1958. The author was Dr. Richard E. Shope, a professor and member of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Richard E. Shope, “The R.E. Dyer Lecture: Influenza: History, Epidemiology and Speculation” Public Health Reports 73, no. 2, (February 1958), 165.
20 Canada, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Influenza in Canada: Some Statistics on its Characteristics and Trends, (Ottawa: The Bureau, 1958), 6.
21 Canada, Department of National Health and Welfare, Annual Report 1958, (Ottawa: The Department, 1959), 59.“Asiatic flu vaccine here Oct. 1,” Times, 15 August 1957, p. 1. ‘No flu threat in BC-Martin,” Times, 17 August 1957, p.1.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

1918 Bulletin #79: Oats and Wheat and Barley Grow and there's a Bonus: our ANCESTORS listed off as Farmers of BC.

Update: "Movember" 9, 2012:   "Cow-Testing Association of British Columbia 1926"

What is unique about this file, and we don't mean to Butter you up with too many details... but it's back to that old Ancestry stuff, and locations of Ranches, Farms...etc.  Page 3 of many.... AND names of Cows... so if you're looking for a new name... like "Katie" or "Jersey" or "Tibby Two" why not take a look?

 J. A. Higginson, Sardis.
Raine & Carmiehael, Chilliwack.
C. Kerr, Chilliwaek.
Raine & Carmichae!, Chilliwaek.
Raine & Carmiehael, Chilliwack.
Fleming Bros. & Ileeee, Sardis•
W. L. Maeken, Chilliwaek.
W. L. Macken, Chilliw.ack.
E. Unsworth, Sardis.
I. W. Clark, Sardis.
P. Travis, Sardis.
P. Travis, Sardis.
E. Unsworth, Chilliwaek.
C. Kerr, Chflliwaek.
Fleming Bros. & Bocce, Sardis.
li'leming Bros. & Reeee. Sardis.
Raine & Cariniehsel, Chilliwaek.
Fleming Bros. & Reeee, Sardis.
I. W. Clark, Sardis.
Fleming Bros. & Reece, Sardis.
Fleming Bros. & Reeee, Sardi


Farmers!  Can't live without them.  Especially if they're Organic!  Consumers are willing to pay a higher price just to be free from pesticides, and other such chemicals.   When we saw Bulletin #79 at the BC Legislative Library, it made our hearts sing with a childhood song:

Oats and wheat and barley grow,
Oats and wheat and barley grow,
But not you nor I nor anyone know
How oats and wheat and barley grow.

Verse 1

First the farmer sows his seed,
Then he stands and takes his ease,
And he stamps his feet and clasps his hands,
While the sun shines on the land.


Oats and wheat and barley grow,…..etc
The BC Legislature Library isn't all bad news.  There are some exceedingly high points.... like this one.  To you, it may be dry reading, but if you persevere, you'll discover a Silver lining in this Document.   It starts out like this;


But there's a catch though, both in the emotion of what is to unfold in three days time, memories of those who were lost to all wars.   94 years ago World War One ended on November 11th.  The folks at home, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends too, had been working for four long years on their fields, to support those who Volunteered for the War in Europe.


Returning Soldiers, not necessarily as sound as when they left, were given a stake in Canada, free land, forested land, land that needed to be cleared of trees and trunks, land to be plowed, harrowed, and leveled in preparation for "Oats and Wheat and Barley to Grow", but the first crops were Strawberries and Raspberries.

In the closing pages, starting at Page 14 of Bulletin No. 79, there are thirteen pages:

"A list of the winners in the Field-crop Competitions conducted during 1917":

What you have in the Document above, is a history of where our Ancestors were, before 1918.  The data above is an image, a ScreenShot, which means anyone looking for their Ancestors won't find this Blog, however..... we've started to type in the First of Thirteen Pages, in our "spare time".

Names and Residences, like this.... with a few links too and using GeoBC you can find where the old towns are and what they are called now:   Westholme

Cowichan Solley, I.F. Westholme
Cowichan Kingston, F.L. Duncan
Cranbrook Taylor, L. Wycliffe
Cranbrook Smith, A.B. Cranbrook
Cranbrook Clarke, F. Wycliffe
Cranbrook Fleming, C.S. Wycliffe
Cranbrook Mitchell, John Cranbrook
Crawford Bay Bayliss Bros. Port Crawford
Crawford Bay Palmer, O. Port Crawford
Crawford Bay Richardson, H. Port Crawford
Crawford Bay Johnson, M. Port Crawford
Crawford Bay Kean, J.W. Port Crawford
Eagle River Anderson, A. Malakwa
Eagle River Somerville, B.F. Malakwa
Eagle River Johnston, J. Malakwa
Eagle River Humphrey, J.M. Malakwa
Eagle River Erickson, E. Malakwa
Grand Forks Little, J. Grand Forks
Grand Forks Laws, E.F. Grand Forks
Grand Forks Padget, T.  Grand Forks
Grand Forks Heaven, C.C. Grand Forks
Grand Forks Lawrence, J.T. Grand Forks
Hendon (River?) Parkhurst, Fred R.R. #1, Salmon Arm
Hendon Buchart, D.B. R.R. #1, Salmon Arm
Hendon Andrews, W.J. R.R. #1, Salmon Arm
Hendon Hoover, Willie R.R. #1, Salmon Arm
Hendon Curtis, A.J. R.R. #1, Salmon Arm
Kelowna Fleming, W.H. Kelowna
Kelowna Hereron, M. Kelowna
Kelowna Crawford, W. Kelowna
Kelowna Walker, W.D. Kelowna
Kelowna Taylor, F.A. Kelowna
Kootenay River Tarry, F. Tarrys
Kootenay River Pratt, Wm. Thrums
Kootenay River Power, R.I.M. Thrums
Kootenay River Scheavan, L. Shoreacres
Kootenay River Richards, E.A. Thrums
Lake District Blair, T. Vanderhoof
Lake District Lampitt, O.R. Vanderhoof
Lake District Bice, I. Vanderhoof
Lake District Hargraves, J. Vanderhoof
Lake District Seager, F. Vanderhoof
Langley Mead, J.J. Langley Fort
Langley Stockdale, W. Langley Fort
Langley McIvor, K. Langley Fort
Langley Simpson, Geo. Langley Fort
Langley Gay, F. Langley Fort
Maple Ridge Laity, R. Hammond
Maple Ridge McIver, J. Hammond
Maple Ridge Tapp, A. Hammond
Maple Ridge Reddcliffe, R. Hammond
Maple Ridge Laity, J.H. Hammond
Matsqui Israel, J.I. Mount Lehman
Matsqui Jackman, Phillip Denman Island
Matsqui Aish, Thos. Matsqui
Matsqui Towland, W. Mount Lehman
Matsqui Bailey, W. Denman Island
Martin's Prairie Amey, Jones A. Pritchard
Martin's Prairie DeLeenkeer, Pete Pritchard
Martin's Prairie Deroo, Pete Pritchard
Martin's Prairie Matthewson, Wm. Pritchard
Martin's Prairie Charlton, Wm. Duck Range

Google Search Criteria:  Unincorporated settlements in British Columbia 1918

There's this too from and earlier Post here at the BBC

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Retard assists Oil tankers in Puget Sound page 21

"Retard Assist" aka "Retard Maneuver", calls for Tugs to slow down large vessels by trying to divert them, rather than STOP.   See link at bottom.

No one is suggesting that Enbridge's oil tankers, carting Alberta's petroleum resources to foreign ports of call, should be denied by a fellow province.... accept by Premier Christy Clark.   No one is suggesting that these huge oil tankers will be making a U-Turn in Douglas and Principe Channels, nor is there a suggestion that they will be running these ships at open Pacific Ocean speed.

Many, actually all of the images that Enbridge has produced for public consumption, show our British Columbian waters as idyllic (extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque).

Enbridge promises that there will be two tugs assisting the tanker(s) from the Pacific Ocean to Kitimat empty, save for ballast..... and again from Kitimat to the open Pacific Ocean, fully loaded with sand laden with oil.

One tug, as depicted in the cartoon below is to the Port of the slow moving tanker.  The second tug is Astern of the tanker and that tug  is reversing the whole distance from the Pacific to Kitimat and back again.... under idyllic coastal water conditions.  We know the Astern tug is in reverse because the sharp pointy end of a boat, the Bow is going in the opposite direction as the vessel that it's tied to.    The blunt end is called the Stern and it's facing the Stern of the oil tanker.  This method, that Enbridge has displayed in their artist rendering, this Cartoon, below, is a sure-fire way to send many a good seamen to their watery graves.  The steel hulled Tug, NOT DOUBLE HULLED, will reach the bottom of either of the two channels, before you can utter.... Holy-cow.  Plus if there is a rescue attempt made, it will be akin to the demise of the Atlantic Convoy stragglers.  The "other" tug, in this case, couldn't leave their charge, the massive oil tanker, alone in treacherous waters!

Because of their huge mass, tankers have a large inertia, making them very difficult to steer. A loaded supertanker could take as much as 4 to 8 kilometers and 15 minutes to come to a full stop and has a turning diameter of about 2 kilometers.

EVEN the tugs, will have Quieter Engines
The only way in which Oil tankers and the assisting tugs could have Quieter engines is if they were to use Lithium created energy for propulsion like that of Foss Hybrid Tug.

Here in Vancouver, Canada, ships entering our Harbour have two THREE tugs, Two at the Stern of the oil tanker, facing the same direction as the larger vessel's direction.... Third tug at the fore.

Everest Spirit

 And if you missed the headline August 23, 2012, Globe and Mail:

"The ship currently docked at Kitimat looking like a prizefighter with a broken nose is an ugly reminder of the threat posed by proposed pipelines and tanker traffic to the territory of the Gitga'at First Nation," said the statement issued by the band, which is based in Hartley Bay, on Douglas Channel.
Last but not the Least, of importance is this handy-dandy booklet that we found by using this search criteria in Google:    how powerful has a tug got to be to stop an oil tanker

Retard Assist Page 21 of 154

Something else you should be looking at, is the speed of an Oil Tanker out in open Pacific Ocean:

12 knots = 13.8094 mph = 22.224 km/h

To put this all in perspective, British Columbians have heard about the BC Ferry system which run  out of Horseshoe Bay and over to Departure Bay is 23 knots pushing 10,034 tonnes along.....  those Oil tankers, the ones plying to and fro our coastal waters,  like a Suezmax Tanker,  Loaded, to 125,000 dwt is TWELVE times larger, in weight, than a BC Ferry... built in Germany.
Enbridges says in their "cartoon" up top that "tankers travel slowly but the speed will be reduced".
The speed of the Tanker isn't the problem here, it's the stopping, or Retarding capabilities like this vessel travelling at 12 knots (Pages 57, 58, 59 of 154):  854.3 feet long etc

"Retarding Maneuver",  NOT stopping,  means that this particular vessel, with Rudder problems, will travel 6,000 feet forward, and another 6,000 feet to Starboard.... but on the diagonal..... Hmmmm where did we leave our Grade 8 Math of  Pythagoras Theorem?  

C = 8,485.28 Feet

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Had She oones Wett Hyr Whystyll She couth Syng full clere Hyr pater noster."

To "whet/wet your appetite/whistle" ....., your interest involving the bungling Minister, Krueger, who brought on the Blizzard payout for $30 million, and who has only recently announced his intention not to run in the next Provincial election... choosing to go back to work at ICBC..... does he know that his job has been.... cut ....?

Energy Minister Richmond, however has announced that he will be taking on another four year term at provincial politics, and if need be, take over the reins of power from Christy Clark.

Coleman did "clean up" the mess called Blizzard, on the Court House Steps but then he stepped into another mess called the Sale of the BCLDB, without consultation, as if it were just another piece of cake, just like the HST.   Nobody wanted the sale, because we knew that the price of Liquor would go up, higher than what the BC Liberals have been squeezing out of the public already.   So why sell..... is it because the END is near for the BC Liberals?   Over the next five months, will we be seeing a plethora of sell offs by the BC Liberal Government?

If you missed the way that the BC Liberals introduced the sell off of the BC Liquor Distribution Branch this year, they somehow scraped the bottom of the keg by mixing in the word "Prohibition" as if they were talking about December 16, 1926.
 Monday, May 7, 2012
Private Members' Statements

 B. Stewart: Good morning. I want to speak today about ending the prohibition on liquor distribution in the province of British Columbia. I want to talk about the fact that our government is committed to finding innovative and new ways to make government more efficient and to save money for taxpayers. That's why we're taking the step today of privatizing the liquor distribution services in British Columbia, which we believe can lead to improved service to wholesale customers, shorter delivery times and reduced costs to government and to taxpayers.  SNIP

S. Simpson: I'm pleased to get a chance to stand and to speak to this issue of liquor warehousing privatization in British Columbia. Let's be clear about what we're talking about here. We are talking about a decision that is based on ideology and very little else. That's the reality that we have here.
We have a situation that the minister told us, at one point, was made about a week before the budget was brought in. That was his first response after we questioned him about this after the budget. That may very well be true, because we know there was no consultation with industry on this.

I've spoken to people in ABLE-BC in the private sector industry. They were not consulted. There was no consultation with the union about this before the decision was made. There was no consultation with consumers and taxpayers.

Clearly, we have asked time and again. There is no business case. There is no foundation for this. It's been done for strictly ideological reasons, and there's very little support for this in the province.

K. Krueger: Point of order, Madam Speaker.

N. Macdonald: Is he reading from notes?

(Editor Note:  Notes may not be used in Legislatures, their maiden speech YES, but not any other subsequent speech)

(Editor Note:  The reason for NO Notes is because they could be used to emphasis a point, they could be used to INTENTIONALLY distract others.... like the BC Liberal HOUSE Leader standing up with his NOTES which are passed onto the Speaker indicating what the agenda will be for the day's deliberations)

K. Krueger: No, he isn't reading from notes, Columbia River–Revelstoke, because he actually understands the rules, unlike the members opposite.

(Editor Note:  Names of individual MLA are not used, the Ridings that they represent, are)

Deputy Speaker: Does the member have a point he wishes to make?

(Editor Note:  or if not the Names, not the Riding Names, then they will simply be called "member")

K. Krueger: Yes. Of course I do.

Private members' business is supposed to be non-partisan. The member who spoke from the government side was not partisan, and I'd thank the member opposite not to be partisan either.

Point of Order  ..... being.....

K. Krueger: I'm making a point of order, Madam Speaker. The member is being completely partisan, and that's a violation of the rules of private members' business, and I'd ask you to rule on it.

Deputy Speaker: Hon. Members, during private members' time members are permitted to express their opinions on policy without being partisan.

I ask the member for Vancouver-Hastings to continue, please.

On the way out, Krueger,  shut the .... door behind you.

And for those that would like to have more information on the Do's and Don'ts.....