Friday, August 31, 2012

"......... where did Grandpa move to after the First World War Da?

Genealogy, sort of......

All this researching through the local libraries, started us thinking about the movement of people caused by religious persecution, pandemics, war, ......itchy feet too...... which then had us staring at

this and directly to this search: Letters from Dieppe.


Your family name, may be in the link above

Back to Grandpa, and family, in 1913
 Poultry Farm Survey
A Report on Sixty-five Commercial Poultry
Farms in the Lower Fraser Valley and
Vancouver Island

E. A. LLOYD, B.S.A. Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry
V. S. ASMUNDSON, B.S.A., M.S.A. Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry
R. J., SKELTON, B.S..A. Field Enumerator
Department of Poultry Husbandry, College of
Agriculture, University of British Columbia,

NOTE: Readers, who don't favour the current (2012) Conservative Government spending habits, will like this.....found by looking at a result for a link to the Agricultural Instruction Act, 1913, Canada

 (with two sources provided:  Farmer’s Advocate and the Weekly Sun) Page 3 of 30
In April 1919, the Weekly Sun, published in Toronto, was purchased by the Farmers Publishing Company, renamed the Farmers’ Sun, and declared to be the official organ of the United Farmers of Ontario

Page 1  English and French

In 1913, the Canadian government introduced The Agricultural Instruction Act, a measure which granted ten million dollars to the provinces over ten years to aid agriculture. The Conservatives predicted that the Act would help in “aiding and advancing the farming industry by instruction in agriculture” but this paper argues that, ironically, the funding actually served to heighten rural discontent, not assuage it. By examining public documents and the rural press, the paper explores the rationale, rhetoric, and politics of this initiative. The funding designated for women’s groups is closely examined to determine its impact on the growth of groups like the Women’s Institutes.

"...... where did Grandpa move his family to in Canada?  Did they come to British Columbia?  Were they British or Ukranians?  Were they invited by old Clifford Sifton himself, ..... before the Great War, when he said:
'I think a stalwart peasant in sheepskin coat, born on the soil whose forefathers have been farmers for ten generations, with a stout wife and a half a dozen children, is good quality.'


In the Lower Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island districts of British Columbia there is a large number of poultry farms. Nearly all of these farms are highly specialized. Over 90% of the revenue from them being derived from the sale of poultry products. Yet the typical poultry farm in British Columbia combines breeding with production of market eggs. For while market eggs are the chief product sold, very few farms can be classed as strictly commercial egg farms on account of the very considerable revenue produced on them from the sale of baby chicks, hatching eggs, and breeding stock.

Since the war there has been a rapid development in poultry farming in certain districts of British  Columbia. Many returned soldiers have taken up poultry farming under the Soldier Settlement Board. More over, many of the older established poultry-men have materially increased their flocks, and a considerable number of other settlers have gone into poultry farming in a specialized way.


 page 19 of 19
 (13) The average selling price per' dozen eggs on twenty-nine farms was $0.394, and the average estimated cost of production, including interest on investment at 7% and operator's wages at $80 per month, was $0.456. Wthout allowing operator's wages the cost of production was $0.32 per dozen.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ten Proposed Projects for Kitimat 2005 - 2015 as of July 2011

There's only so much real estate to go to, for these companies, to set up shop in "Kitimat", but at least they're keeping the illustrators busy, and the Canadian Coast Guard as well.    The source for these ten proposed projects for the District of Kitimat is here.  This series of 10, is under the title of Investment Summary on Page 37, and it's from the year of 2010. 

The two previous years, 2009 and 2008, show their projections as well....steadily increasing in value as time is wasted by talking.

If, all ten Projects go ahead, will there be enough space between passing vessels at Hartley Bay?   Will the swells from the passing vessels destroy their aqua crops?

UPDATE: November 6, 2013    Annual Report 2012  Page 34 of 63

Financial Statements (Kitimat (B.C.))

Annual Report

  $2.5Billion  Rio Tinto Alcan Kitimat Modernization Project
A rendering shows what the $3.3 billion dollar Kitimat Modernization Project could look like when completed.

Aluminum, yummy, great location.
2   $3+ Billion  Kitimat LMLNG Liquefaction and export Terminal at Bish Cove displayed on #4
Apache Canada Ltd., EOG Resources Canada Inc., Encana Corporation
Kitimat LNG is poised to take advantage of Kitimat's many strengths including its strategic location serving the Asia Pacific market. The National Energy Board in Canada has approved KM LNG Operating General Partnership for a license to export liquified natural gase from Kitimat, BC. The company will be allowed to export a total of 200 million tonnes of LNG over 20 years once production at the facility commences.

<-----Sun is setting to the West. Apache/Encana Tank Farm is sitting on shores without any islands running interference.....No Douglas Channel either, looks GREAT!!

 If Northern Gateway #6 below is to the can Apache/Encana be to the RIGHT ????----------------> 

All the tanker traffic, 250 vessels just for Northern Gateway alone, 365 days in a year....

Water doesn't mix with oil.....that's a fact!    

Water and LNG has never been tried!
Therefore, do 320,000 DWT Tankers carrying Enbridge's OIL, mix well with Tankers carrying LNG in close spaces?    Will these tankers only operate in clear weather within our coastline fjords that don't appear to exist in renderings?... with two tugs for each vessel inbound/outbound


3   $1.285 Billion  Pacific Trail Pipeline.  
Where will the pipeline be constructed?
The project consists of an underground pipeline system between the existing Spectra Energy transmission system near Summit Lake and the propose LNG export facility in Kitimat, British Columbia.  The pipeline will be approximately 463 kilometres long.

4  Douglas Channel Gas Service Ltd., on behalf of Douglas Channel Energy Partnership, proposes to construct and operate a small-scale natural gas liquefaction facility on the west side of Douglas Channel, south of Moon Bay.   Note: #2 Bish Cove is on the same chart.

Channel West Partners Ltd of a Liquified Natural Gas facility at Emsley Cove as seen on the above image.... bottom left hand corner.

Channel West Partners Ltd. is a private Calgary based company engaged in the development of energy related projects in Western Canada. Our initial focus is to target projects which will monetize the abundant natural gas reserves in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.  The management team of Channel West brings a proven track record with expertise in project development, energy trading and marketing, pipeline development, construction and operations, environmental applications and regulatory filings, senior project management of world scale projects financing and financial modelling and First Nation negotiations.

6    $5.5 Billion Enbridge Northern Gateway marine terminal and pipeline.  And then of course there's "Cheap Charts" to more or less set the records straight.

7    $25 to 30 Million Sandhill Materials Inc. Marine Terminal  and Aggregate export operation. This company is probably hoping to develop their property before the Oil and Gas guys get the thumbs up,eh.


9   $150 Million Crab/Europa Hydroelectric Project by Ktamaat Renewable Energy Corp.  A run-of-the-river generating facility in the Gardner Canal area.  It would tie into Rio Tinto Alcan's transmission line at Kildala Arm....... talk to BC Hydro about their involvement of another high priced IPP, eh


Friday, August 10, 2012

Cheap Charts for Sale and If Enbridge counted their money the way they don't count our streams, they'd be broke before they started.

Maybe all of Enbridge's statements are loaded with innuendos, needed to be taken with a LARGE grain of salt. For example this straight out approach, via Douglas Channel, from Kitimat to the Pacific Ocean, provided by Enbridge as a reassurance to politicians, in a Video Documentary.

Its an outright lie!!!

You can plainly see that Enbridge removed all of the islands, maybe that's the plan, that Christy Clark has up her sleeve.

Fiction starts at 00:43 UPDATE the link is gone POOF!!
Google Map

Enbridge says that the Northern Gateway pipeline system route transverses many watercourses ....etc

Note:  Watercourse Crossing link has been scrapped by Enbridge website, however a screen shot of their original filing with the NEB is here with the WayBackMachine 2015/01/31
Watercourse Crossings Page 1 of 3

The proposed Northern Gateway pipeline system route traverses many watercourses, from very small brooks to large rivers. Most of the water crossings are technically straightforward and have minimal environmental impacts. The Project has established a strategic watercourse crossings team to conduct detailed site surveys at difficult crossings to ensure they can be built responsibly and with minimal impacts. The pipelines will cross 773 identified watercourses with defined bed and banks; 669 of the crossings are fish-bearing.  SNIP   Source for more Updated 2015/01/31 - NEB 8 page Document
773 Watersheds, does that include Alberta, or just British Columbia?

Does Alberta have fish, or are the 669 crossings of fish-bearing watercourses only in BC?

And, considering how much Alberta has "developed" its Oil and Gas Industry, where they have many, many more inspectors than British Columbia, maybe their watercourses, the brooks and streams, are no more.

The one  two pipelines that Enbridges Northern Gateway Project, which is designed to follow major rivers, with feeders coming in from all directions, should have us on high alert, well beyond AMBER!

Going back to Maps, not the kind that we need to drive, but ones dedicated to expanding our knowledge of our BC Watersheds.........   There's this Map, its actually called an Atlas..........

First, search for this in Google:         BC Watershed Atlas
Then click on the section called        Maps - Watershed Code

Which takes you to a               Fisheries Inventory   with instructions on how to use the ATLAS

NOTE:   MOE.... Ministry of Environment.......

  1. Click on the desired MOE Region below. This will display an index map of all the watershed groups within the region.
  2. Click on the desired watershed group. This will display a table of all the WSCA map sheet pdf files within the selected watershed group.
  3. Click on the desired WSCA map sheet pdf file to display the WSCA map sheet image with the 1:50,000 Watershed Codes.
Map   6 is what you want to click on 

Now you're down to a Watershed Group, and the mouth of the Kitimat River where there's this:


KITR is the mouth of the Kitimat River, where Oil Tankers, 250 of them at 320,000 Gross Tonnes, are going to be fueling up each year and loading up too.

This is the Link for KITR:   Remember, these maps' URL is  FIRST about fish/watershed SECOND

At the top of the table from the link above, there's this:

KITR: Kitimat River  which is whole map for the one Group called KITR

If you zoom in on the above link of KITR, you'll see how each stream, each brook is hemmed in by hills and mountains, like in #27.......24 streams, with feeders to them too, all contributing to our  FISH, our Drinking WATER, our very SURVIVAL.

103i.007 is the mouth of the Kitimat River  ... zoom in to 50%, for a close up look

August 11, 2012 UPDATE NOTE

From the map above, the bold blue highlighted numbers are of little use.  What you need to do is get in closer and record the numbers/letters in faint RED, then go back to the previous page select the area that you want to take a more in depth look at.

Enbridge we know about, but Kinder Morgan is continuing on with its goal of doubling up their existing oil pipeline to Burnaby.  Tankers are leaving in greater numbers from the Port of Vancouver because of Kinder Morgan.

Tabular Form by Areas  WSCA Map Library: Watershed Group Maps

CBC interactive map on Pipelines of North America
More Documentation, lots of documentation  FreshWater Atlas Documentation

From the above link, the Northern Gateway Project will be crossing THREE Watersheds.  The Peace is to the east of the Canadian Rockies.   Omineca is to the West of the Canadian Rockies, then there is one just called 6, by which the pipeline will be arriving at the mouth of the Kitimat River.

As a side note......on the topic of  Fish Farms the two Atlantic Salmon fish farms that are being killed off, as we write this,.... our Salmon, our West Coast Salmon, route, is through where the fish farms are.  Our Pacific Salmon are headed for their spawning grounds, via the Fraser River, which has a multitude of Watersheds that feed the Fraser.

An oil spill, would kill everything in its path.

This is the Lower Fraser River.....Do you recognize Richmond, Burnaby, Vancouver, Surrey?  Do you see the brooks, the streams, the rivers......  the USA border with Canada.... Boundary Bay?

 LFRA aka Lower Fraser River
Map of  Watershed 2, which includes the LFRA


"vessels up to 70,000 DWT, a size easily handled in the naturally deep water found
in the Kitimat Harbour....."   being replaced with 320,000 DWT,
 that's almost five times larger

Not only are the Islands missing, so too is Douglas Channel!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Land Use Designations in Northern British Columbia and OIL from Enbridge

Maps again, this time its Enbridge's layout of their pipeline without any reference to highways and local roads, no rivers either, nor mountains to tunnel through, and they do, tunnel through two.

Pipeline route

Then there is the Enbridge super-sonic fly-over video from Alberta, to Kitimat, professionally done.

But here we have OUR hand drawn red line edition over top of the "Land Use Designations in Northern British Columbia" version:

1991-05:     Land Use Designations in Northern British Columbia  (updated 2021-02-18)

M.L. Malott, D.V. Lefebure and A. Havard

Open File 1991-05 describes cretaceous and tertiary stratigraphy and industrial minerals in Hat Creek of Southern British Columbia (92I/12, 13, 14). Scale is at 1:800,000.

View Open File 1991-05 (PDF, 615 KB)​

As the Eagle flies

"As the Eagle flies" source Directory.

Watercourse Crossings Page 1 of 3

The proposed Northern Gateway pipeline system route traverses many watercourses, from very small brooks to large rivers. Most of the water crossings are technically straightforward and have minimal environmental impacts. The Project has established a strategic watercourse crossings team to conduct detailed site surveys at difficult crossings to ensure they can be built responsibly and with minimal impacts. The pipelines will cross 773 identified watercourses with defined bed and banks; 669 of the crossings are fish-bearing.  SNIP   Source for more
Douglas Channel, the to and fro (East and West) means by which the Oil Tankers proceed through British Columbia's Coastal waters is a Recreational area for boaters who are heading North and South, and East and West.

Enbridge is expecting to have 250 Tankers going to and fro between Kitimat and the open waters of our Coastline where none existed before.    As to whether we'll find the Coast Guard setting up a permanent Marine station, anchored, to direct traffic, we'll have to wait till Christy and Stephen sit down for "another talk at the Ice Rink" while the children play hockey.

 If you are a resident of Vancouver/North Shore, during the Cruise Ship Season, you'll often hear the toot-toot-toot-toot-toot-toot of the Cruise ships between the hours of 5pm and 6pm, as they leave Burrard Inlet.   The rat-a-tat-tooting is the Cruise ships telling the recreational boaters to get the hell out of the shipping channel.   Fortunately the same doesn't hold true for the Incoming fleet of two Cruise ships in the morning because ...... there's rarely a time when recreational boaters, professional too, are out, and about.   The same holds true for photographers and gawkers.  The best place to be standing is at Stanley Park's Prospect Point where its almost as if you can reach out and touch the passing ship(s).

Fact is, at precisely 6:24 in the morning, you might get a photo like this, and more:

The Island Princess

The Island Princess specifications and its Gross Tonnage: 88,000

Enbridge's Oil Tankers out of Kitimat statistics doesn't mention their Gross Tonnage, but there's a reassuring note from them in one report that says that their  "Vessel speed will be reduced in the marine channels to between 8 and 12 knots".

Then there's the consideration when comparisons are the media on....Tonnage Measurements of Ships.

 As to Enbridge Oil Tankers per se,
The proponent provided a description of the types of oil tankers that could operate to and from the Kitimat marine terminal. The proponent states that up to 250 large oil tankers will call at its Kitimat facility each year.  Snip

Source for the above via Google using this Search Criteria   Enbridge Gross tonnage of Oil tankers
and the link contains a whole raft of other information as well.

From a January 8, 2012 Post from the BBC:

 Snip ........ Douglas Channel has currents of only a couple knots and is quite straight. The hazardous places for tankers coming into Kitimat are getting from the open ocean to Douglas Channel....Snip   From Steve Cooley who left a Comment

 The original info above came from another one of those PAGE NOT FOUND of the Vancouver Sun's, but its all here at the BBC.

To put things in perspective, as it was done in the Vancouver Sun article that is no longer available,  a 320,000 Gross Tonnage Oil Tanker, the kind that will be going through Douglas Channel, is equivalent to the vessel being stood up on its Bow...... it would stand taller, than Vancouver's Shangri-La Hotel!

Friday, August 3, 2012

"Doublehs" is code for What? Double Hulls for oil tanker, maybe?

is Googleese speech for 


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
The double hull issue and oil spill risk on the Pacific west coast. Includes bibliographical references: p. ISBN 0-7726-2472-0. 1. Tankers – Safety measures. 2

Its October 1995, seventeen years away from 2012

SNIP  Page 9 of 54
.....In the wake of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster, a multitude of government studies, workshops and independent reviews recommended double hulls as the single most effective technology to prevent many future oil spills from tankers. Most ship classification societies and legislative bodies accept that total replacement of all existing tankers with double-hulled vessels will result in a 50% reduction in the total amount of oil spilt from tanker casualties.

It is important to realize that double hulled tankers do not mean the end of oil spills; there will always be exceptional accidents such as fires and explosions which result in the loss of oil. Since double hull construction is a design spill prevention measure (not an operational measure), it will not reduce the likelihood of a vessel accident (collision or grounding). Nevertheless, double hulls will result in an appreciable reduction in risk, simply by having a second hull within a hull.

Where are we after years of deliberations about the urgent need to protect our pristine environment?

When will we realize the benefits of new tanker designs? Some 250 million barrels of crude oil and refined petroleum products are moved each year by tankers and barges in Puget Sound, the Juan de Fuca Strait, and British Columbia coastal waterways.

Of this total, over 200 million barrels, or approximately 80% of the total, is still carried in single-hulled vessels.

In essence, “single hull” means that in the event of a collision or grounding there is a single layer of steel, 20 - 35 mm, or about an inch thick, separating the oil cargo and the marine environment.  SNIP 

Page 14 of 54
The map shows the main routes of tankers travelling down the west coast and into the Strait of Georgia/Puget Sound area.

Page 18 of 54
Tanker Design

Page 28 of 54
Tankers, single hull and double hull, resting smack dab on the top of British Columbia's Ripple Rock, past tense, now.

Page 32 of 54
The Province of British Columbia’s Report to the Premier on Oil Transportation and Oil Spills, November 1989 commonly referred to as the “David Anderson Report”, 19 recommended: “ In the event of the Secretary of Transportation (United States) or the National Academy of Sciences (United States) reporting in favour of double bottoms, greater use of ballast sides, or reduced tank sizes for tankers or tank barges, Canada serve notice that within four years such design features will be required for tankers and tank barges calling at Canadian ports”. (Recommendation #20). The National Research Council in Washington recommended in favour of such designs in 1991.

NOTE..... regarding David Anderson, he's the guy who came out this past week, to comment on the current BC Premier's "take" on what's good For BC.   Christy Clark is "missing the point".

Page 39 of 54   (This next 1995 statistic should be taken with a very large grain of SALT)
Future tanker traffic out of Vancouver (primarily Westridge Terminals) is expected to be much less than projected four years ago. Only three vessels sailed in 1994, down from the 12 to 14 loads more typical of the past few years. The trend is towards more “specialty shipments” from Vancouver which could lead to between 6 and 10 tank vessels per year calling to pick-up such cargoes as gas field condensate and synthetic crude.  These cargoes pose less risk to the marine environment than the more persistent crude oils.

Page 40 of 54
Increasing amounts of Alberta crude oil are being moved via pipeline from British Columbia to Washington State. As of November 1994, Canadian crude imports were meeting approximately 20% of the Puget Sound daily refining needs, up from around 1% five years ago. This supply situation is highly desirable from and environmental standpoint as it reduces the overall risk of a marine spill. The pipeline supply is very dependent on pricing and market pressures from other geographic areas.

Page 47 of 54
The following organizations provided invaluable assistance and recent data needed to develop this report: International Maritime Organization, London, England; International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, London, England; the United States Coast Guard, Washington, D.C.; Trans Mountain Pipelines Limited, Vancouver, B.C.; Seaspan Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.; Washington State Office of Marine Safety, Olympia, Washington; Canadian Coast Guard, Ottawa, Ontario; and British Petroleum, Port of Valdez, Alaska.
This report was produced by DF Dickins Associates Ltd., Salt Spring Island, British Columbia with the assistance of Ann Godon who prepared Part 2 dealing with Tanker Design.