Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bravo Company will conduct a Cordon and Search aka "IAW SoM, B Coy CM1005 IVO Gr 12U QQ 1234 5678."

If you consider yourself to be John/Jane Doe public, have never served in Canada's armed forces, then you won't know what the title of the Post means.

UPDATE: June 27, 2012 These guys would/should know:
Defence Research Establishment-Ottawa (Jun 27 2012 10:34:41am)

Then again if you are John/Jane Doe public, and have read the Province article from June 25, 2012's newspaper (but really written by the Canadian Press) where its called  Easing the soldier to civvy transition subTitle:  "Serving members seek help before being medically released", then you have no right to determine how to ease the soldier into Canada from overseas.

You have no idea what it's like "over there".   Neither do I, but over the weekend, I read a book, and I think I know a little bit more, than you.

Hint:    ISBN Dog tags: 978-1-44340-717-5, Written by Ryan Flavelle.

 SO, HERE YOU HAVE IT.  You are reading the first lines of my first book, the culmination of all my efforts to get a book published.  First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this book ---unless you stole it or are reading the Google Books "preview" -- in which case, go buy my book.  I'm a poor graduate student/reservist.

The title is     "The Patrol",
subTitle is: "Seven Days in the life of a Canadian Soldier in AFGHANISTAN".

Translation of Post Title:
For example, "Bravo Company will conduct a Cordon and Search of suspected compounds near the village of Zangabad" becomes "IAW SoM, B Coy will conduct CM1005 IVO Gr 12U QQ 1234 5678"
It would be easy to provide a link to his book, in Google, but it's even easier to write:  

Stand up, and go to your Local Library!

If you do go to your local library, the authors, illustrators, photographers, publishers, etc. of books in general, receive some compensation, a pittance compared to royalties per book, from the Public Lending Right Commission (Federal)... until Harper gets wind of it.


Flavell spent SEVEN months in Afghanistan, fighting.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Smart Meter compared to other RF devices like a Baby Monitor, a Cell Phone, a Microwave

Update May 23, 2013 : Link to Bob Mackin's 2010  Gold Rush: 

Smart meter info kept secret until after the election 

Photo UPDATE at the bottom  June 5, 2012   

 Photo UPDATE at the bottom  June 19, 2012   Letter from Curtis Bennett to Enderby City Council

Here's another one of those June 1, 2012 documents that the BC Liberals like to roll out during the Summer Legislative Recess, even though it was created on April 5, 2012.   Its an Amended Report, but what else were you expecting.

 Amended Report on BC Hydro Smart Meter Measurements

"Smart Meters will send  brief pulses every 5 minutes (5 minute interval interrogation)"... which means of course that they will be doing it 24/7

Its not clear in this document if the "number" for each device is of equal duration.  All we know is that from the data provided it might be for only of a duration that the Public would normally use their current home devices eg.

When the baby is sleeping (a nap)  teething certainly negates the reason for having a RF Baby Monitor, eh.

Cell Phone, is it sending out a brief pulse 24/7, or only when called upon?

Microwave Oven, Midnight popcorn making, cup of tea for the teetotalers, thawing the chicken for supper.

Smart Meter    brief pulses every 5 minutes (5 minute interval interrogation)


Instantaneous Peak Power Density at 30 cm (Source: Ref. 2)
In units of μW/cm2

RF Baby Monitor      15.6275

Cell Phone                  9.6425

Microwave Oven        7.0775

Smart Meter               4.035

A Smart Meter is on ALL of the TIME

The following is supposed to be BC Hydro's answer to the Public's concerns by comparing their Smart Meter to other devices in our homes... but, but, but.....


Smart meters are designed to emit pulses that last approximately 100 to 150 milliseconds (0.1 to 0.15 seconds) at irregular intervals.

 - In a cluster of smart meters, the meters do not emit simultaneously but are programmed to communicate with a single controller in a random sequence. This mode of operation eliminates the potential for exposure to more than one signal at the same time (Ref.1).

 - In this trial, smart meters were scheduled to emit brief pulses every 5 minutes (5 minute interval interrogation). - The continuous monitoring of RF levels was maintained for a time period of 10 minutes at each position of the probe to ensure that the highest possible RF exposure level was detected and recorded.
Which probably means for condos and apartments where there are BANKS of Smart Meters, the emission of brief pulses communicating with a single controller in a random sequence means that there will be CONSTANT supply of pulses.   Forget the 5 minute intervals!  Its pedal to the metal pulsing.

There is one other detail that wasn't mentioned in their trial of a Smart Meter, and that is each of the Household Devices that were used, are all 110 volts.

Your house, your Apartment, your basement secondary suite, your Condo, have 220Volts running through their "veins".

Do you think that a 110 volt line, normally used to power a lamp stand (in a carpeted room) as a bona fide example, as used in these photos below, ..... would there be enough juice to power TEN Smart Meters let alone even ONE Smart Meter?   In the real world One Smart Meter is supposedly feeding the electricity to the WHOLE house.......

See the singular electric cable coming from the left hand of the display unit which is getting its power from a wall outlet..... which might be fed through a 15 amp breaker!!!!

The point here is why go through the process of mounting 10 Smart Meters on a display wall when all they had to do was mount the "Device" that emits the RF signal on each of the Ten units and record that information.

Is it all about show and not tell?


Letter from Curtis Bennett to Enderby City Council

Thermografix Consulting Corporation

June 17, 2012

Enderby City Council
Enderby, B.C.

Att: Chair of Smart Meter Committee – Councillor Earl Shipmaker
cc: Barb Makota, Edgar Murdoch

Re: Questions for BC Hydro on Smart Meter Safety

Dear Councillor Shipmaker;

I was asked to provide information on Smart Meters in my professional capacity as an electrical professional with interprovincial credentials provided by the BC and Canadian Governments.

Smothering Enderby in RF EMFs for ease of communication has serious consequences for the entire community and BC Hydro's presentation for Enderby won't represent them. Power Density is incomplete but alarming language by itself. It means everything the EMFs touch or go through are in the wireless circuit and uninsulated from the frequencies. Power density exists when frequencies create the wireless circuit. Power is watts, volts times amps and all unprotected biological systems have frequencies of their own that were left out of the EMF equation.

Health Canada's Safety Code 6 governs limits of human exposure to wireless frequencies and the predominant health effect to be avoided is the unintentional stimulation of tissue as is the heat effect. Intentional stimulation is medical imaging like an X-ray. When you have X-rays, your body is positioned, protective clothing covers parts of your body for attenuation(elimination) of the frequencies on your side of the clothing. Refusing the protective clothing isn't optional because of the dangers and liabilities.

The highlighted area on Page 19 from the BC Utilities Commission stating they have to comply with Safety Code 6. http://www.thermoguy.com/pdfs/BC-Utilities-Commission-BCH-Smart-Metering-Infrastructure-Program-Business-Case.pdf

The highlighted area on Page 2 in BC Hydro's Fact Sheet states Safety Code 6 is the law and same science standards as the FCC. http://www.thermoguy.com/pdfs/BC-Hydro-RF-Fact-Sheet-Detailed.pdf

Page 9, paragraph 2 of Safety Code 6 admits critical mechanisms are missing linking frequencies to adverse health effects. The weight of evidence approach will be used when mechanisms are found and code will be changed if necessary.

Errors or omissions in Safety Code 6 substantiating the mechanism linking frequencies to adverse health effects were reported to Health Canada and by expert witness at the request of Canadian Parliament's Standing Committee on Health. It was also reported to BC Hydro, BCUC and the BC Government that the frequencies in this application no longer complied with Safety Code 6.

Safety Code 6 admits humans are being electromagnetically induced but negated to include frequencies of ALL electrical considerations, frequencies associated with biological system's function. Humans were treated as Kilograms of tissue being heated by watts. Omnidirectional Smart Meter Routers, tower antennas capable of communicating with thousands of smart devices weren't considered for their interaction with anything including buildings caught in the EMF. You can't blast frequencies around with reckless abandon.

Questions for BC Hydro:

BC Hydro's electrical grid runs at 60 Hz, what happens if the 60 Hz changes? What would happen if the 60 Hz grid was electromagnetically induced? What would the resultant frequency be?
What frequencies of human biological systems did BC Hydro use in frequency interaction considerations.
Location of Smart Meter Routers and how big of an area do they cover.
B.C. Hydro Fact Sheet, page 1 under Proximity states the meter base acts like a reflective shield and further reflects the frequencies away from the resident? The frequencies from Smart Meter Routers and other wireless antennas are hitting buildings from top to bottom communicating with the meter. Can BC Hydro please provide the attenuation coefficients of everything hit by the EMF between the routers, antennas and meter bases holding the Smart Meter? That includes bees, birds, bugs, trees, humans, pets, angles, any biology, any materials of any kind.
The frequencies from the routers are going through building materials, fire separations and hitting anything in their path. Can BC Hydro provide the attenuation coefficients for the building materials including electrical/mechanical systems and the documentation from engineers showing attenuation(elimination) of the frequencies at the building?
Do the frequencies from the Smart Meter Routers, Antennas hit buildings and stop at the meter base or do the frequencies go through buildings? Can BC Hydro provide the required documentation from engineers showing attenuation(elimination)
Can BC Hydro please show documentation the smart meters were tested for accuracy in an EMF under full load of router(4000 smart devices)?
Where is the engineered response from BC Hydro and Minister Coleman on the frequencies going through walls, vibrating structural components causing non compliance with BC Building Code. http://www.thermoguy.com/pdfs/BC-Energy-Minister-on-Wireless-and-Building-Code.pdf
The dangers of wireless frequencies is now lectured in medical academia for education credits doctors need for licensing, did BC Hydro report that to Enderby or other municipalities? http://www.thermoguy.com/pdfs/Medical_Education_Letter_on_Wireless_Lectured_in_Medical_Academia.pdf
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine press release on Smart Meter, was this shared with Enderby? http://www.thermoguy.com/pdfs/AAEM-Resolution.pdf
Did BC Hydro share with Enderby Council, local professionals or constituents the accelerated corrosion information when radiating infrastructure? Refer to Andrew Michrowski.

Frequencies penetrating the body at any depth/angle has serious consequences. Electromagnetic induction of unprotected human electrical grid, causing nerve and muscle stimulation, 180 degree polarization of molecules 1.8 billion times per second at 900 Mhz or twice the frequency. That could break anything including DNA and produces heat not being discussed.

There are serious unanswered questions and a ban on Smart Meter installation is the only option until the weight of evidence is employed as per Safety Code 6. Enderby Council, citizens and Hydro needs to be warned on this very complex issue. This isn't a property dispute, this is a frequency and biological weapon when applied like this. We are not wearing protective clothing to attenuate the frequencies, neither are the buildings. BC Hydro and Health Canada have science to complete and resubmit new calculations. Electrical Engineers don't know frequencies and critical information was left out of an electrical equation.

It isn't insurable to neurologically stimulate populations and Health Canada says that happens but humans weren't considered electrical. Radiating buildings and infrastructure without informing municipal administrators, their science professionals, first responders, education, unions, insurers, pacemaker recipients, health monitoring, medicine, is dangerous.


Curtis Bennett
Chief Science Officer
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Engineering Technologist
Adjunct Faculty, IHF & GEDI
Thermografix Consulting Corporation www.thermoguy.com/emfeducation.html