Monday, October 28, 2024

Capilano Mall's 'find the store' maps are downright dangerous because they include the Fire Exits

I understand why malls, typically, have back to back signage, and use the cardinal direction of NORTH at the top, but, invariably the stores, and signs within, aren't facing North at all.  The odds (?).  Is there a greater chance of it being any other direction than North.

Those same mall maps includes the FIRE EXIT duly noted, in accordance with municipal/provincial laws, but, has the City, Fire Department, verified that the signs on the map are correctly placed?

Lions Gate Hospital has a map at their South entrance, double doors, from 15th, but its mounted on the East Wall.  Which means that  .... rubbernecking ....

Sorry, no images for Lions Gate Hospital

Capilano Mall, samples, of the cardinal sin

For those lives already lost, could a lawsuit be launched now ...... because the signs sent them the wrong way ..

Architects, Municipality, Province,    ..... local Fire Marshall . ......  for approving, and specifically, for the placement of the signs incorrectly?

PS   The last time I looked, Capilano Mall is owned by a Teacher Pension Fund.  They should know better.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Old Maps: 'Vancouver and Suburbs' (link), Deep Cove too. Use our Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass




  Vancouver and Suburbs Map

  more maps from  Dial Map


Ashurst (Parkhurst),   Banff Av.,   Baycrest Dr.,   Beachview Dr.,   Belmont Av.,   Broadview,   Byrne Rd.,   Cade (see Arbor),   Canyon Park Rd.,   Chiselhampton St.,   Chutter St.,   Chrisdale Av.,   Circle Walk,   Colleen St.,   Crestlynn Dr.,   David St.,   Derby Pl.,   Derwent Cr.,   Dycke (Dyke),   Eleanor St.,   Errington Av.,   Evans (see Casewell),   First Av. ( Van.),   Fonteyn Way,   Gatenby Av.,   Greentree Pl.,    Grouse Walk,   Happy Valley La.,   Harken St.,   Hayes Av.,   Hillview St.,   James Walk,   Keith St. (Burnaby),   Keith (N. Van.),   Kew Park,    Lauralynn Dr.,   Laurie Cr.,   Lawa Rd.,   McPherson Av.,   Mathias Rd.,   Mazuco (se David),   Mountbatten St. Burnaby,   Neal St.,   New Pipe Line Rd.,   Norcross Av.,   Oakglen Dr.,   Olson St..   Paton St.,   Patterdale,   Pattsmauk Rd??.,   Pender - Keefer Div.,   Picadilly Rd. North,   Pilot House Rd.,   Pioneer Av.,   Ramsey Av (Burnaby),   Redfern Pl.,   Rivers Dr. (W. Van.),   Rockview Pl.,   Russet Way,   Rydal Av.,   St. Denis Rd.,   Ski Lift Pl.,   Wentworth), Southwood Pl.,   Sunflower Av.,  Sycamore Dr.,   Tamarack Rd.,   Tisdall St.,   Wentworth Av.  (Ski Lift Pl.),   Whonoak,   Wildwood La.,   Woodgreen Dr.,   Woodcrest Rd.,   Woodpark Rd.


Friday, October 25, 2024

Budgeted $125 for 2004 Backyard Rockery Project with a 'slightly' used 'DB Type HAND Winch W/Cable'!

and it came with a best before date

 These jumble of rocks were free (oops Delivery Fee!)

A truck tie down strap worked perfectly on the odd shaped rocks and connected to the winch cable


And a way off in the distance was that old hand powered winch sitting on top of a heavy duty 'box' made of 2' X 8" lumber for the framing, added 30" X 30" plywood for the top and bottom, to prevent wracking.  

The interior of the box, was loaded with individual ROCKS so that their combined weight could pull the larger rock.

And with all the (ducks) boulders in a row it was simple to remove the rocks in the box and move to another angle to pull in another line of boulders.

All done by hand.   No electric winches needed.

Of course now, you'll use MY WAY, your way, but with that electric winch.



Tuesday, October 22, 2024

District of North Vancouver's Deep Cove area, without a dedicated sewerage piping map?

The District of North Vancouver has the best, most detailed data, in Metro Vancouver, the Province.  Way superior to the City of Vancouver's ...... just  DON'T OPEN (VANCOUVER'S)  fire hydrant file, nor their pedestrian activated crosswalk lights.  You won't be able to see where you're walking in Google Earth, nor see where your dog went to.

DNV GIS files:

Its all about maintenance of Districts assets.

As to the current topic:  Flood prevention assets:

Sanitary Mains Abandon

Sanitary Sewer Fittings

Sanitary Sewer Lift Catchment Areas

Sanitary Sewer Mains

Sanitary Sewer Service Connections

Sanitary Sewer Facilities

Go to this link


For Example:

Stairs, They're numbered   (Can you do them in one day or one a day? up)

Point features depicting the location of District owned stairs. The number of stairs is included as part of this data set where it is known. These point features merely indicate the location of a staircase.



For Example:

Sanitary Sewer System
Point features which represent facility structures that serve the sanitary sewer system (primarily lift stations). Lift stations handle raw sewage fed from gravity pipelines which lift the sewage upward through a pressurized pipe (force main).
View Metadata | Download SHP | Download FGDB | Download DWG | Download KML


Vancouver Sun articles:


Is this why there was a flash flood through Deep Cove?



Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

British Columbia Prisoners Report. Your most obedient Servant: C. Todd

Gaoler      James Robson

Assistant Gaoler    J.W. Hutchinson

Assistant Gaoler    A. W. Rogers

Senior Convict Guard    Frederick Hussay

Convict Guard    Henry Murray

Medical Attendant    Dr. J. S. Helmcken





Prison Report  1879

Owing to the fact that the Act requiring this report to be made by me being in force only since April of this year, I am unable in this, my first report, to give full statistics of the different gaols and lock-ups other than those at Victoria, New Westminister and Nanaimo.  I can only state with respect to the other gaols and lock-ups that they are generally in a good state of repair, and, with one or two exceptions, serve every purpose for which they were intended.

That at Esquimalt contains two cells, but is without a yard fence. Hence prisoners cannot get open-air exercise unless the constable is present.  Victoria gaol being near at hand renders it unnecessary to keep prisoners long at Esquimalt lock-up.

Cowichan lock-up contains two cells, a court-room and lavatory, and is in good repair.  It is situated at too great a distance from any habitation, to be safe either from rescue or from bush fires, unless there is a guard all the time. Built in 1877.

Comox lock-up contains two cells, a court-room and lavatory, and is in good repair.  It is situated at too great a distance from any habitation, to be safe either from rescue or from bush fires, unless there is a guard all the time.  Built in 1877.

Burrard Inlet lock-up is a rough log hut, inadequate for the requirements of the place.  

Lytton gaol or lock-up contains four cells, and is in good repair.

Clinton gaol or lock-up is also in good repair and contains four cells. Built in 1876.

Kamloops gaol or lock-up contains two cells, is in good repair, and built on the same model as those of Cowichan and Comox.

Osoyoos lock-up is old but serves all purposes, it being seldom required.

Mouth of Quesnelle lock-up contains six cells, and is in very good condition.

Stanley lock-up is in good repair.

Richfield gaol, as far as I know, answers all purposes for which it is required.

In Cassiar, there are two lock-ups, one at Laketon and one at McDame's Creek, both in good repair.

The gaol or lock-up at Metlakathla Mission is hexagonal in form, two-story high.  It contains four cells and a guard room on the ground floor, and one large, well-lighted room above, used as a day room and reading room for prisoners and constables.  The building is in good repair and handsomely painted, forming a distinctive feature of the town.

There is a new lock-up required at Burrard Inlet, and the fence around Kamloops gaol altering and raising several feet higher.

The wood-work at Victoria and New Westminster gaols is badly decayed, and will require constant repairs until the buildings are completely renewed.

The question of disposing of the gaol property at Victoria, and building a new gaol outside of the city, is even now worthy of the consideration of the Government.

I have the honour to remain, 

Your most obedient servant

C. Todd,

Superintendent of Police.

Family Tree source?

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Kevin Falcon's unsung heroes of tomorrow, shafted by the man.

 Definitely, not a leader!


  The BC United Youth are the political voice of students and young professionals working to promote free enterprise values, to ensure that tomorrow’s BC is even better than today’s.

 All gone Conservative?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Vancouverites, south of Burrard Inlet, has ten times the Sewage problems, than North Vancouverites

According to this Metro-Vancouver-map, in-real-time, there doesn't seem to be a problem with the existing North Shore Sewage and Treatment plants.  No leakages whatsoever.

However, everything south of Burrard Inlet looks ..... bad, so bad, that within the last 48 hours, there has been overflows in ten different locations.

New Westminster, hmmmm ;  Burnaby, Hmmmm or is that the refinery

CBC has a story  (Jun 15, 2024 5:00 AM PDT)  on the problems with the North Shore, but not a peep of what's happening on the South shore of Burrard Inlet and down to the North Arm of the Fraser River. Marpole.

Maybe Vancouver's Mayor Sim has an answer for these eight problem areas, just to reassure his citizens.


In particular:  City of Vancouver's False Creek  not-fit-for-swimming-in



Friday, October 4, 2024

'Scotch Whiskey Association Gambier' : SWAG Members Only

Gambier Island is approximately twenty-five square miles with only 100 permanent residents, primarily located in New Brighton, Gambier Harbour and West Bay - the number swells to over 600 in the summer.

and once a year ....

Welcome to Gambier Island!

'Our island currently does not have any commercial enterprises.'

Gibsons Government Liquor store?  ... lacks the swashbuckingly swagger


Five Hundred and Seventy-Nine bottles of ......

2005-05 Ardbeg Ardbeg 10 yr 10 yr
2005-05 Aberfeldy Aberfeldy 12 yr 12 yr
2005-05 Clynelish Clynelish 14 yr 14 yr
2005-05 Aberfeldy Aberfeldy 16 yr old matured entirely in ex-Oloroso sherry casks 16 yr
2005-06 Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie 10 yr 10 yr
2005-06 Laphroaig Laphroaig 10 yr 10 yr
2005-06 Glenkinchie Glenkinchie 15 yr 15 yr
2005-07 Ardbeg Ardbeg 10 yr 10 yr
2005-07 Highland Park Highland Park 12 yr 12 yr
2005-07 Aberlour Aberlour a'Bunadh Cask Strength Batch 22 (59%) Unk
2005-08 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan 21 yr 21 yr
2005-08 Jura Isle of Jura Superstition Unk
2005-09 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie 10 yr 10 yr
2005-09 Glenfliddich Glenfliddich 12 yr 12 yr
2005-09 Lagavulin Lagavulin (double matured) 1988 (17 yr) 17 yr
2005-10 Springbank Springbank 10 yr Campbelton 10 yr
2005-10 Bowmore Bowmore 15 yr Islay 15 yr
2005-10 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 17 yr Speyside 17 yr
2005-11 Caol Caol Ila 12 yr Islay 12 yr
2005-11 Strathisla Strathisla 12 yr Keith 12 yr
2005-11 Aberlour Aberlour a'Bunadh Cask Strength Batch 13 (59.8%) Unk
2005-12 Arran Arran Robert Burns 10 yr Blend 10 yr
2005-12 Scapa Scapa 12 yr Orkney 12 yr
2005-12 Highland Park Highland Park 18 yr 18 yr
2005-12 Benromach Benromach 21 yr Speyside 21 yr
2006-01 Tamdhu Tamdhu 10 yr 10 yr
2006-01 Caol Caol Ila 12 yr 12 yr
2006-01 Highland Park Highland Park 12 yr 12 yr
2006-01 Talisker Talisker Double Mature 1986 (20 yr) 20 yr
2006-02 Drumguigh Drumguigh 10 yr 10 yr
2006-02 Lagavulin Lagavulin 1988 (18 yr) 18 yr
2006-02 Connemara Connemara Irish Unk
2006-02 Macallan The Macallan Cask Strength (58.8%) Unk
2006-03 Penderyn Penderyn 3 yr Madeira cask Welsh 3 yr
2006-03 Brora Brora 30 yr Cask Strength (56.6%) 30 yr
2006-03 Peat Monster The Peat Monster Compass Box blend Unk
2006-04 Arran Arran Special Reserve 8 yr 8 yr
2006-04 Hazelburn Hazelburn 8 yr 1st edtition 8 yr
2006-04 Macallan The Macallan 10 yr 10 yr
2006-04 Glenlivet The Glenrothes Vintage 1985 bottled 2005 (20 yr) 20 yr
2006-05 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 10 yr 10 yr
2006-05 Longrow Longrow 14 yr 14 yr
2006-05 Aberlour Aberlour a'Bunadh Batch 7 Cask Strength Unk
2006-05 Finlaggan Finlaggan The McGibbon's 'Provenace' bottling Unk
2006-06 Royal Lochnagar Royal Lochnagar 12 yr 93' The McGibbon's 'Provenace' Spring Bottling 12 yr
2006-06 Dalmore Dalmore Cigar Malt 86 Proof 20 yr 20 yr
2006-06 Royal Brackla Royal Brackla 25 yr 79' 58.5% Cask Strength 25 yr
2006-07 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich 10 yr 10 yr
2006-07 Redbreast Redbreast 12 yr 12 yr
2006-07 Jameson Jameson 18 yr - Master Selection Number JJ18 18 yr
2006-07 Black Bushmills Black Bushmills Unk
2006-08 Oban Oban 14yr 4 yr
2006-08 Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 yr 15 yr
2006-08 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich 1989 – cast strength (17 yr) 17 yr
2006-08 Glenlivet The Glenlivet French Oak Unk
2006-09 Ardbeg Ardbeg 10 yr 10 yr
2006-09 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich 15 yr 15 yr
2006-09 Glen Garioch Glen Garioch 15 yr 15 yr
2006-09 Highland Park Highland Park 18 yr 18 yr
2006-09 Lagavulin Lagavulin 1988 - double wood (18 yr) 18 yr
2006-09 Jura Jura 'Superstition' Unk
2006-10 Jameson Jameson 10 yr 10 yr
2006-10 Glenfiddich Glenfiddich Special Reserve 12 yr (First 50 Bottles) 12 yr
2006-10 Yamazaki Yamazaki 12 yr Suntory – Japan 12 yr
2006-10 Lagavulin Lagavulin 16 yr 16 yr
2006-11 Arran Arran 10 yr 10 yr
2006-11 Talisker Talisker 10 yr 10 yr
2006-11 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney 12 yr 12 yr
2006-11 The Balvenie The Balvenie 21 yr 21 yr
2006-12 Glengoyne Glengoyne 10 yr 10 yr
2006-12 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie 10 yr 10 yr
2006-12 GlenDronach GlenDronach 12 yr 12 yr
2006-12 Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie 15 yr 15 yr
2007-01 The Balvenie The Balvenie 12 yr Double Wood 12 yr
2007-01 Benriach Benriach 20 yr 20 yr
2007-01 Ileach The Ileach Unk
2007-02 Benriach Benriach 10 yr Curiositus 10 yr
2007-02 Longmorn Longmorn 15 yr 15 yr
2007-02 Talisker Talisker 18 yr 18 yr
2007-02 Arran Arran Robert Burns blend Unk
2007-03 Penderyn Penderyn 46% Welsh 3 yr non-chill filtered 3 yr
2007-03 Benriach Benriach Herodotus Fumosus 12 yr 46% sherry butts. 1 of 30 bottles in Canada 12 yr
2007-03 Talisker Talisker 30 yr 51.9% natural cask strength American Oak limited edition bottled in 2006 1 of 12 30 yr
2007-03 Strathisla Strathisla 1960 58.2% Gordon and McPhail refill sherry hogshead bottled June 13 2007. (47 yr) 47 yr
2007-04 Glendullan Glendullan 9 yr 46% 9 yr
2007-04 Aberlour Aberlour 12 yr Double Cask Matured (Oak and Sherry) 12 yr
2007-04 anCnoc anCnoc 12 yr 12 yr
2007-04 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan Three Wood 15 yr 43% 15 yr
2007-04 Finlaggan Finlaggan 6 yr 40% 6 yr
2007-04 Ardbeg Ardbeg Uigeadail 54.2% Unk
2007-04 Bowmore Bowmore Dawn Port cask 51.5% Unk
2007-06 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 12 yr 1992 46% The McGibbon's 'Provenace' bottling 12 yr
2007-06 Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie 15 yr 43% 15 yr
2007-06 Glenugie Glenugie 1981 23 yr. Bottling Duncan Taylor Dark distillery distilled 11 1981; bottled 06 23 yr
2007-06 Glen Breton Glen Breton Canadian Single Malt 43% Unk
2007-07 Bowmore Bowmore Mariner 15 yr 43% 15 yr
2007-07 Caol Caol IIa 15 yr Wilson and Morgan Barrel bottling 55% Cask Strength 15 yr
2007-07 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney 21 yr 1983 Limited Edition 46% 21 yr
2007-07 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich Islay 3D – Second Edition 50% Cask Strength Unk
2007-08 Yoichi Yoichi Nikka Whisky 10 yr 10 yr
2007-08 Tullibardine Tullibardine 1993 46% portwood finish (14 yr) 14 yr
2007-08 Port Ellen Port Ellen Distillery 1983 22 yr The Old Malt Cask 22 yr
2007-09 Benriach Benriach 15 yr Curisitas peated 15 yr
2007-09 Glen Garioch Glen Garioch 15 yr 15 yr
2007-09 Glenfiddich Glenfiddich Solera Reserve 15 yr 15 yr
2007-09 Cragganmore Cragganmore double matured double malted 1991 (16 yr) 16 yr
2007-10 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie 10 yr 10 yr
2007-10 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Burgandy finish Unk
2007-11 Benriach Benriach 21 yr Authenticus peated 21 yr
2007-11 Ardbeg Ardbeg Uigeadail 54.2% Unk
2007-11 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Port finish Unk
2007-11 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Sherry finish Unk
2007-12 Achentoshan Achentoshan 10 yr 10 yr
2007-12 Dalmore Dalmore 12 yr 12 yr
2007-12 Highland Park Highland Park 15 yr. Hudsons Bay bottling 15 yr
2008-01 Lagavulin Lagavulin 12 yr cast strength 12 yr
2008-01 Laphroaig Laphroaig 15 yr Quarter Cask 15 yr
2008-01 Aberlour Aberlour 16 yr rum finish 46% 1989 bottle in 2005 Wilson and Morgan 16 yr
2008-02 Tamdhu Tamdhu 10 yr 10 yr
2008-02 Benriach Benriach 15 yr Madeira finish 15 yr
2008-02 Pittyvaich Pittyvaich Old Malt Cask 15 yr 15 yr
2008-02 Balblair Balblair 17 yr 43% 1989 bottled in 2007 17 yr
2008-03 Tullibardine Tullibardine 1987 KWM bottled March 2008 (21 yr) 21 yr
2008-03 Strathisla Strathisla distilled on 19/11/1960 bottled in 2007 non-chill filtered cask number 2543 58.2% (47 yr) 47 yr
2008-03 Superstition Superstition Isle of Jura 43% Unk
2008-04 Edradour Edradour 10 yr 40% 10 yr
2008-04 Macduff Macduff 11 yr 1990 43% The Coopers Choice 11 yr
2008-04 Glen Elgin Glen Elgin 12 yr 12 yr
2008-04 Redbreast Redbreast Irish 12 yr 40% 12 yr
2008-04 Talisker Talisker Secret Stills 45% Gordon and McPhail 1986 bottled in 2007 Skye (21 yr) 21 yr
2008-04 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich Islay 46% Unk
2008-04 Gentleman Jack Gentleman Jack Bourbon 40% (First 150 Bottles) Unk
2008-06 Teaninich Teaninich 30 yr 60.8% Dewar Rattray Cask Collection 30 yr
2008-06 Glenglassaugh Glenglassaugh 1976 Coopers Choice Unk
2008-06 Littlemill Littlemill 1984 Coopers Choice Unk
2008-07 Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie 15 yr 43% 15 yr
2008-07 Highland Park Highland Park 18 yr 18 yr
2008-07 Aberlour Aberlour a'Bunadh Batch 21 59.8% Unk
2008-07 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte PC6 62.6 % Unk
2008-09 Penderyn Penderyn 3 yr Maderia finish 46% 3 yr
2008-09 Lagavulin Lagavulin 12 yr bottled 2005 57% 12 yr
2008-09 Jura Jura 'Superstition' Unk
2008-10 Benromach Benromach Traditional Single Malt Unk
2008-10 Bowmore Bowmore cask strength Unk
2008-10 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte PC6 62.6% Unk
2008-11 Glenfiddich Glenfiddich 12 yr Special Reserve 12 yr
2008-11 Glen Grant Glen Grant 50 yr bottled in 1958 40% 50 yr
2008-11 Ileach The Ileach Cask Strength Unk
2008-12 Ballantine's Ballantine's 17 yr blend 17 yr
2008-12 Glenrothes The Glenrothes 40% Unk
2008-12 Tamdhu Tamdhu 40% Unk
2009-01 Oban Oban Distillers Edition 1990 bottled in 2004 43% (14 yr) 14 yr
2009-01 Arran Arran Pineau des Charantes Cask Unk
2009-01 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Nector d̢۪Or 46% Unk
2009-02 Aberlour Aberlour a̢۪Bunadh. Strength 60.2% Unk
2009-02 Clan Clan Denny vatted malt Unk
2009-02 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie The Quinta Ruban Unk
2009-03 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich 1998 10 yr Sherry Manzanilla 10 yr
2009-03 Highland Park Highland Park 18 yr. Strength 43% 18 yr
2009-03 Laphroaig Laphroaig Quarter Cask Cask Strength 48% Unk
2009-04 Glen Farclas Glen Farclas 17 yr distillery offering 43% 17 yr
2009-04 Mortlach Mortlach 18 yr 1988 in Bourbon Barrel Murray McDavid Mission Gold Series 1200 Bottled 2007 at 18 yr
2009-04 Port Ellen Port Ellen 25 yr 50% sherry butt 4673 distilled Nov. 1982 bottled Sept. 2008 Islay closed distillery 25 yr
2009-06 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 18 yr 43% Distillery offering 18 yr
2009-06 Port Ellen Port Ellen 25 OMC (25 yr) 25 yr
2009-06 Bakery Hill Bakery Hill Cask Strength Peated Malt 60% Unk
2009-06 Tullibardine Tullibardine 1987 this is a special KWM bottling Unk
2009-09 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan 21 yr 43% 21 yr
2009-09 Bakery Hill Bakery Hill Cast Strength 60% Unk
2009-09 Glenlivet The Glenlivet Unk
2009-10 Octomore Octomore 3 yr 63.5% 3 yr
2009-10 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte 7 yr 63.5% 7 yr
2009-10 Brora Brora 30 yr 55.7% 30 yr
2009-11 Yamazaki The Yamazaki Single Malt Whisky 12 yr 43% 12 yr
2009-11 Springbank Springbank 'Vintage' 1996 56% (13 yr?) 13 yr
2009-11 Glen Garioch Glen Garioch 15 yr 43% 15 yr
2009-11 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 17 yr 43% 17 yr
2009-12 Benriach Benriach Curiosita 10 yr 10 yr
2009-12 Glenlivet The Glenlivet NÀDURRA 16 yr 48% 16 yr
2009-12 The Balvenie The Balvenie 17 yr Sherry Oak 43% 17 yr
2010-01 Ardbeg Ardbeg 10 yr 46% Distillery offering 10 yr
2010-01 The Balvenie The Balvenie Golden Cask 14 yr 14 yr
2010-01 Springbank Springbank 96 Manzanilla Sherry (special bottling by KWM) Unk
2010-02 Longrow Longrow 10 yr 46% Distillery offering 10 yr
2010-02 Bowmore Bowmore Tempest 55.3% Unk
2010-02 Ileach Ileach (Lagavlin) cask strength 58% Unchillfiltered Highlands & Islands Whisky Co Unk
2010-03 Speyburn Speyburn 10 yr 10 yr
2010-03 Benriach Benriach Dark rum finish 15 yr 15 yr
2010-03 Glenrothes The Glenrothes 40% Unk
2010-04 Glengoyne Glengoyne 21 yr 21 yr
2010-04 Ardbeg Ardbeg Supernova (2010 edition) 60.1% Unk
2010-04 English English whiskey Co. No. 3 Unk
2010-05 Braeval Braeval 1996 46% 8 yr Sherry finish Provenance Bottling Speyside 8 yr
2010-05 Springbank Springbank Madeira 11 yr 55.1% 11 yr
2010-05 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 18 yr Strength: 43% Distillery offering
2010-06 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney 17 yr 46% Distillery offering Highland 17 yr
2010-06 Laphroaig Laphroaig 18 yr 55% 1990/2008 Dewar Rattray cast#2244 1st fill hog head 18 yr
2010-06 Black Bushmills Black Bushmills Unk
2010-09 Jameson Jameson 12 yr 12 yr
2010-09 Ballantine's Ballantine's 21 yr 21 yr
2010-09 Bushmill Bushmill 21 yr 21 yr
2010-10 Cragganmore Cragganmore 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2010-10 Ballantine's Ballantine's finest Unk
2010-10 Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker Black Label Unk
2010-11 McCarthy McCarthy 3 yr Oregon Whisky 3 yr
2010-11 Glenlivet The Glenlivet 21 Gordon and Macphail (21 yr) 21 yr
2010-11 Amrut Amrut fusion Unk
2010-12 Glen Moray Glen Moray 12 yr Murry McDavid bottling 12 yr
2010-12 Clynelish Clynelish 14 yr 46% Duthies Sherry Cask 2009 14 yr
2010-12 GlenDronach GlenDronach original Unk
2011-01 Speyside's Finest Probably Speyside's Finest Distillery 41 yr 1966 (our 200th Bottle!!! Enjoyed) 50% Douglas Laing OMC 41 yr
2011-01 Amrut Amrut Double Cask 46% bottle 15/306 casks#2874 + 2273 bottled 27-3-2010 Unk
2011-01 Kilchoman Kilchoman Spring 2010 Release 46% Unk
2011-02 Edradour's Edradour's Ballechin 5 yr #3 Port Cask 5 yr
2011-02 Ardbeg Ardbeg Corryvreckan 1996 57.1% (15 yr?) 15 yr
2011-02 anCnoc anCnoc 16 yr 46% 16 yr
2011-03 Longmorn Longmorn 19 yr 46% Duthies 19 yr
2011-03 Auchroisk Auchroisk 20 yr Duthies Bottling 20 yr
2011-03 Mackmyra Mackmyra Special 03 3 yr 48.2% Swedish Single Malt Whisky 3 yr
2011-04 Kilchoman Kilchoman 3 yr 2mth 61.9% Bourbon Single Cask 7/119 3 yr
2011-04 Glen Spey Glen Spey 11 yr Dewar Rattray 11 yr
2011-04 GlenDronach GlenDronach 12 yr 43% Double matured - sherry then first fill American oak December 2011 12 yr
2011-05 Greenore Greenore Single grain/Small batch 15 yr 15 yr
2011-05 Springbank Springbank 18 yr 18 yr
2011-05 Duthies Duthies Convalmore 1984 23 yr Gordon and MacPhail 23 yr
2011-05 Connemara Connemara Cask Strength 58.4% Cooley Unk
2011-05 Talisker Talisker Distillers Edition 45.8% Unk
2011-05 Tyrconnell Tyrconnell Single Malt Unk
2011-06 Ledaig Ledaig 13 yr 13 yr
2011-06 Glen Scotia Glen Scotia 17 yr 2009 46% Duthies 17 yr
2011-06 Aberlour Aberlour a'Bunadh Cask Strength Batch 33 (59.8%) Unk
2011-06 Finlaggan Finlaggan Unk
2011-06 Glen Keith Glen Keith 93' Gordon and McPhail Unk
2011-09 OCTOMORE OCTOMORE ORPHEUS 4 yr 61% finished Petrus Cask 4 yr
2011-09 Strathmill Strathmill 31 yr 1975 Dewar Rattray 31 yr
2011-09 Jura Jura Superstition Unk
2011-10 Arran Arran KWM 1998 Sherry 10 yr Cask 282 bottles 55.3% 10 yr
2011-10 Arran Arran KWM Bourbon Cask #703 10 yr 58.3% 1 of 231 bottles Distilled 1/10/98. Bottled 29/10/08. 10 yr
2011-10 Cragganmore Cragganmore 15 yr 46% Single Barrel bottling Duthies 15 yr
2011-11 Glendronach Glendronach 1995 KWM Puncheon Cask 15 yr 52.2% 1 of 682 bottles 15 yr
2011-11 Highland Park Highland Park Earl Magnus 52.6% 15 yr 15 yr
2011-11 Jura Isle of Jura Prophecy "profoundly peated" expression 46% not chill-filtered" Unk
2012-01 Imperial Imperial 1997 61.6% 12 yr First Fill Sherry Butt G&M 12 yr
2012-01 BIG PEAT BIG PEAT - "Vatted" Islay Malt Unk
2012-01 Longmorn Longmorn CV (curriculum vitae) 46% Unk
2012-02 anCnoc anCnoc 16 yr 46% distillery 16 yr
2012-02 Jura Isle of Jura Prophecy "profoundly peated expression 46% not chill-filtered Unk
2012-02 Roughstock Roughstock Montana Whiskey (Montana USA) Unk
2012-03 Highland Park Highland Park 11 yr 62.8% 215 bottles Refill Ex-Bourbon Barrel 11 yr
2012-03 Knockdhu Knockdhu American Oak bourbon Unk
2012-03 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 4.163 Unk
2012-04 Glen Garioch Glen Garioch 1986 25 yr 54.6% cask strength 25 yr
2012-04 Ardbeg Ardbeg Corryvreckan 57.1% French oak casks & American Oak bourbon. Unk
2012-04 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas KWM Family Cask 1997 56.3% First Private Bottling of Glenfarclas in Canada ex sherry cask Unk
2012-04 SMWS SMWS Membership Kit samples Laphroaig cask # 29.99 Auchentoshan cask # 5.32 Unk
2012-05 Convalmore The Convalmore 1984 23yr Gordon and MacPhail 23 yr
2012-05 Springbank Springbank Rundlets & Kilderkinsn 10 yr 49.4% 60L & 80L Rundlets and Kilderkins casks 9000 bottles 10 yr
2012-05 The Balvenie The Balvenie 30 yr 30 yr
2012-05 MacKinlay Shackleton The MacKinlay Shackleton Blend replica 47.3% White & McKay Unk
2012-06 Glen Scotia Glen Scotia 1999 The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask# 93.48 12yr 62% 12 yr
2012-06 Bowmore Bowmore Laimrig 15yr 5 yr
2012-06 Peat Peat Chimney by Wemyss Malts 5 yr vatting of 16 different whisky's 5 yr
2012-06 Pittyvaich Pittyvaich 20 yr 57.1% (exceptionally rare this being only the 2nd ever official bottling and the 20 yr
2012-06 Connemara Connemara Cask Strength 57.5% Irish whiskey Unk
2012-06 Fettercairn Fettercairn Fior first-fill ex-bourbon casks 42% Unk
2012-09 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 11 yr 55.6% First-fill Ex-bourbon 11 yr
2012-09 Strathisla Strathisla 25 yr Gordon and Macphail single malt whisky 43% 25 yr
2012-09 Dry Dry Fly Washington Wheat Whiskey 40% Unk
2012-09 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 1.160 Unk
2012-10 Glen Grant Glen Grant 8 yr 60.9 % 8 yr
2012-10 Mannochmore Mannochmore 18 yr 1990 54.9% 2604 bottles 18 yr
2012-10 Glencraig Glencraig 1976 30 yr Signatory Vintage 49.6% Cask# 4251 30 yr
2012-10 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 9.63 Unk
2012-11 Glenburgie Glenburgie 13 yr 56.8 % 1 of 830 Ex-Sherry Gorda 13 yr
2012-11 Bowmore Bowmore 21 yr 46.4 % 1 of 159 bottles Refill Ex-Bourbon Hogshead 21 yr
2012-12 Glenrothes Glenrothes 10 yr 816 bottles refilled Ex-Sherry Gorda 10 yr
2012-12 Glendronach Glendronach 20 yr 1990 52.6% Pedro Ximinez Sherry Puncheon 20 yr
2012-12 Ballechin Ballechin #6 46% Distillery Edradour Bourbon cask heavily peated 50ppm 6000 bottles Unk
2012-12 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 3.182 Unk
2012-12 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 3068 Unk
2012-12 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 71.34 Unk
2013-01 Springbank Springbank vatted 7 yr 10 yr and 14 yr Longrow CV distillery from sherry bourbon port and rum casks 7 yr
2013-01 Highland Park Highland Park 18 (18 yr) 18 yr
2013-01 Scotch Malt Whisky Society The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) cask # 30.68 Unk
2013-02 Littlemill Littlemill 19 yr old 19 yr
2013-03 Bushmill Bushmill 10. (10 yr) 10 yr
2013-03 Teaninich Teaninich 1973 (40 yr?) 40 yr
2013-03 Mortlach Mortlach Scotch Malt Whisky Society 76.82 Unk
2013-04 Tomatin Tomatin 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2013-04 Yamazaki Yamazaki 12  (12 yr) 12 yr
2013-04 Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie 15 (15 yr) 15 yr
2013-04 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan Unk
2013-04 Glendower Glendower vatted malt whisky Unk
2013-06 Pemberton̢۪s Pemberton̢۪s distillery new whisky. Batch No 2 Unk
2013-09 Bowmore Bowmore 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2013-09 Bowmore Bowmore Darkest 15 (15 yr) 15 yr
2013-09 Tomatin Tomatin Legacy Unk
2013-10 Nikka Nikka Tsuru Blended 17 yr old 17 yr
2013-10 Arran Arran Kensington Wine Market 2001 Unk
2013-10 Dalmore Dalmore Castle Loed Unk
2013-10 Veka Veka (Japan) Unk
2013-11 Highland Park Highland Park 15 (15 yr) 15 yr
2013-11 Ardmore Ardmore Scotch Malt Whisky society 66.33 Unk
2013-11 Dailuaine Dailuaine 1973 Berry̢۪s own selection 50.6% Unk
2013-11 Ileach The Ileach Cask strength 58% Unk
2013-11 Smokehead Smokehead Unk
2013-12 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie 10 Scotch Malt Whisky Society sample (10 yr) 10 yr
2013-12 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan 21 (21 yr) 21 yr
2014-01 Smokehead Smokehead Unk
2014-03 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2014-03 Glenburgie Glenburgie 59% Scotch Malt Whisky Society â€Å“An assignation in a boudoir # 71.37” Unk
2014-03 Laphroaig Laphroaig Quarter Cask Unk
2014-03 Tomatin Tomatin Cu Bocan Unk
2014-04 Tomatin Tomatin legacy Unk
2014-04 Tullibardine Tullibardine Sovereign Unk
2014-07 Benriach Benriach 17 peated (17 yr) 17 yr
2014-07 Balmenach Balmenach Unk
2014-09 Bowmore Bowmore Darkest Unk
2014-09 Bushmill Bushmill Unk
2014-09 Ileach The Ileach (Lagavulin) Unk
2014-09 Tomatin Tomatin Cu Bocan Unk
2014-10 Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie 15 (15 yr) 15 yr
2014-10 Glendronach Glendronach cask strength Unk
2014-10 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 105 Unk
2014-10 Knockdhu Knockdhu AnCnoc Peter Arkle limited edition by (also called â€Å“The Brick”) Unk
2014-10 Nikka Nikka Black Unk
2014-11 Glenfiddich Glenfiddich cask strength Unk
2014-11 Nikka Nikka Black Unk
2015-01 Benriach Benriach 15 yr old Madeira finish 15 yr
2015-01 Nikka Nikka single cask 500ML at 51.4% Unk
2015-02 Hazelburn Hazelburn 10 yr old from Springbank 10 yr
2015-02 Glendronach Glendronach cask strength 11 yr old exclusive from Kensington Wine Store. 11 yr
2015-02 Benrinnes Benrinnes 16 from the Scotch Malt Whisky Society at 57%. (16 yr) 16 yr
2015-02 Aberlour Aberlour a̢۪Bunadh cask strength aged in Olorosso Unk
2015-02 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 105 cask strength aged in Oloroso. Unk
2015-02 Macallan The Macallan cask strength aged in Olorosso Unk
2015-03 Benriach Benriach Single cask 96 Unk
2015-03 Berry̢۪s Berry̢۪s Miltonduff single cask strength 95 Unk
2015-03 Glendronach Glendronach 2003 cask strength Unk
2015-03 Jura Jura Boutique Barrel 95 Unk
2015-04 Miltonduff Miltonduff 30 yr old 30 yr
2015-04 Benriach Benriach Madeira finish Unk
2015-04 Glendronach Glendronach cask strength Unk
2015-04 Jura Jura boutique cask strength single barrel Unk
2015-04 Kilchoman Kilchoman Single cask strength Unk
2015-05 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte 10 at 65.2 % a Scotch Malt whisky Society bottling (110 yr) 10 yr
2015-05 Tullibardine Tullibardine single cask Unk
2015-06 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain from Berry Brothers at 57% 7 yr old 7 yr
2015-06 Benriach Benriach Unk
2015-06 Bowmore Bowmore Dawn 53% sherry finished Unk
2015-06 Craigdarroch Craigdarroch Victoria Distillery Unk
2015-06 Glendronach Glendronach Unk
2015-07 Glenburgie Glenburgie (cask strength) 27 yr old from the Scotch Malt Whisky Society. 27 yr
2015-07 Glenturret Glenturret 1999 Unk
2015-09 Rozelieures French Rozelieures French whisky Unk
2015-09 Tyrconnell Tyrconnell Irish whiskey Unk
2015-10 Scapa Scapa 16 yr old. 16 yr
2015-10 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte heavily peated Unk
2015-11 Laphroaig Laphroaig 10 (10 yr) 10 yr
2015-11 Deanston Deanston 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2015-11 Aberlour Aberlour a'Bunadh Unk
2015-12 Scapa Scapa 16 yr old. 16 yr
2015-12 Glendronach Glendronach Batch 4 at 54.7% Unk
2015-12 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte heavily peated Unk
2015-12 Simply Speyside Simply Speyside Unk
2015-12 William Maxwell William Maxwell Dun Bheagan (Laphroaig) Unk
2016-01 Caol Caol Ila (12 yr old at 46%) 12 yr
2016-01 Glen Scotia Glen Scotia 15 yr old 15 yr
2016-01 Kilchoman Kilchoman cask strength Unk
2016-01 Nikka Nikka Pure Malt Japanese whisky ( vatted ) at 43%. Unk
2016-02 Lagavulin Lagavulin 8 yr (48% OB 2016 200th Anniversary 30.000 btl.) 8 yr
2016-02 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain Ceòbanach Unk
2016-02 Macallan The Macallan cask strength. Unk
2016-02 Writers Tears Writers Tears a light sweet Irish whiskey made using a mix of single pot still and single malt whiskies Unk
2016-03 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2016-03 Deanston Deanston 12 (12 yr) 12 yr
2016-03 Laphroaig Laphroaig QA Cask a single malt Scotch whisky which is initially matured in ex-bourbon barrels before Unk
2016-03 Monkey Monkey Shoulder (blend of Balvennie Glenfiddich and Kininvie) Unk
2016-04 GlenDronach GlenDronach 12 yr bottled exclusively for Kensington wine Markets 12 yr
2016-04 Ardbeg Ardbeg Uigeadail Unk
2016-04 Kirkland Kirkland 21 blend Unk
2016-05 The Balvenie The Balvenie Doublewood 16 (16 yr) 16 yr
2016-05 Benriach Benriach 1996 cask strength) Unk
2016-05 Caol Caol Ila 2003 at 46% (Connoisseur̢۪s choice) Unk
2016-06 Cooley Cooley Distillerie̢۪s Exclusive Malts line a single barrel 13 yr old cask strength Irish whisky bottled at 51.8% 13 yr
2016-06 Craigalachie Craigalachie 13 at 46% (13 yr) 13 yr
2016-06 Arran Arran cask strength (53.7%) single cask 18 yr old bottled for Kensington Wine Market. 18 yr
2016-06 Glendronach Glendronach cask strength (no age statement) Unk
2016-07 Bowmore Bowmore 16 (16 yr) 16 yr
2016-07 Stalk and Barrel Stalk and Barrel Single cask single malt from this Ontario distillery at 46% Unk
2016-09 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 12 at 46% (12 yr) 12 yr
2016-09 Cardhu Cardhu 16 (16 yr) 16 yr
2016-09 Tomatin Tomatin 16 (16 yr) 16 yr
2016-10 Glen Scotia Glen Scotia 15 yr old from the SMWA at 56%. 15 yr
2016-10 Rock Oyster Rock Oyster Blended Malt from Douglas Laing Unk
2016-10 Teeling Teeling small batch Irish whisky at 46% Unk
2016-11 Craigalachie Craigalachie 13 at (13 yr) 13 yr
2016-11 Laphroaig Laphroaig Quarter Cask. Unk
2016-12 Wolfburn Wolfburn single malt three yr old 3 yr
2016-12 Arran Arran â€Å“The Bothy” cask strength single malt. Unk
2016-12 Benriach Benriach Batch one cask strength single malt Unk
2017-01 Ledaig Ledaig 10 yr old 10 yr
2017-01 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney a single cask 19 yr old a single cask 19 yr
2017-01 Aberfeldy Aberfeldy 21 (21 yr) 21 yr
2017-01 Caol Caol Ila 25 yr old 25 yr
2017-01 Kilkerran Kilkerran a single barrel cask strength Unk
2017-02 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie The Quinta Ruban 12 yr 46% port cask finish 12 yr
2017-02 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan 20 yr 52.6% bottled by Whiskybroker 20 yr
2017-02 Infamous The Infamous 22 yr oak cask Highland and Island Blend 50% 22 yr
2017-02 Aberlour Aberlour Make 68% Unk
2017-02 Glenlivet The Glenlivet Nadurra bottled in 10/15 Batch PW1015 61.5% Unk
2017-03 Highland Park Highland Park Valkyrie 45.9% Unk
2017-03 Benriach Benriach Batch 1 Cask Strength 57.2% Unk
2017-03 Caol Caol Ila 2007 G&M bottled exclusively for Kensington Wine Markets Unk
2017-04 Lagavulin Lagavulin 8 yr 8 yr
2017-04 Irish Poitin Irish Poitin Unk
2017-05 Aberfeldy Aberfeldy 21 40% (21 yr) 21 yr
2017-05 Bowmore Bowmore 21 yr old cask strength (single cask) 21 yr
2017-06 Caol Caol Ila cask strength Unk
2017-06 Compass Compass Box exclusive blend created from 6 different grain and scotch whiskies by John Glasser for KWM Unk
2017-09 Tamdhu Tamdhu 10 yr old 43%. 10 yr
2017-09 Larnach. Larnach. A 25 yr old single cask whisky from New Zealand (40%ABV) bottled in Dunedin 25 yr
2017-09 Aumance Aumance (45% ABV) a French whisky from a winery (Balthazar) near Vichy that only produces Unk
2017-09 Caol Caol Ila bottled by G&M for Kensington Wine Market at 54.3% ABV Unk
2017-09 Cardhu Cardhu 40% ABV. Unk
2017-10 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich unpeated 10 yr old (second edition) cask strength (50%abv) 10 yr
2017-10 Benriach Benriach Curiosita  cask strength 46% abv.(peated Speyside) Unk
2017-10 Infamous The Infamous 22 a blend - Scapa and Macallan - 50% ABV. Unk
2017-10 Mortlach Mortlach (52.1% abv.)  Unk
2017-11 Springbank Hazelburn Springbank Hazelburn (Campbelltown Region) Barolo Cask - triple distilled 9 yr old. 9 yr
2017-11 Macallan The Macallan 12 - Double Cask (sherry emphasis) 40% (12 yr) 12 yr
2017-11 Auchentoshan Auchentoshan 20 yr old cask strength from a private bottler(Fontana) 20 yr
2017-11 Berry̢۪s Berry̢۪s single barrel blend 25 yr bottled especially for KWM 25 yr
2017-11 Ardbeg Ardbeg’s the â€Å“Kelpie” bottled at 46%. Unk
2017-11 Blue Hanger Blue Hanger series bottled at 45.6% a blend 11th edition from Berry Brothers and Rudd the oldest
2017-12 Bowmore Bowmore 17 yr old cask strength from the Scotch Malt Whisky Society 17 yr
2017-12 Clinelish Clinelish cask strength from Adelphi Unk
2017-12 Green Spot Green Spot Irish Whiskey Unk
2017-12 Octomore Octomore 7.1 cask strength Unk
2018-01 Kilkerran Kilkerran Campbeltown 8 yr Cask Strength 56.2% 8 yr
2018-01 Ardbeg Ardbeg An Oa nonchill filtered 46% Unk
2018-01 Kilchoman Kilchoman non chill filtered Cask Strength 58.2% Unk
2018-02 Tomatin Tomatin 18 yr bottled by KWM #159 of 621 matured 5 yrs in Pedro Jimenez Sherry casks 52% 18 yr
2018-02 Ileach Ileach Cask Strength bottled by Highlands and Islands Whisky Company 58% Unk
2018-02 Kilchoman Kilchoman Loch Gorm 50% Unk
2018-03 Mortlach Mortlach 11 yr single cask 50% exclusive to Kensington Wine markets x of 232 bottles 11 yr
2018-03 Springbank Springbank 12 yr 56.2% 12 yr
2018-03 Longrow Longrow 14 yr from the Springbank parent distillery sherry intense and peaty (50PPM) 57.8% 14 yr
2018-04 Glendronach Glendronach 21 Parliament 21 yr Oloroso and Pedro Ximénez Sherry Casks 48.0% 21 yr
2018-04 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Signet 46.0% Unk
2018-05 Adelphi Adelphi̢۪s Breath of Speyside 1 of 41 bottles 10 yr 10 yr
2018-05 Finlaggan Finlaggan Eilean Mor small batch 46% Unk
2018-05 Wolfburn Wolfburn Langskip non-chill filtered first fill Bourbon Casks cask strength 58.0% Unk
2018-06 Tobermory Tobermory by Archives 2008 8 yr sherry butt 68.2% 8 yr
2018-06 Glencadam Glencadam 15 yr oak cask 46% 15 yr
2018-06 Lismore Lismore 18 yr 43% 18 yr
2018-06 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte â€Å“Scottish Barley” heavily peated 50% Unk
2018-08 Ballechin Ballechin 10 yr mostly Bourbon Cask with top-p from Oloroso Sherry casks 46% 10 yr
2018-08 anCnoc anCnoc 2000 vintage from Knockdu Distillery 46% Unk
2018-09 Springbank Springbank 12 yr finished in Oloroso casks 56.3% 12 yr
2018-09 Kilchoman Kilchoman Sanaig 46% Unk
2018-09 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney Navigator 46% Unk
2018-10 Glenfarclass Glenfarclass 17 43% (17 yr) 17 yr
2018-10 Glenfiddich Glenfiddich Project XX at 47% Unk
2018-10 Macallan Macallan Sienna 43% Unk
2018-11 Central City Distillery Lohin McKinnon from Central City Distillery in Surrey BC 3 yr 43% 3 yr
2018-11 Tomatin Tomatin 18 yr bottled by Kensington Wine Market matured 5 yrs in Pedro Jimenez Sherry casks 52% 18 yr
2018-11 Nikka Nikka Black Unk
2018-12 Bruichladdich Bruichladdich 2006 bottled by Kensington Wine Markets finished in a Rivesaltes wine barrique 64.3% Unk
2018-12 Kavalan Kavalan Soloist Bourbon finished whisky from the Taiwanese distillery Unk
2018-12 Pemberton Valley Distillery Pemberton Valley Distillery Single Malt Whisky from cask number 1 44% Unk
2019-? The Balvenie The Balvenie Caribbean Cask 14 yr finished in rum casks 14 yr
2019-? Bowmore Bowmore 18 yr old a classic Bowmore bottled at 43% 18 yr
2019-? Port Askaig Port Askaig 19 yr KWM 50.4% 19 yr
2019-? Venus Venus in Furs (Glenrothes 2011) 32 yr The Scotch Malt Whisky Society Cask number 30.70 52% 32 yr
2019-? Amrut Amrut Jaggary rum cask Peat Standard 46% KWM Unk
2019-? Glendalough Glendalough Double Barrel: no age statement Irish Single Grain whiskey bottled at 42% Unk
2019-? Glendullan Glendullan The Singleton House Tully Game of thrones Collection 40% Unk
2019-? Glenfiddich Glenfiddich Experimental Series Fire and Cane: matured in bourbon casks and finished Unk
2019-? Highland Park Highland Park Valknut 46.8% Unk
2019-01 Lagavulin Lagavulin 8 yr 8 yr
2019-01 GlenAllachie GlenAllachie 10 yr cask strength 57.1% matured in American oak Pedro Ximinez Oloroso and virgin oak casks 10 yr
2019-01 Cadenheads Cadenheads Linkwood-Glenlivet 11 yr old at 58.7% ABV 11 yr
2019-01 Linkwood Linkwood 11 yr by Cadenhead cask strength 58.7% 11 yr
2019-02 Linkwood-Glenlivet Linkwood-Glenlivet 11 yr old bottled by Cadenhead̢۪s 59.3% 11 yr
2019-02 Cardhu Cardhu 12 40% (12 yr) 12 yr
2019-02 Cooper̢۪s Cooper̢۪s Choice 1982 36 yr old blended grain single barrel whisky 50% 36 yr
2019-02 Glendalough Glendalough Double Barrel Irish Whisky 42% Unk
2019-02 Ileach The Ileach cask strength 58% Unk
2019-05 Cadenhead Cadenhead Creations 10 yr blend of Kilkerran Longrow and Invergordon grain 60.5% 10 yr
2019-05 Arran Arran Marsala wine finish 50% Unk
2019-05 Benriach Benriach cask strength 56% peated single malt batch Unk
2019-06 GlenMorangie GlenMorangie Quinta Rubin 12 yr port finished at 46% 12 yr
2019-06 GlenScotia GlenScotia 15 from Campbelltown 46% (15 yr) 15 yr
2019-06 Kornog Kornog from a French Distillery matured in a sauterne cask at 46% Unk
2019-09 Arran Arran 21 yr old KWM bottling 55.3% (Andrew Visit) 21 yr
2019-09 Lismore Lismore 21 The Legend believed to be a Glenfarclass 43% (Andrew Visit) (21 yr) 21 yr
2019-09 Compass (KWM) Compass Box no name #2 blended malt (Andrew Visit) Unk
2019-09 Cooper̢۪s Cooper̢۪s Choice grain whisky 1982 50% (Andrew Visit) Unk
2019-09 Elements (KWM) Elements of PL 63.% (believed to be Port Charlotte) (Andrew Visit) Unk
2019-09 Glen Scotia (KWM) Glen Scotia cask strength (Andrew Visit) Unk
2019-10 Benromach Benromach 2008 Batch 1 cask strength 57.8% (Distilled 2008) Unk
2019-10 Ileach Ileach Cask Strength 58% ABV Unk
2019-11 The Balvenie The Balvenie Single Barrel 12 yr 47.8% 12 yr
2019-11 Old Pulteney Old Pulteney 15 46% (15 yr) 15 yr
2019-11 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Allta 51.2% Unk
2019-12 Glen Scotia (KWM) Single cask 21 yr old KWM bottled Glen Scotia at 53.6% ABV 21 yr
2019-12 Glenfarclass (KWM) 21 yr old KWM Glenfarclass at 53.5% 21 yr
2019-12 Ben Nevis 22 yr old Â Ben Nevis at 53.4% 22 yr
2020-01 GlenAllachie GlenAllachie cask strength 10 yr old at 58.2%ABV  10 yr
2020-01 Benriach Benriach cask strength Batch 2 at 60.6%ABV Unk
2020-01 Glendronach Glendronach 15 â€Å“revival” at 46%abv Unk
2020-02 Benromach Benromach 10 yr old cask strength at 57% ABV  10 yr
2020-02 Chivas Regal Chivas Regal Mizunara blended whisky Unk
2020-02 Glenglassaugh Glenglassaugh Peated Port Wood Finish whisky at 46% ABV. Unk
2020-08 Tamdhu Tamdhu 15 46% 15 yr
2020-08 Arran Quarter Cask 56.2% The Bothy Unk
2020-08 West Cork Glengariff Series Bog Oak Charred Cask Irish Whisky Unk
2020-09 Benromach Sherry Cask Cask strength at 59.9%" Unk
2020-09 Compass Box Great King St. Glasgow Blend 49% Unk
2020-09 Macallan Classic Cut Cask strength at 51% Unk
2020-10 Kensington Berry's Orkney Islands 1998 21 yr KWM 21 yr
2020-10 Ileach Ileach Cask Strength 58% ABV Unk
2020-10 Wolfburn Wolfburn Langskip 58% ABV Unk
2020-12 Speyburn Speyburn , Speyside Single Malt, 52.5% Bottled for Kensington, Cask 277, 16 yr 16 yr
2020-12 Deanston Deanston 18 46.3% (18 yr) 18 yr
2020-12 Talisker Talisker Storm 45.8% Unk
2021-01 Caol Caol Ila, Islay, 8 yr, 61.5%, Bottled for Kensington 8 yr
2021-01 Speyside (Undisclosed) Speyside, 23 yr, Distilled 1995, Bottled 2019, 48.9%, Berry Bros and Rudd bottling. (Glen Roths?) 23 yr
2021-01 Arran Arran Sherry Cask, Cask Strength, 55.8%, Age not listed. Unk
2021-01 Macallan Macallan Classic Cut, 56.2% (pre meeting heal) Unk
2021-02 Ardnamurchan Argyle, Western Highlands, Adelphi, Blend of Peated and Unpeated, 46.8% (5 yr) 5 yr
2021-02 GlenAllachie GlenAllachie 12 Pedro Ximenez Sherry 10 yrs in American Oak, Sherry casks, 12 yrs, 48% 10 yr
2021-02 Kilchoman Kilchoman - Fino Sherry Matured 2020 46% Unk
2021-02 Elements of Isla Peat and Sherry (500 ml bottle) (55%) Unk
2021-03 Glenmorangie Glenmorangie Signet Blended (30 yr to 40 yr old blend) 30 yr
2021-03 Glentauchers Cadenhead Small Batch Glentuchers-Glenlivet 09 yr 55.1% 9 yr
2021-03 Benriach Benriach Peated Cask Strength Batch No. 1 56% no age. Unk
2021-03 Aberlour A'Bundah Aberlour, Cask Strength, Batch 68, 61.5%/td> Unk
2021-04 Waterford Waterford Irish whiskey Gaia 1.1 organic 50% New release in Canada 4 yr
2021-04 Tomatin Tomatin 1988 27 year old, 46%, Matured in Burban and Port for 27 yrs. 27 yr
2021-04 Ardbeg Ardbeg Wee Beastie 5 yr
2021-04 Benromach Single Cask, Cask 134, Bottle 2, 57.7%, 13 yr, Distilled 2007, Bottled 2020 13 yr
2021-05 Edrador Erdador 12 yr Caledonia 12 yr
2021-05 Glen Deveron Glen Deveron, 20 yr, 40%, 1 liter 20 yr
2021-05 Linkwood Archive Vintage 2007, 59.5%, 12 yr 12 yr
2021-05 Glendronach Glendronach , 46%, Port finish Unk
2021-06 Annoch 125 th anniversery, 46.3% Unk
2021-06 Deanston Deanston 12 (12 yr), 46% 12 yr
2021-06 Tomatin Single cask 2006, Kennsington Bottling, 57.1%, K.W.M. Bottling 14 yr
2021-06 Old Pulteney Single Cask , Cask Strength, 55%, ex-Bourbon barrel.2021-07 16 yr
2021-07 Arran The Bothy, 56.2% Unk
2021-07 Ardmore Whisky Trail Ardmore 1998 Cask 750789, 51.4% 20 yr
2021-07 Glentaucher Cadenhead Glentaucher 11 Year, 57.9% 11 yr
2021-07 Elixir Port Askaig 12 12 yr
2021-08 Nikka Coffey Malt, 45% Unk
2021-08 Boutique Boutique blended Batch 3, 47.3% 18 yr
2021-08 Knockdu 10 yr old cask, 54.1% 10 yr
2021-08 Ardbeg Corryvrekan, 57.1% Unk
2021-09 Linkwood GlenAllachie 12 Pedro Ximenez Sherry 10 yrs in American Oak, Sherry casks, 12 yrs, 48% 15 yr
2021-09 Mortlach The G&M Mortlach 15, 46% 15 yr
2021-09 Kilchoman Kilchoman 12 year old single cask (#338) Bourbon finished KWM 53%" 12 yr
2021-09 Compass Box Compass Box Great Street line Glasgow Blend 49% Unk
2021-10 Ardnamurchan Ardnamurchan Single Malt AD 01.21:01 46% 5 yr
2021-10 Daftmill The Daftmill Summer Batch release 2020 46% 11 yr
2021-10 Amrut Amrut Cask Strength (Blind Tasting) 61.8% Unk
2021-10 Berry̢۪s Berry̢۪s Blended Malt 1999 KWM exclusive 53.6% 21 yr
2021-11 Glasow Glasow Distillery 1770 The Original 46% Unk
2021-11 Amrut Amrut Intermediate Sherry 46% Unk
2021-11 Edradour Edradour 10 year Sherry cask 46% 10yr
2021-11 Highland Park Highland Park Cask Strength exclusive B.C. liquor 62.1% 12 yr
2021-12 Glentauchers Glentauchers 21 That Boutique-y Whisky Company 2020 Batch #8 803 btl., 47.1% 21 yr
2021-12 Ardmore Ardmore 2008 bottled by Archives, 57.4% Unk
2021-12 Cadenhead Cadenhead Miltonduff-Glenlivet, 55%% 11 yr
2021-12 Aberlour Aberlour A’Bunadh Alba Batch 4 cask strength, 60% Unk
2022-03 Bunnahabhain Bunnahabhain 18, 46.3% 18 yr
2022-03 Glen Scotia Glen scotia Double cask, 46% Unk
2022-03 Loch Lomond Loch Lomond 12 year old Inchmoan Smoke and Spice whisky, 46% 12 yr
2022-03 Arran Arran 2009 KWM Single Sherry Cask Strength Private bottling, 57.1% 11 yr

a wee bit further away

 Scotch Whiskey Association



  Dock At Camp Artaban

Nineteen Twenty something

 Family Amenities of Camp Artaban today