Fact is, Kinder Morgan and twelve of their brethren Petroleum giants, along with their Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA), believe strictly in "Factoids". Factoid files are neatly stacked on their Library shelves:
Fact: http://www.cepa.com/library/factoids
For your reference, one definition of a "Factoid" is in the Compact Oxford English Dictionary:
"an item of unreliable information that is repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact"
Fact: Factoids defined by Wikipedia:
A factoid is a questionable or spurious (unverified, false, or fabricated) statement presented as a fact, but without supporting evidence. The word can also be used to describe a particularly insignificant or novel fact, in the absence of much relevant context. The word is defined by the Compact Oxford English Dictionary as "an item of unreliable information that is repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact".
Factoid was coined by Norman Mailer in his 1973 biography of Marilyn Monroe. Mailer described a factoid as "facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper", and created the word by combining the word fact and the ending -oid to mean "similar but not the same". The Washington Times described Mailer's new word as referring to "something that looks like a fact, could be a fact, but in fact is not a fact".
Factoids may give rise to, or arise from, common misconceptions and urban legends.
A Kinder Morgan Website asks "Did you know" (without a question mark) and then proceeds to lay the "Facts" out cold, hard, and fast.
3 million
Approximately three million barrels of crude oil travel through Canada’s crude oil pipeline network every day, enough to fill more than 475 million one-litre milk cartons or almost 200 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Learn More
URL Fact: Top LEFT corner:
![]() |
http://www.cepa.com/library/factoids |
$83.5 billion
Value of Canadian crude oil and natural gas exports in 2012 — most of which was transported by pipeline
Percentage of transportation demand in Canada supplied by petroleum products
The number of rail cars needed to transport the 3 million barrels of crude oil transported each day by pipeline in Canada
More than half
The homes in Canada are heated by natural gas
5.5 litres
The amount of liquid spilled per million litres transported by pipeline in Canada between 2002 and 2011
3 million
Barrels of crude oil transported by transmission pipelines in Canada every day — the equivalent of 200 Olympic sized swimming pools (other mediums using Olympic Sized Pools)
The percentage of Canadian natural gas and crude oil production transported by transmission pipelines
More than two thirds
Of Canada’s energy demand is met by natural gas or products made from crude oil
Number of times Canada’s natural gas and liquid transmission pipelines would circle the earth if laid end-to-end
30 – 35
Number of days it takes for oil to travel by pipeline from Alberta to southern Ontario
More than 60%
Percentage of Canadian natural gas production transported by pipeline to US markets in 2011
Up to 40 km per hour
Speed natural gas moves through a pipeline
Percentage of liquid product transported safely by pipelines between 2002 and 2011
3 teaspoons
The liquid spilled from pipelines in Canada over the past ten years is equivalent to three teaspoons dripped out of a gasoline nozzle over the course of 50 fill-ups of 50 litres each
75 kilometers
The length of train that would be required to transport the 3 million barrels of crude oil transported by pipeline in Canada every day
18 metres
The size of the permanent right-of-way for a large diameter transmission pipeline
500 BC
The first recorded use of pipelines to transport natural gas — the pipelines were constructed of bamboo
830,000 km
Estimate of Canada’s underground natural gas and liquids pipeline network (gathering, transmission and delivery lines)
Fact: Google Search Criteria: factoids CEPA
Fact: CEPA Membership:
Detailed Member Statistics
CEPA 13 Member Companies
- Access Pipeline Inc.
- Alliance Pipeline Ltd.
- ATCO Pipelines
- Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
- Inter Pipeline Fund
- Keystone Pipeline TransCanada
- Kinder Morgan Canada
- Pembina Pipeline Corporation
- Plains Midstream Canada
- Spectra Energy Transmission West
- TransCanada PipeLines Limited
- TransGas Limited
- Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc.
One expert's book uses CEPA Factoids as a Reference Page 5 of 6
Factoid = "an item of unreliable information that is repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact"
Aren't factoids the building blocks of what Stephen Colbert refers to as "Truthiness?"
The factoid file "author" is from an outfit called 3BL Media (lion's share of advertising/public relations for CEPA). The boys, and girls, must have been under the impression that factoids are the itsy bitsy building blocks that make their "facts" factual.
Then again, maybe the "author" was a disgruntled employee working for the Public Relations Firm.
Other 3BL Media usages of FACTOIDS:
CSX corporate responsibility Report and here:
Green Diamond
Cutting Edge Solutions for
Sustainable Performance
brakes fracking
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