There's Plugging and Mud Bogging, neither is acceptable, however when the Logging outfits get into their Tree Farm Licenses using heavy duty ATV... well, there's a law for the Public and no law for them.
Good Start ....... to dealing with out of bound ATVs:
...... But it’s not the getting there; it’s what happens when the hard-pack road peters out and the soft, loamy ground of the alpine meadows begins.
At this point Easterday puts his Jeep in park, shoulders his pack and strides out across the mosses and heather. However, he can’t say the same for all motorized back country enthusiasts. In the last five years, Easterday says he’s encountered more and more swaths of deep, rutted tire tracks in the mountains. .....
..... To make matters worse, if enough heavy vehicles have punched through the fragile habitat, the ruts are so deep the next rider may worry about getting bogged down. To avoid this, ATVers often veer off existing tracks and make fresh lines through the alpine. Over time the entire area can become covered in tracks.
Easterday got so concerned about the damage being created by motorized vehicles that he started the Outdoor Recreation Alliance.
The group is led by eight directors who love the back country, but who use a variety of non-motorized and motorized methods to access it in both summer and winter. ......
Executive Board of Directors
Members of the Executive Board of Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The maximum number of current directors is eight. To be eligible for election they should have been either nominated by one of ORC’s Provincial Group Members or have been appointed as an Advisory Member.
Executive Position
Dennis Webb Chair Quad Riders ATV Association of BC
Robert Gunn Past Chair Fish & Wildlife Program, BCIT
Rose Schroeder Director Back Country Horsemen of BC
Don Reid Director Trails Society of BC
Kim Reeves Director Four Wheel Drive Association of BC
Penelope Edwards Director BC Nature
Dave Wharton Director Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC
Erin Hart Director BC Snowmobile Federation
Roxanne Rousseau Director Sea Kayak Association of BC
David Lock Director BC Off Road MotorCycling Association
Gordon Weetman Advisory Member UBC Faculty of Forestry
Advisory Members
Mark Angelo BC Rivers Chair BC Rivers Institute (Chair Emeritus)
Ray Pillman Senior Advisor Sea Kayak Association of BC
Gordon Weetman Former Chair Faculty of Forestry, UBC
Ken Farquharson Environmental Assessments Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission
Mel Turner Park advisor Formerly with BC Parks
A Forest Practices Board -
What we Do
Glossary of Board Terms
Bigger the Symbol (Icon) used by the Forest Practices Board to educate the public, the more important, and dangerous, is the work involved:
BLOWDOWN (WINDTHROW) Uprooting by the wind. Also refers to a tree or trees so uprooted.
part of leaf and twig growth of shrubs, woody vines, and trees
available for animal consumption, or, the act of consuming browse
CABLE YARDING A yarding system employing winches, blocks and cables.
CLEARCUT An area of forestland from which all merchantable trees have recently been harvested
COMMUNITY WATERSHED The drainage area above the most
downstream point of diversion on a stream for which the water is
human consumption, and which is licensed under the
Water Act for
(i) a waterworks purpose, or (ii) a domestic purpose if the licence is
held by, or is subject to, the control of a water users’ community as
incorporated under the
Water Act.
ditch excavated across the road at an angle and at a sufficient depth,
with armouring as appropriate, to divert both road surface water and
ditch water off or across the road.
CUTSLOPE The face of an excavated bank required to lower the natural ground line to the desired road profile.
synthetic material placed on the flat, under road fill, with the
primary functions of layer separation, aggregate confinement, and
distribution of load.
NOTE: This photo shows the material placed vertically, stopping road fill, for separation, aggregate confinement, ...... FAILURE
HELICOPTER HARVESTING An aerial harvesting system whereby logs are removed vertically from the forest and flown to a roadside landing or drop zone.
MECHANICAL HARVESTING The process of harvesting timber using mechanized means.
between ministers defining the roles and responsibilities of each
ministry in relation to the other or others, with respect to matters
over which the ministers have
concurrent corrupt jurisdiction.
NOXIOUS WEEDS Any weed designated by the
Weed Control Regulations in the
Weed Control Act and identified on a Regional District noxious weed control list.
NOTE: Noxious Weeds BBC Post
PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES The Ministry of Forests and Range (MFR), Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (MAL) and the Ministry of Environment (MOE).
PARTICIPANTS All those directly involved in a complaint
including complainants, subjects, parties and adversely affected
persons, but not other interested persons.
PERFORMANCE PENALTY Created by Bill 47, 1997,
but is not yet
in force. It is an administrative penalty in addition to a contravention
penalty, imposed where the licensee did not exercise due diligence.
PHREATOPHYTE A deeply-rooted plant deriving its moisture from subsurface sources.
PREVENTION All activities that interrupt the dispersal of new
invasive plant species into a geographic area or specific location where
they were not previously found.
NOTE: Noxious Weeds BBC Post
PROPER FUNCTIONING CONDITION The ability of a stream, river,
wetland, or lake, and its riparian area, to withstand: normal peak flood
events without experiencing accelerated soil loss; channel movement or
bank movement; filter runoff; and, store and safely release water
(Forest Practices Code definition).
NOTE: Enbridge and Encana and Kinder-Enron-Morgan could be hit with an unenforced Penalty.
PUGGING Deep hoof prints left by large ungulates on moist, fine-textured soils of streams and wetlands.
NOTE: Deep Tire Tracks prints left by ATV is called Mud-Bogging in British Columbia
NOTE: Mud-Bogging
public are encouraged to report suspicious activities and environmental damage
to the province’s toll-free, 24 hour Report All Poachers and Polluters – RAPP
line at 1-877-952-RAPP (7277) or from a cell phone *7277.
RED LIST SPECIES Indigenous species that are extirpated, endangered, or threatened in British Columbia.
RILL A small channel created on steep slopes by water erosion.
area of land adjacent to a stream, river, lake or wetland that contains
vegetation that, due to the presence of water, is distinctly different
from the vegetation of adjacent upland areas.
RIPARIAN LEAVE STRIP An unharvested border of forest around a riparian feature.
to the soil in the net area to be reforested resulting from the
construction of temporary access structures or gouges, ruts, scalps or
compacted areas resulting from forestry activities. Without
rehabilitation, disturbed sites often have reduced soil productivity and
may not provide optimum growing conditions for new trees. For that
reason, maximum allowable amounts of soil disturbance are set in
NOTE: This is different than Pugging and Bogging
Allowed and Encouraged by Forest Practices Board |
TREE FARM LICENCE (TFL) TFLs are privately
managed Sustained Yield Units. TFLs are designed to enable owners of
Crown-granted forestlands and old temporary tenures or the timber
licences, which replace them; to combine these with enough unencumbered
Crown land to form self-contained sustained yield management units.
These licences commit the licensee to manage the entire area under the
general supervision of the Forest Service. Cutting from all lands
requires Forest Service approval through the issuance of cutting
permits. TFLs should not be confused with Certified Tree Farms under the
Taxation Act; though some Certified Tree Farm land (Crown-granted) may
comprise a part of the TFL. A TFL has a term of 25 years.
NOTE: Tree Farm Licence (TFL) and Pine Beetle Harvesting @ BBC
Correction from scotty on denman ...
Correction: TFLs are long term forest tenures which include both private
and public (Crown) lands---in fact, one must have private land
contiguous to crown land to qualify. TFLs are intended to encourage the
licence holder to manage their privet portion to the same standards as
the Crown portion. Private forest land holders may also put their
property into a Managed Forest Unit, where the owner is similarly
encouraged to manage to Crown standards, this time in return for a land
tax break instead of cutting rights on Crown land.
professional climber who ascends trees to prepare them for helicopter
harvest as part of the process of single stem harvesting.
NOTE: Manual Tree Topper and Tree Monkey same video two different job descriptions
professional climber who ascends trees to prepare them for helicopter
harvest as part of the process of single stem harvesting.
Randomly selected Audits performed by Forest Practices Board
Audit of Fire Prevention Practices BC Hydro and Power Authority Occupant Licences to Cut L48655, L48700, L48750, L48751
Two BC Government Resources
Off-Road Vehicles
Off-Road Vehicles