The Vancouver Sun has missed the point, once again. Truth in Advertising. On Page C1 of Friday's edition they were being paid to be promote Blue Shore Financial credit union and Re/Max Realty expertise. The Sun was supposed to use an example of a "family cabin", obtainable within their finances. Deadlines being what they are in the News media, they never got back to Blue Shore to confirm the authenticity of the "family cabin" photo. We asked.
The article is well written by Derrick Penner, but ruined by PostMedia News Files editors using an image that has absolutely nothing to do with a typical family cabin on recreational property.
This Cabin is NOT for sale, not even on the market to be sold independent of the other three cabins. The privately held complex includes the LODGE and other amenities, could be sold, but consider the high price that would be required ..... because, its setting is UNIQUE. It's nowhere near Banff which has a proliferation of private operators within a National Park. Lake O'Hara Lodge / Cabins are PRIVATELY owned and its inside Yoho National Park, west of the Continental Divide separating British Columbia from the rest of Canada! The price tag for the "family cabin" would be well beyond the reach of those wishing to purchase it to be used sparingly throughout the year at the best of times seasonally.

..... While it might not be showing up in sales figures yet, North
Vancouver-based BlueShore Financial credit union surveyed a group of its
members and found that not much more than one-third of those who own
recreational property expect to pass that real estate on to their
And among respondents who are children of recreational
property owners, 61 per cent reported that they did not expect to
inherit the family's cabin, cottage or ski condo. ..... - Derrick Penner - Vancouver Sun
Maybe someone will inherit Lake O'Hara, but when it has shifted onto someone else's shoulders in the past it hasn't been kept within the family. eg.
Bruce Millar: Owner of Lake O'Hara, has a few suggestions about
his Lodge and its amenities:
Can I bring my cell phone?
Sure, bring it - unfortunately, it won't work as there is no coverage
in our remote mountain location. You'll most likely be using it as a
camera! Our guests appreciate truly being unplugged for a short
period of time. There is a pay phone at the lodge that you are welcome
to use should you really need to get in touch with someone.
Satellite phones?????