Tuesday, January 28, 2025

STEALTH MODE - no speed is displayed, but data is collected

Typical of other Metro Vancouver  municipalities, District of North Vancouver uses electronic traffic warning signage, at the curb, to alert motorists of their current speed.

There's one been sitting on Queens, at Delbrook Recreation Centre, for two weeks.

Its a total waste of time of public resources.  Why not move it to another site, or park it on District Hall's property, which is just six blocks to the East. 

Within the typical family car, the youngsters dare the parent to go higher, therefore faster.

While the parent is busy verifying that the car's speedometer is correct, at ten kilometres faster.



The machines real capabilities?


 V-Touch SP Controller

STEALTH MODE - no speed is displayed, but DATA IS COLLECTED





Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Lonsdale and Upper Levels

 Where are the street lights for pedestrian crosswalks?





Monday, November 25, 2024

That's refreshing! Deleting every post I've ever written on Premier Christy Clark

 Not quite finished

If I don't do it now, I won't remember to do it, at all

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Make your own cinnamon stick stars now, and how, and the sticks..... are .... @ Famous Foods

Every year our school has a fundraiser; don't we all. 

 and one of our favourite activities (making the parts) is 

the cinnamon stick star.  The aroma .....distracting



Wire @   Michaels

Source for the cinnamon spice is 

    On Kingsway, one block East of Knight Road (around the corner to the north & parking lot in lane)

Famous Foods  604-872-3019
Open 8am - 8pm
7 days a week



we use a bandsaw, obviously, but a hacksaw will do too, maybe .....


 Package up the parts for later, at home, or do it at the fair.  

Do It At The Fair

https://www.famousfoods.ca/weekly-sales-flyer    +  https://www.bulkfoods.famousfoods.ca/

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Translink stations ignores basic human needs, so I use Vancouver City Hall's squeaky clean WC, c/w heated floor

Broadway and Cambie is so very busy, and even though I'm on the way to Vancouver General Hospital for a study on asbestosis, I always use the City Hall's public washroom.  One can't be too careful at VGH, let alone the nearby bustling stores.  Besides, I feel guilty not purchasing anything on Broadway.

I'm just waiting for Mayor Sim to greet me with  "Do you have any business here Sir?

My prepared Reply:   "None of your business!"

The Basics # 1

Kingsway and Broadway  September 1924


When I was a kid, there was this in 1954

The Basic #2

The Basics #3

The Dublin Basics

Monday, October 28, 2024

Capilano Mall's 'find the stores within Map', 1/2 should be upside down ..

 ... because not all of these signs should be top up.


This map is right if entering from the south (Walmart)



 this one is right (if the map is upside down) and

if entering from Marine Drive, looking to the South


I understand why malls, typically, have back to back signage, and the use of cardinal direction of NORTH at the top, but, invariably the stores, and their signs aren't facing North at all.

Those same mall maps includes the FIRE EXIT signs in accordance with municipal/provincial laws, but, has the City's Fire Department verified that the signs on the mall's map is correctly placed?


Capilano Mall, sign samples, of the cardinal sin

The way it is now, who knows where the Fire Exits are?

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Old Maps: 'Vancouver and Suburbs' (link), Deep Cove too. Use our Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass




This link opens to the MAP     Vancouver and Suburbs Map

the result of  a selective click of the mouse on the above image


more maps from  Dial Map


Ashurst (Parkhurst),   Banff Av.,   Baycrest Dr.,   Beachview Dr.,   Belmont Av.,   Broadview,   Byrne Rd.,   Cade (see Arbor),   Canyon Park Rd.,   Chiselhampton St.,   Chutter St.,   Chrisdale Av.,   Circle Walk,   Colleen St.,   Crestlynn Dr.,   David St.,   Derby Pl.,   Derwent Cr.,   Dycke (Dyke),   Eleanor St.,   Errington Av.,   Evans (see Casewell),   First Av. ( Van.),   Fonteyn Way,   Gatenby Av.,   Greentree Pl.,    Grouse Walk,   Happy Valley La.,   Harken St.,   Hayes Av.,   Hillview St.,   James Walk,   Keith St. (Burnaby),   Keith (N. Van.),   Kew Park,    Lauralynn Dr.,   Laurie Cr.,   Lawa Rd.,   McPherson Av.,   Mathias Rd.,   Mazuco (se David),   Mountbatten St. Burnaby,   Neal St.,   New Pipe Line Rd.,   Norcross Av.,   Oakglen Dr.,   Olson St..   Paton St.,   Patterdale,   Pattsmauk Rd??.,   Pender - Keefer Div.,   Picadilly Rd. North,   Pilot House Rd.,   Pioneer Av.,   Ramsey Av (Burnaby),   Redfern Pl.,   Rivers Dr. (W. Van.),   Rockview Pl.,   Russet Way,   Rydal Av.,   St. Denis Rd.,   Ski Lift Pl.,   Wentworth), Southwood Pl.,   Sunflower Av.,  Sycamore Dr.,   Tamarack Rd.,   Tisdall St.,   Wentworth Av.  (Ski Lift Pl.),   Whonoak,   Wildwood La.,   Woodgreen Dr.,   Woodcrest Rd.,   Woodpark Rd.


Friday, October 25, 2024

Budgeted $125 for 2004 Backyard Rockery Project with a 'slightly' used 'DB Type HAND Winch W/Cable'!

and it came with a best before date

 These jumble of rocks were free (oops Delivery Fee!)

A truck tie down strap worked perfectly on the odd shaped rocks and connected to the winch cable


And a way off in the distance was that old hand powered winch sitting on top of a heavy duty 'box' made of 2' X 8" lumber for the framing, added 30" X 30" plywood for the top and bottom, to prevent wracking.  

The interior of the box, was loaded with individual ROCKS so that their combined weight could pull the larger rock.

And with all the (ducks) boulders in a row it was simple to remove the rocks in the box and move to another angle to pull in another line of boulders.

All done by hand.   No electric winches needed.

Of course now, you'll use MY WAY, your way, but with that electric winch.



Tuesday, October 22, 2024

District of North Vancouver's Deep Cove area, without a dedicated sewerage piping map?

The District of North Vancouver has the best, most detailed data, in Metro Vancouver, the Province.  Way superior to the City of Vancouver's ...... just  DON'T OPEN (VANCOUVER'S)  fire hydrant file, nor their pedestrian activated crosswalk lights.  You won't be able to see where you're walking in Google Earth, nor see where your dog went to.

DNV GIS files: https://geoweb.dnv.org/data/

Its all about maintenance of Districts assets.

As to the current topic:  Flood prevention assets:

Sanitary Mains Abandon

Sanitary Sewer Fittings

Sanitary Sewer Lift Catchment Areas

Sanitary Sewer Mains

Sanitary Sewer Service Connections

Sanitary Sewer Facilities

Go to this link      https://geoweb.dnv.org/data/


For Example:

Stairs, They're numbered   (Can you do them in one day or one a day? up)

Point features depicting the location of District owned stairs. The number of stairs is included as part of this data set where it is known. These point features merely indicate the location of a staircase.

  ....   https://geoweb.dnv.org/Products/Data/DWG/StrStair_dwg.zip


For Example:

Sanitary Sewer System
Point features which represent facility structures that serve the sanitary sewer system (primarily lift stations). Lift stations handle raw sewage fed from gravity pipelines which lift the sewage upward through a pressurized pipe (force main).
View Metadata | Download SHP | Download FGDB | Download DWG | Download KML



Vancouver Sun articles:




Is this why there was a flash flood through Deep Cove?




Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

British Columbia Prisoners Report. Your most obedient Servant: C. Todd

Gaoler      James Robson

Assistant Gaoler    J.W. Hutchinson

Assistant Gaoler    A. W. Rogers

Senior Convict Guard    Frederick Hussay

Convict Guard    Henry Murray

Medical attendant   Dr. J. S. Helmcken




This?  Medical Attendant    Dr. J. S. Helmcken

 (June 5, 1824 – September 1, 1920) was a British Columbia physician who played a prominent role in bringing the province into Canadian Confederation. He was also the founding president of the British Columbia Medical Association






Prisoners Family Tree as a Source



Prison Report  1879

Owing to the fact that the Act requiring this report to be made by me being in force only since April of this year, I am unable in this, my first report, to give full statistics of the different gaols and lock-ups other than those at Victoria, New Westminister and Nanaimo.  I can only state with respect to the other gaols and lock-ups that they are generally in a good state of repair, and, with one or two exceptions, serve every purpose for which they were intended.

That at Esquimalt contains two cells, but is without a yard fence. Hence prisoners cannot get open-air exercise unless the constable is present.  Victoria gaol being near at hand renders it unnecessary to keep prisoners long at Esquimalt lock-up.

Cowichan lock-up contains two cells, a court-room and lavatory, and is in good repair.  It is situated at too great a distance from any habitation, to be safe either from rescue or from bush fires, unless there is a guard all the time. Built in 1877.

Comox lock-up contains two cells, a court-room and lavatory, and is in good repair.  It is situated at too great a distance from any habitation, to be safe either from rescue or from bush fires, unless there is a guard all the time.  Built in 1877.

Burrard Inlet lock-up is a rough log hut, inadequate for the requirements of the place.  

Lytton gaol or lock-up contains four cells, and is in good repair.

Clinton gaol or lock-up is also in good repair and contains four cells. Built in 1876.

Kamloops gaol or lock-up contains two cells, is in good repair, and built on the same model as those of Cowichan and Comox.

Osoyoos lock-up is old but serves all purposes, it being seldom required.

Mouth of Quesnelle lock-up contains six cells, and is in very good condition.

Stanley lock-up is in good repair.

Richfield gaol, as far as I know, answers all purposes for which it is required.

In Cassiar, there are two lock-ups, one at Laketon and one at McDame's Creek, both in good repair.

The gaol or lock-up at Metlakathla Mission is hexagonal in form, two-story high.  It contains four cells and a guard room on the ground floor, and one large, well-lighted room above, used as a day room and reading room for prisoners and constables.  The building is in good repair and handsomely painted, forming a distinctive feature of the town.

There is a new lock-up required at Burrard Inlet, and the fence around Kamloops gaol altering and raising several feet higher.

The wood-work at Victoria and New Westminster gaols is badly decayed, and will require constant repairs until the buildings are completely renewed.

The question of disposing of the gaol property at Victoria, and building a new gaol outside of the city, is even now worthy of the consideration of the Government.

I have the honour to remain, 

Your most obedient servant

C. Todd,

Superintendent of Police.

Family Tree source?


New Westminster


Burrard Inlet

Mouth of Quesnelle
Laketon, McDame's Creek
Metlakathla Mission