Thursday, August 11, 2022

24 kilometres? With a bit of elevation gain, loss, gain, loss, gain. Should be just a walk in the park. Parks!

UpDate 2023-03-05 

How good is the 2022-10-5 single Cingal injection to my right knee?


Almost good enough for that walk from Spanish Banks?  Maybe.  In better weather.

From Vancouver's Spanish Banks to Stanley Park's Causeway to North Shore's Capilano River Regional Park with its Cleveland Dam ...... and then Home to Lonsdale and 27th.


 As a seven year old kid, at Spanish Banks, I thought the North Shore was far away.  

Now, late 70's, it still looks far away, but I'm taller, with a longer stride.


A slightly different route from Cleveland Dam   24.9 K to home



17.4 k

 Pemberton and Marine Drive to Cleveland Dam to Tempe to Marine Drive and Pemberton



Osteoarthritis in my Right Knee



a Single Cingal shot has made all the difference

with a couple of restrictions

No more 14 kilometre walks per day

7 kilometres every other day is okay

Bonus    unlimited 4 kilometre walks per day


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