Saturday, March 1, 2014

Re-Tool thin-skinned Dilbit rail Tankers to haul Humanure to the Wheat fields? Production increases: 6 fold

Tip of the Hat to those people who use Pod-Casts to drift off to sleep (at night) and then come up with great ideas for this Blog, like Graphite AccumulatorsNelson "Galvania iron fertilization, Super Heated Chicken Feathers to store Hydrogen for cars, Digital Decoders for Ship Locations, and last but not least a Meeting place for Brunch:  Burnaby's End of the Universe  (not it's real name).

Metro Vancouver wants to incinerator it's waste.....

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New York City got it right, when it came to stop dumping waste products into the Atlantic Ocean.   The result, a transformation of the North River wastewater treatment plant, located on the Hudson River.  

The result was FREE fertilizer to the Wheat fields of Colorado, increased production by SIX Times until the Railway companies, greedy little bastards that they are, upped their rates and killed the goose laying golden eggs.    However, maybe the czars of railway transport will be taking a SECOND look at their DISPOSAL costs for their thin skinned Dilbit tanker cars, and use, even a small portion of them, to reinstate a GOOD FOR THE EARTH attitude with the Poop Train.  Humanure concerns???? relax, the Heavy Metals in the poop are NOT picked up by Wheat!

The Scoop on the Poop Train at RadioLab PodCast Articles

A bit of a backgrounder:
 Chris Tackett
Science / Sustainable Agriculture
September 25, 2013

Few radio shows could make a report about human waste both entertaining, educational and inspiring, but Radiolab is no ordinary radio program. This week, host's Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich tell the fascinating story of the New York City Poop Train, which used to ship tons of human waste sludge from New York City to farmers in Colorado, 1,600 miles away.

Wait, what? I was surprised to learn about this, so it was interesting to hear the history of how much New York City's approach to sewage has changed in the past few decades. The segment also includes an interesting tour of Manhattan's North River Wastewater Treatment Plant, which currently treats approximately 125 million gallons of wastewater every day.

I don't want to spoil the ending of the story for you, but there is also a good lesson on sustainability and how we can be doing a better job of putting human waste to beneficial use (once it is properly processed for safety).

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