Friday, April 24, 2020

Capilano River Hatchery deals with Covid-19 by providing accessible portable toilets, for some

For those that are able body, fit, definitely not in need of a wheelchair, acting on behalf of The Honourable Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries (Hatchery included)) who closed the Capilano River Hatchery's two public washrooms due to the pandemic, and then arranges for replacement 'facilities' with the delivery of two portable toilets, 'curb' side .......
 "wheelchair accessible restroom that can also be promoted ....... as a family-sized restroom. It has a patented flat floor system for easy wheelchair access and maneuverability."
Where's that other 'patented flat ramp system from the road, up over the curb, and onto the pee gravel?
Capilano River Regional Park  -  Federal Fish Hatchery

 Of course, it may have been the person who delivered the portable washroom, acting on behalf of .....

Its a long haul from this side but the Green 'Can' is blocking access to the Grey 'Can'

"Can you hold it a jiffy longer John?"

1 comment:

  1. Curb-side appeal is all about location, location, location.

    Though the pea gravel is spot on.
