Saturday, November 9, 2013

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: "Yeomans' Top Ten Asteroid Factoids"

Factoid was coined by Norman Mailer in his 1973 biography of Marilyn Monroe. Mailer described a factoid as "facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper" 
Just so you know that you're not alone in the universe:  world or words:
Don Yeomans, a senior research scientist at JPL, keeps a watchful eye on near-Earth objects -- asteroids, comets and other space rocks. Yeomans heads a group charged by NASA to watch for objects whose orbits bring them close to Earth. He's pulled together his top ten asteroid factoids.
 The top factoids about asteroids    Today Tech

 Qualitative Testing Factoid Sheet by Adrian Dingle's Chemistry Pages
Should seniors get genetic factoid tests for unproven theories regarding choice?   There's now a genetic test for the ability not to make the same mistake twice, or rather the same unhealthy choices. DNA testing for ancestry may also offer genetic testing for various types of "factoid tests" based on numerous genetic studies.
       Have some fun with your DNA Factoid Complete Bundle Pack      $149.00
 FTDNA's autosomal test is now the same price as both AncestryDNA and 23andme. However, you can do an autosomal transfer from 23andme or AncestryDNA for $69. FTDNA does regular discounts and there are discounts for surname, region, and haplogroup projects. Once a customer, some upgrades qualify for a large discount. It is also one of the few companies to offer individual SNP, STR, and other tests. It offers Factoid tests, but most of them are included in 23andme's test. Not sure they test the same genes or rely on the same research. FTDNA also offers a full range of Y-DNA and mtDNA that are great for genealogy.


 Factoid tests should generally test only the major facts. Even the worst of worst English teachers do not tell you to memorize a pointless line or a minor character. Don't skip lectures. The lecturer should indicate what factoid he wants you to memorize if he's really doing it that way.
 Factoids Part 1

Explore the world of color with these amazing "factoids" about color. You'll find unusual snippets of information from the world of nature, vision, psychology, business, and from all dimensions of our lives.

 From the Top's Facebook Wall
Here's a neat factoid about Mozart. Do you hear colors in music?

3BL Media:
 Trish:  Let me bring up another little factoid from the NAHB:  Women directly purchase or have controlling influence in the purchase of 91% of all new homes.   So women (who are twice as likely to want green products) are dependent upon men (who largely don’t buy into green) to build their homes.  Are the odds are stacked against a woman getting the green home of her dreams?

 NOTE:  Militarily speaking, the USA sees FACTOIDS as "Good" and "BAD" mixed in with the Correct bits........... 
West Point Academy 
The goal of the organization is to identify a terrorist attack based on bits of information distributed around the organization. After ten minutes of the one hour experiment, all of the correct information has been issued to the organization. Among the correct bits of information, or factoids, are also distributed false factoids. Each entity receives four factoids, and they must corroborate within the organization to come up with the correct arrangement of who, what, where, and when.

Snowden, where are you on West Point's interpretation?

 FACTOIDS:"Models and Tools for Analysis and Secure Exchange of Sensor-Collected Data"

In this paper, we study the problem of automatically annotating the factoids present in collective discourse. Factoids are in formation units that are shared between instances of collective discourse and may have many different ways of being realized in words. Our approach divides this problem into two steps, using a graph-based approach for each step: (1) factoid discovery, finding groups of words that correspond to the same factoid, and (2) factoid assignment, using these groups of words to mark collective discourse units that contain the respective factoids.


We present a new approach to intrinsic summary evaluation, based on initial experiments in van Halteren and Teufel (2003), which combines two novel aspects:  comparison of information content (rather than string similarity) in gold standard and system summary, measured in shared atomic information units which we call factoids, and comparison to more than one gold standard summary (in our data: 20 and 50 summaries respectively)


History of Chevy 
1. Louis Chevrolet and William C. Durant co-founded the Chevrolet Motor Company on November 3, 1911. Chevy celebrates its 100th birthday on November 3, 2011.

An interesting thing to notice in this example is that allocation order is quite different from JIT compilation order. In fact, the first thing to be allocated is the Exception object for out of memory errors! Many delightful factoids can be gleaned by examining execution traces.
Please feel free to post questions for The Neuropathy Association and Dr. Levine that you'd like as relates to the focus of this Facebook chat: DIABETIC NEUROPATHY. You can also comment on other participants’ posts and comments. Dr. Levine will be asking questions and sharing factoids on diabetic neuropathy too. And, be sure to chat with each other as well, make some new friends. 

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