by Robin Mathews, December, 2017
Vast numbers of people (many more than we think, probably)
are aware of a major, constant process by ‘Established power’, by the
Mainstream Press and Media, by ‘Imperial Globalization’, by the Deep State,
[there are more names] to blanket the population in misinformation, ‘disinformation’,
misleading reporting, half-finished news and misanalysis of events to use, in effect, a continuing blanket
of propaganda to assure we do not know the truth about the world around us and
to make us feel we are the enemies of perfectly self-respecting countries
attempting to live peaceful lives .
Being aware is one thing. Seeing through the
propaganda is another and there are not
many who can (consistently) do it “which is what all the named forces above
intend. None of us gets and stays free. That’s why the title of this
column. We all know we are being brainwashed. But until we replace
the present power structure/power system we will not be able to prevent what is
being done to us constantly, daily,
intentionally, internationally.
Occasionally (with us all) a light shines in and reveals an
insight, a small revelation (or a large one). That makes the propaganda
process clearer and its magnitude more evident.
Take the on-going repetition of (false) terrorist events in
Western countries. They are alleged to be produced by
government-connected forces (alleged, that is, by non-official, independent
investigators constantly at work). The investigators (most know) are almost all
authentic, serious, responsible, even scholarly people concerned about the
health of the community. They toil away gratis for the good of the
community. Continuous accusations are made that those well informed
researchers and critics of sensationally staged (Islamic?) terrorist events
are Conspiracy Theorists who besmirch and ridicule the noble and selfless work
of our official defenders. But more and more people are less and less
sure that the so-called Conspiracy Theorists are wrong.
Since the Cenotaph-and-after terrorist event in Ottawa on October 22, 2014, for instance, a number of researchers (I think of Graeme MacQueen and Barrie Zwicker) have brought telling arguments of a False Flag
event created by shadow Canadian State operatives to hoodwink the nation and
the world. (Once again, a single, semi-insane ˜terrorist’ was killed
before any testimony could be gathered from him.) So far the argument for the
Ottawa terrorist event as fraudulent can’t be proved absolutely. But we
have one crystal-clear example of a Canadian False Flag: the wholly fraudulent
Islamic terrorist event at Victoria, B.C., July 1, 2013.
Think of how much secret organization and how much deciding
to do criminal things had to go on in order to create the terrorist event in
Justice Catherine Bruce judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia
(on the case) was applied to for
corrective action after sitting through the jury trial (that found the two
converts to Islam guilty). Justice Bruce had observed much. She struck down the
terrorist conviction against the two socially challenged converts to Islam and unveiled the judgement that the RCMP (and
by implication the federal Conservative government) was planner, initiator, and
controller of the whole elaborate sham “ using more than 200 RCMP and millions
of dollars of unsuspecting taxpayers’ dollars. Since the replacement of
the Conservative government by a Liberal one, cover-up of the event continues,
the Liberal cabinet refuses to discuss a Public Inquiry of the RCMP and an
Appeal against the Justice Bruce decision is to take place in the B.C. Appeals
Court on January 18, 2018.
No one was killed or maimed in that ˜operation’ but innocent
Canadians were jailed, charged, misused and if the Crown wins the Appeal against the
judgement by Justice Bruce, the two accused “ declared innocent by Madam
Justice Bruce - can go back to jail and serve life sentences!
Historically the public-spirited investigators constantly at
work (for no pay) started investigation of what might be called False Flag
activity at a time when the hand of the evil U.S. government and/or Deep State
could (almost) be plainly seen. The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963; the Gulf of Tonkin faked ship battle in August, 1964, (to provide
reason to intensify the War in Viet Nam); the assassination of Martin Luther King on April 4, 1968 brought an intense focus on U.S. government (˜Deep State’)
criminality in the U.S.A.
It was when the unconvincingly explained murder of leading personalities
in the U.S.A. began to be evident that the False Flag investigative process
appears to have gone into high gear. Since the 1963 assassination of John F.
Kennedy up to and including the most recent multi-Western nation terrorist
events (still carried out mostly by apparently demented and “ usually-single-acting madmen who are almost always shot dead on the spot making live testimony from them impossible to
gain) the number of terrorist events has blossomed and the propaganda flowing from them has been
imprinted over and over and over on the minds of Western populations.
Almost always, ISIS (the demonic, savage, heartless, brutal,
and mostly invisible organization) ˜claims’ responsibility from somewhere. Thus Islamic evil is
The pattern is relentless. Almost always
innocent people are killed or maimed, revealing the brutal heartlessness of the
perpetrators. But pause.
Pull back. Think a minute.
Surely if there is a powerful, designing force with
tentacles into every Western country through actual contact people or by wickedly-created
terrorist-electronic-contact networks “ and is a force with considerable power
and influence (and doubtless money) wouldn’t it make something else happen as well?
Wouldn’t that force, that evil organization, that unwearying
actor on the world stage be able to enlist a few other people than the nut-case
truck-drivers and the single shoot-out madmen we have been asked to
accept? And (I suppose what I
write next is sort-of kindergarten stuff) “ surely the evil organization could
pick a few more telling targets than random gatherings of innocent
citizens. If the evil force wanted to make the point that it is the enemy
of all those who are daily making war against Islamic peoples wouldn’t it (at least now and then?) pick off
a significant political operative, a known intelligence/military person, a
major public figure involved in the damnation of Islam? Surely “even if
very rarely“ wouldn’t it drive one of those trucks into a significant store of
weaponry, or a meaningful chemical factory or even
just a significant anti-Islamic institution?
Now that I’ve said it mustn’t it strike every thoughtful ordinary person
in the Western World as very, very strange that the cruel, wicked,
barbaric, brutal Islamic fighters (working in the West) have never targeted
a single, meaningful actor contributing to the War Against Islam? If
that were to happen, ordinary people in the West wouldn’t be
thunderstruck. They would think “ ˜yes yes, that makes sense: tit for tat’.
Maybe that’s one of the reasons it doesn’t happen. (That doesn’t mean any
sane person would want any terrorist brutality.)
The failure of ISIS (or whatever organizations detest the
war-making West) ever to undertake attacks on centrally responsible persons in
the West leads one to believe that the attacks are not undertaken by Islamic
sources at all and are connected to
Islam only through the propaganda channels of Western power and its Deep
State. The actual perpetrators of the brutalities visited upon innocent,
ordinary people in Western countries might just be part of a force
within those countries perpetrating acts of brutality against ordinary
people to BRAINWASH whole populations in order to make them learn to despise
those who are ACCUSED of the brutalities.
People in Western countries will protest. Surely no
force in Western democracies, they will say, would be permitted to violate
groups of the wholly innocent, killing and maiming many for propaganda
purposes! But pause again and think. Isn’t that precisely what the
Western perpetrators of the brutalities against innocent people would depend
upon “the essential decency of Western World citizens who wouldn’t believe the
cause could possibly be found inside their own democratic countries?
The perpetrators would depend upon that good faith of citizens
and would feed that good faith from controlled government sources, from
controlled press and media, from lavishly supplied eye-witnesses to the
events, from consenting elected representatives who are bought actors or misled
innocents who will always mouth the appropriate propaganda phrases.
Looking at the bloodstained sidewalks and the
blood-splattered market stalls where innocents have been brutalized, concerned
citizens do ask: WHY THEM? They do not ordinarily ask: Why not,
instead, visible perpetrators of violence against Islam? or How come a person
visibly responsible for the endless carnage in the Middle East is never picked
off by a terrorist or a terrorist group?
Is it possible we don’t ask those questions because we have
been indoctrinated, manipulated, brainwashed, taught to believe those
questions don’t even exist, or may not be asked, or that only madmen and
madwomen would ask them? When we think through the meaning of the state of mind
we are in are we looking at what it is to be brainwashed ? And if we are
what do we do about it?
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