Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My contribution to creating an IPP in every home on the North Shore of Vancouver.

Date: December 23, 2011

Location: Riverway Golf Course (owned and operated by Municipality of Burnaby)

Reason:  Company Year end Dinner

Why not talk shop, why not brainstorm, on the very last day of the year before we meet again for the daily grind on January 2nd, 2012.  Christy will be doing the same thing, Thinking, and being paid handsomely for her efforts.  Whereas we six, will be paid on our own dime.

I put it to the plumber in the crowd "What's the water pressure going into a house?"  "Depends" he said "on where you live."   "North Shore"   "80 lbs."

Google Search Criteria    Water pressure to houses on the north shore of burrard inlet
Its one thing to ask a simple question like water pressure going into a house without realizing where OUR water comes from in the first place.  "A TAP".... good guess, try again.   "The north shore?"  Partially right.  There's a bit of geography involved here, like why is Stanley Park's Prospect Point still there, after an IceAge has flowed off from a continent to finally settle a small portion of itself into English Bay and Georgia Strait....

Why oh Why is Prospect Point still there, after the Ice Age?   Why doesn't every harbour have a Prospect Point?

The year is 1889, the date is March 26:  The data that follows was prepared by Researcher: Roy J.V. Pallant
Surveys for the tunnel were simplified by the fact that the
centre of each shaft was visible from the other. - Page 9
· Ground level at the south shaft in Stanley Park some
distance back from the foreshore was twenty-three feet
above sea-level and conditions for open excavation were
most favourable. For the first sixty-five feet, the shaft was
in clay hardpan, the balance of the 400 feet in sandstone.
The shaft was timbered to a depth of twenty-five feet, after
which a concrete lining was used. After excavation of the
shaft and after the tunnel was driven several hundred feet,
a pump to lift 200 gallons per minute was installed and a
weir built which in fact sufficed until the tunnel was
Pearson Scott Foreman


A plug of concrete, twelve feet thick, was placed at the bottom of the Caisson, to stop it from moving and sealing it to the bedrock.  The miners then drilled a hole through the concrete, and another 400 feet down through the bedrock

With the site fixed by the point where underlying sandstone
was at the least depth below sea level sinking of the north
shaft presented problems. To begin with, several feet of
water at average tides covered the location. That
necessitated a caisson within which sinking would be done.

 Driving the tunnel was quite as routine as an ordinary
mining tunnel, the only essential difference being that the
bore was located 400 feet below sea level. While miners
pegged away with drill and jackhammer, great ocean liners
and noisy tugs steamed back and forth through the
Narrows entrance of one of the world's busiest harbours.
Three shifts of eight hours were worked continuously and
every round of holes fired marked an advance of seven or
eight feet. Use of extra powder broke up the muck so that it
was easily handled by hand labour loading small cars and a
locomotive hauling them to the south shaft where the spoil
was raised.  (Page 11)
 From the earliest days of the development of Vancouver
and district water supply, the submerged mains, now
, have been considered a rather precarious link.
Years ago the Vancouver City Council instructed the later
Col. T.H. Tracy, first city engineer, to report on the
feasibility of a tunnel. Proposals were even put forward for
a bridge to carry the supply mains. (Page 13 of 14)

Homeowner operated  IPP suggestion?    Why not hook up a micro water driven hydro generator to the incoming water line to every household?  Why not have larger users of water eg. Hospitals and Rec Centres, use the incoming pressure of water to supplement their electricity needs?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Re-cycling the 35mm Film Canon F1 2.8 100mm lens and SpeedFinder. Don't do this in the District of North Vancouver!

Long before Digital cameras came along (twenty-two years ago), film cameras were the in-thing to photograph with.  These photos were taken, late afternoon, at the North Vancouver District Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge.

The "two" riders, closet to the camera, are the same person, the one at top of the image made it across, and NOT by swinging his leg off of the bike at the end of his run.  There's a method to their madness it seems, if I tell you how they do it I would be charged by Christy Clark's law enforcement officers for aiding and abetting 24 year old "juveniles".

It was the cyclist at the top of the image that gave me the idea of capturing the second cyclist.... both cyclists, in my humble opinion, were totally out of their minds.

The second cyclist pushed past me, on the east side of the bridge, I snapped the first picture, then 3.5 seconds later (or as quickly as I could advance the film and compose the field of vision) I snapped the second photo.

I had the two images merged in a photo lab, took a day to have it done, plus one day shipping it out, another day to return.  THREE DAYS!

Today I used two "pieces" of modern technology, one an Epson Perfection 4490 Photo Flatbed Scanner to convert the colour negatives to positive images, to then using another software bundled with Nikon's PictureProject I merged the two photos via ArcSoft Panorama Maker.   Done in under five minutes for the two processes and then up to the BBC for more editing.

There's only been one pedestrian who has survived a fall from this bridge, and she was totally intoxicated, too drunk to know what she was doing, where she was doing it, with her two friends, at three o'clock in the morning.  I suppose that if you don't know the hazard that could befall you, you  can sort of relax.  Totally, and she did....... and she had the additional luck of the afternoon's being HOT, melted the mountain snow which then created high water in the canyon far, below.

Cyclists who do this sort of activity during any hour, and call it "fun", are out of their minds.

Digital Cameras are in, now, but back then it was this that caught the action!   A Canon F1, with a 2.8 100mm lens.  The F1, made of brass, had all the capabilities that no one could afford except for this:  The Speed Finder.

The conventional prism viewfinder on the F1 was designed to be REMOVED, then replaced with the SpeedFinder.  The benefit of this feature allows the cameraman to take the camera right down to the ground, and then looking straight down through the "top" viewfinder, as though it were a Hasselblad, the most unique photographs can be taken.  Optionally, the camera could be hoisted overhead of a crowd, then aimed down, to see the 'target' beyond the ring of rioters.

Changing from straight down to conventional is just a push of a button, then a twist either clock-wise or counter clock-wise.

Most photographs are done from eye-level, the Speed Finder allows for a different level of a photograph to be attained with a minimum of fuss.

Hopefully, what with all the speed bumps in North Vancouver to calm the traffic, the same holds true for the North Vancouver Suspension Bridge to STOP cyclists from speeding, when they should be walking, across the bridge.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Vancouver Landscape Resources 41 Trees

 Vancouver Landscape Resources   41    Trees  Pages 35 and 36 (Updated Link May 25/13) & September 12, 2013

And here I thought that the only thing outdoorsy magical, in Vancouver, was MEC.

Street addresses   101 to 199 West 10th, is Three Minutes away from MEC, its well worth the "hike" to see these towering, magnificent Horse Chestnut Trees, and the houses, equally towering above the street, with their Vancouver City Heritage signs aplenty.   Don't worry about taking refreshments, there's a "store", mid-block, south side.

Mountain Equipment Co-op
130 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1P3
1. Head east on BC-7 E toward Manitoba St

130 m
2. Take the 1st right onto Manitoba St

100 m
3. Turn right onto W 10 Ave
Destination will be on the right

200 m

199 W 10th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Y 3L1

Aesculus Hippocastanum - Horse Chestnut

Almey Crabapple
Arbutus or Madrone
Black Walnut
Blue Atlas Cedar
Cappadocian Maple
Caucasian Wing-Nut
China Fir
Cucumber Tree
Dove Tree- Handkerchief Tree
English Elm
English Oak
Fernleaf Beech
Garry Oak
Giant Sequoia
Giant Sequoia
Japanese Maple (Variety Unknown)
London Plane
Maple (Various Species)
Northern Red Oak
Northern Red Oak
Oriental Plane Tree
Pacific Dogwood
Pin Oak
Pin Oak
Purple Beech
Royal Paulownia
Saucer Magnolia
Southern Magnolia
Spanish Chestnut
Swamp Cypress
Tree of Heaven
Tulip Tree
Turner's Oak
Weeping Beech
Weeping Willow
Weeping Willow
Western Catalpa

Friday, December 9, 2011

October 31, 1926.....Boxer May Be Shot to Moon * * * Many Ask for Reservations


The following.text, all of it, except of course for the Minutes from the City of North Vancouver (CNV), is from the North Vancouver Museum and Archives, where this newspaper is held in safe keeping.

"The Review" - J.M. Bryan Publisher.
    Mr. Bryan decided that it was time for the North Shore to have its own newspaper.

The (CNV) Clerk reported that formal complaint had been made by Mr. J. M. Bryan of the Review Publishing Co. that they were not getting a fair share of the City’s advertising business.

The Clerk reviewed a former understanding whereby the North Shore Press was to get the publishing of the City by-laws and the Review the publishing of the District by-laws.
Moved by Alderman Anderson, seconded by Alderman White and resolved that both newspapers be asked to furnish a sworn statement of their paid circulation within the City limits together with the cost of advertising space.
 The Review

Sam McFee, former champion welter-weight boxer of the British navy and now a resident of Victoria, has come forward as a volunteer passenger for the rocket-to-the-moon flight which Herr Professor  Franz Vallier will be invited to stage from Victoria, Vancouver Island.

Mr. McFee, after a life crowded with adventure as a British tar, a prize fighter and survey gang boss in charge of timber cruising parties, looks upon the moon flight as the crowning incident in a life full or color.

He is keenly interested in the giant rocket loaded with sixteen tons of nitrocellulose (aka guncotton) with which it is proposed to send the passenger on his inter-planetary call.

"I have been pretty nearly all over the world," Mr. McPhee (sic) said, "I have met people of every color and every race, I have fought on the sea and in the ring in a few score places.  I have fought Indians.  I have been bitten by land sharks.  I would like to meet these moon men and see what they look like.  Maybe I could start a boxing school up there."

"What is there in it?" was Mr. McFee's parting word.  "I don't  see how the passenger gets back from the moon to the earth.  That seems a little point that is overlooked, so if I make the trip I want a guarantee (an indemnity???) to be left  with the wife before the flight starts."

Following Mr. McFee's offer, Olaf Peterson, the East Sooke inventor of the passenger carrying aerial torpedo, announced that he has received mail applications from persons to make the trial trip across the Pacific.  Two of these applications are from VAncouver, one from Calgary, Winnepeg 2, Brandon 1, Seattle 4, Portland 5, San Francisco 8, Los Angeles 3, Denver 1, Chicago 1, Nelson 3, Port Angeles 3, Toronto 3, New Westminister 10, Edmonton 2, Regina 1.

Mr. Peterson said that he was limiting his trial-trip passenger list to 12, including only local celebrities and a movie news reels man who has applied from Hollywood.



"The Ancient Water Course of Seymour Creek and Geology of the North Shore" were subjects of a lecture delivered by W.M. L. Draycot, Lynn Valley, last Friday in Vancouver, to members of the Burrard Field Naturalists' Club.   Maps, plans, panoramic sketches and photographs executed by the lecturer made the subject intensely interesting as did also the display of various mineral specimens found in the locality.


Next Sunday afternoon at 3' o'clock the North Vancouver Choral Society will give a scared concert at the Lonsdale Theatre in aid of the Elks' Christmas Cheer  fund.  An attractive programme has been arranged.  The complete programme will be found in the music column.                                                                                                                       (City of North Vancouver Minutes: From the Elks with respect to Christmas Cheer, making application for an increased grant, owing to the large number of hampers that are being distributed under present arrangement.
  Referred to Estimates.) 
City of North Vancouver Index to Archive Minutes starting June 12, 1907

England might try prohibition.  That would provide enough extra jobs to take care of the unemployed.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hands up Burnaby City Councillors, who was Warner Loat?

I guess the easy way to explain this Topic is by starting with a photo from the Province, January 9th, 1939, by way of the Vancouver Public Library Newspaper clippings department.

Warner Loat, according to the internet, was a Alderman for Vancouver and an Alderman for Burnaby.  He led a distinguished civic and business career and the City of Burnaby has created a permanent memorial on his behalf.

A provision in Mr. Loat's will specifies that his garden show place north of Burnaby Lake be turned over to the municipality.  The rustic cottage which is on the property will be maintained in perpetuity for the use of old council colleagues whom he often entertained there.  The property will be known as Loat Memorial Park.

Mr. Loat, who was one of the leading members in horticultural circles in the city, took great pride in his Burnaby place, and had often mentioned his intention of turning it over to the municipality

What I've found on the Internet, is that City Hall has designated a portion of the Loat property as an Off-Leash (Dog) Enclosure (Warner Loat Park) and another part is called Camp Madawaska.

Here's two pages from a Four Page document spelling out Burnaby's part of the bargain:


But there's are document on the Internet that includes Warner Loat's name, and in one it says this:
"It is Government policy now that basically all electric power and energy that supplies the Public should be under Public auspices" - W.A.C Bennett August 1961.   

The quote comes from this thesis:
  Just type "Loat" within the document and you'll end up on page 38

Class conflict and political factionalism : a history of Local 213 of the

 The quote from W.A.C. Bennett is on page 41

But really, the whole of the document..... or at least the up to page 42, deals with the History of BC Hydro (and BC Telephone) and all of the surrounding intrigue to go along with them until 1961.

The real nuts and bolts on researching on the internet, on any topic starts here on page 280 of the document because if you think THIS document ("Class conflict and political....") is OLD hat, the last section of any document is where you find out if the Butler really did it or not.... just kidding.  What you find is the books and documents that were used to write the thesis before this one, and they're really OLD, and concise.

Its a gold mine of Key Words because you can go to your local library, or the VPL, and rummage around for books that haven't seen the light of day since .... ten year after they were written.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Young Uranium" "This (Summerland) "meadow" was once a marsh, but has been drained for agriculture and residential construction."

UPDATE Nov. 5, 2011:   Hmmmm, it must mean something, that if one were to type in "young uranium" into Google, this blog is the first on the top of the "heap".    Which means that we have become complacent in the case of uranium.

 Strange all this exploration for a mineral (Uranium and Thorium) that can't be mined in British Columbia, when Gold is a bona fide commodity.....

Google Search Criteria wording of  "20 ppb MAC uranium summerland bc" came from here

 Several interesting hits from the search criteria above, like this one..... contained on page 95 of 1588 pages on all of the mines in British Columbia but its below the third hit that says this:  Show more results from gov.bc.ca

The ore reserves of the Blizzard deposit are estimated to be 2,200,000 tonnes grading 0.815 per cent uranium (0.214 per cent U3O8) at a cutoff grade of 0.021 per cent uranium (0.025 per cent U3O8) over a 1-metre interval. Conversion used for U3O8 to uranium is 0.848 (Canadian Mining Journal, April 1979). Assessment Report 7822 reports a total of 4736 tonnes U3O8 is in the deposit.
 There's a tremendous amount of information on the Blizzard site which leaves one wondering just how much more Exploratory work was required ..... lately.

Page 255  HYDRAULIC LAKE, TYEE, KETTLE   has this:  COMMENTS: Centre of deposit (Paper 1979-6).

And if you take the last portion of the last line.....  (Paper 1979-6) and place it in Google it gives you this:

  Updated Link  2023-02-16

A Brief Submitted to the Royal Commission of Inquiry, Health and ...

Health and Environmental Protection, Uranium Mining by the Geological Division
, Mineral Resources Branch. Paper 1979 - 6. View Entire Paper (PDF, 43.3MB) ...

The first uranium exploration in British Columbia recorded was in 1932. Since then exploration has been sporadic, with minor peaks during the late 1940's, mid 1950's, and late 1960's. During this period only one deposit was found of sufficient size and grade to be a potential mine, and British Columbia was considered by most geologists to be a mediocre terrain for uranium exploration.

Many classes of uranium deposits are known in the world and representatives of most of these occur in British Columbia. However, to date only the basal type and volcanogenic type have been shown to be potentially of such a size and grade to be mined.

 Kelowna  would be a good word to punch into the 1588 page document......

 But  Google Search Criteria was  20 ppb MAC uranium summerland bc gave this hit too, fifth item down



Culbert, R.R. and Leighton, D.G., 1988. Young uranium. In: J.W. Gabelman (Editor), Unconventional Uranium
Deposits. Ore Geol. Rev., 3: 313-330.

Deposits of young (post-glacial) uranium are presently forming in a considerable variety of environments in Canada and the northern U.S.A. by interaction between soils or sediments and uranium-bearing groundwaters. The uranium tends to be loosely held, and as it is too recently deposited to have built up radioactive daughter products, concentrations are seldom detectable by  scintillometer. Young deposits are of apparent economic interest in view of their common occurrence, amenability to in-situ leaching and lack of radioactive components. They are of environmental interest because they form concentrations of poorly fixed uranium which surface in areas of agriculture or development, and finally they are of academic importance for what they can tell us of how uranium accumulates in a sedimentary


Our exploration during 1978 and 1979 found young uranium deposits in southern and northern British Columbia, in the Yukon, in the maritime provinces and in the northwestern U.S.   Reports of strong accumulations of young uranium have also been made from the Canadian Shield (Coker and DiLabio, 1979), Scandinavia (Armands, 1961) and Russia (Kochenov et al., 1965 ), as well as from a number of non-glaciated areas.

Levinson and Coetzee (1978) reviewed the implications of radiometric equilibrium in the surficial environment for radiometric uranium exploration. Surficial uranium deposits were discussed and many described in the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency Working Group on Surficial Deposits (IAEA, 1984). This paper will rely heavily on data from the Okanagan area of southern British Columbia.  In part this is because these deposits were among the first recognized and are hence better known. More importantly, this information has been made public during reports to the B.C. Uranium Inquiry Commission and the B.C. Ministry of Public Health ( Culbert, 1980) and by a preliminary extraction feasibility study for selected deposits tabled before that commission (Hunkin Engineering, 1979). This exposure and the subsequent ban on uranium exploration in British Columbia have removed any question of privileged information.

Before proceeding with classification and descriptions, it should be noted that all deposits have been sampled by extendable hand augers using half meter sampling intervals, so that cross-sections show only the coarser variations in uranium content.   In converting from parts-per-million uranium to actual tonnage of U30s (or pounds per unit area), it is necessary to consider the insitu density of (dried) sediment. This varies all the way from 1.6 g cc- 1 or more for some saline clays to less than 0.5 g cc-1 for organic ooze or sphagnum. In general, inorganic sediments tend to be over 1.0 g cc- 1 while the usual organic materials run somewhat under unity.

Classification and examples

The following classification (Table 1) is based on the type of water involved in a deposit and on the type of trap. It is not being proposed as a formal classification system for young deposits, but has proved useful both in discussion and in exploration. The classes are only descriptively defined, and tend to grade into one another.
Furthermore, the number of deposit types and their relative importance are likely to change as exploration continues.

Closed basins

Hydrologically closed basins tend to become hypersaline, with minimal plant growth. Upward movement of groundwaters toward the surface (evaporative pumping) may therefore transport uranium without reduction to concentrate it at the surface. The example (Fig. la) from Wow Lakes near Oliver, B.C. is a classic in this regard. Surface enrichment of uranium here reaches 2000 ppm and although daughter product equilibrium is less than 2%, this still allows the deposit to be detectable by scintillometer. Surface concentrations in alkaline flats are subject to wind erosion.

Not all closed basins produce surface concentrations.  Larger basins have dominantly lateral groundwater flow (rather than vertical), and brine pools may also cause decomplexing of uranyl carbonate at lower levels. Example lb, again from Oliver region, shows a  sediment bottom accumulation in a lake whose sediments are dominantly gypsum, overlain by a purple culture of sulphate-reducing bacteria.

Uranium carbonate complexes entering by groundwaters are either decomplexed by high salinity and sulphate acidity or reduced by the effect of the bacteria on the overall system.  If there are secondary concentrating mechanisms causing uranium deposits to form within the large, saline playas of the Basin and Range province, they have not been observed. Uranium in playa or evaporite environments has been studied by Bell (1955,  1960) and by Leach et al. (1980).

Cyclically flushed

Many saline or alkaline basins are only marginally closed and periodically flushed, the resulting episodes of fresher water leaving organic layers in the clays or marls. The result is typically a layered deposit, although the uranium concentrations do not always correspond to the organic sections. Localization may have more to do with H2S generation, the name "Stink-317 hole" locally applied to Fig. 2 deposit being indicative.  The Starvation Flats deposit (Fig. 3 ) of Stevens County, Washington is an example of a basin which has filled with sediments to the extent that flushing is now quite frequent. As a result, the sediments are dominantly marls in
their lower parts and peats in the upper, and the waters are alkaline but of low salinity. The odour of H2S is again strong in the lower peat layers.

Spring Fed

Although upwelling groundwaters likely play a part in the formation of many young uranium deposits, some are clearly a function of a major spring and are characterized thereby. Where seeps occur below a saline lake or flats, the result will simply be a pod of concentration at that point ( Fig. 4a) unless conditions permit a surface
concentration. The Meyers Flats deposit of Fig. 4b occurs where Victoria Creek passes under porous glacial sediments and resurfaces below a swamp. This rising water appears to oxidize and destroy organics at the underlying sand-peat interface, further concentrating the uranium which reaches as much as 0.3% across half a meter. The upwelling is diffuse, and hence slow. Victoria Creek waters, which run 15-25 ppb uranium, apparently have sufficiently low salinity for adsorption-filtration to be effective at the organic boundary.  In the case of springs involving the initial surfacing of fresh water, radium and sometimes radon may accompany uranium; and radium has a strong tendency to be deposited near spring mouths (Culbert and Leighton, 1981 ). As a result, fresh-water spring deposits may, in part at least, be radioactive. An example from Bennett Lake area of the southern Yukon is shown in Fig. 5, where multiple springs along a major fault system have introduced uranium and radium to the organic accumulations of a sloping meadow.  Although usually quite small, fresh-water spring deposits are relatively widely reported due to their detectability by scintillometer. Examples
are from Colorado (Malan, 1957; Schmidt-Collerus, 1979) and from Wyoming (Love, 1963).

Groundwater intersection

Most young deposits are fed to a major extent by groundwater, but this class is represented by sites where moving groundwater has simply been intersected by a dip in topography with resulting lake or marsh and organic growth. One feature of such deposits is their assymetry, being richer on the inflow side, and with uranium elsewhere concentrated mainly along the interface of the organic materials with the underlying silt or sand. Deposits are also controlled by basal topography of the trap. Figure 6a shows an unusual case in which there is bottom leakage from a sink in the down-flow side, leaving a well-defined uranium concentration in the upflow basin and a profile without clear concentrations in the deeper sink. The alkaline water example (Fig. 6b) is a more simple and typical case.  Groundwater intersection deposits forming from fresh water tend to be small, as sufficient water flowage for larger accumulations would require surface drainage.

Collection basin

One of the most common sites of deposit formation is the collection basin, often near a valley head or valley junction, where both ground and surface waters are collected in a marshy bowl or lake with surface runoff. This runoff precludes development of saline waters, but sizeable deposits accumulate from both fresh and alkaline systems in this fashion. One such bowl is the Prairie Creek meadows in the town of Summerland, B.C. (Fig. 7). This "meadow" was once a marsh, but has been drained for agriculture and residential construction.  Morphologically, collection basin deposits tend to have complex drainage. Where the drainage is diffuse and its sources of variable uranium content, the uranium distribution will tend to be quite complex in plan view, as in Fig. 7. Where drainage is well-defined and of more homogeneous composition, uranium per unit area tends to depend more on the depth of organic profile and may be more regularly distributed, as in the fresh-water Whooper Swamp deposit of New Brunswick ( Fig. 8).

Valley swamp or lake

This style of deposit forms by partial damming or glacial excavation of a valley, and is one of the most frequent. Some occur in what seem to be little more than historically common sites for beaver dams. They vary from the next class in a lack of a well-defined drainage channel, causing a more diffuse passage of water through the sediments and leaving fewer sand or gravel layers.  The deposits vary widely in shape, although there is usually a concentration of uranium at the upstream end. In some cases, both near surface and near-base concentrations form behind this as the result of the free passage of waters on the surface and in underlying sands, resulting in an arcuate or "roll" shape of uranium accumulation. More commonly, concentrations are determined by interaction with groundwaters and with side drainages, such as in the Ruby No. 2 deposit of Pend Orielle County, Washington (Fig. 9b).  Where the water is sufficiently shallow for widespread growth of sphagnum or reeds, a layer of uranium may form near the level of decomposition of plant fragments. This may be due to the resulting reducing environment, or to the incipient production of humic and fulvic acids.  The effect is apparent in the case of Fig. 9a, showing a swamp bordering the Westbench suburb of Penticton, B.C.


http://aris.empr.gov.bc.ca/ArisReports/28174.PDF might be of interest if you consider these keywords

uranium ores, bogs, springs, peat, ash content, heavy metals, uranium, mineral exploration british columbia

more keywords based on    young uranium post-glacial    you might eventually end up here

And Here

The formation of basal-type uranium deposits in south central British Columbia    Dan R. Boyle

 look for    Blizzard


Monday, October 31, 2011


Hey Nelson I:   https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.em.gov.bc.ca%2FMining%2FGeoscience%2FPublicationsCatalogue%2FOpenFiles%2F1990%2FDocuments%2FOF1990-32.pdf
Hey Nelson II:  http://www.em.gov.bc.ca/Mining/Geoscience/PublicationsCatalogue/OpenFiles/1990/Documents/OF1990-32.pdf

British Columbia Government Publications ... - Legislative Library

Dispersion and Behaviour of Gold in Stream Sediments  By W.K. Fletcher

Here's a document that all the Miners are aware of, or should be, but the public isn't, so far.  If you have some spare time, and if you're wondering if some open pit mine sites are after something other than what they have told their shareholders..... and the public, all you have to do is go to the end of this document where every Longitude Latitude for the Occurrences of Uranium and Thorium is listed in Beautiful British Columbia, or was once upon a time called   The Best Place on Earth until Christy Clark took charge, ...... and compare that data to where existing open pit mines are operating.... Not that there is any illegal going on, far from it.   Just another piece of trivia.

Google Search Criteria    uranium daughter products rock material stored at lassie lake Blizzard

Then click on       Show more results from gov.bc.ca

Then click on    


And you will get this, if you're interested.   I was.......

Ministry of Energy, Mines and
Petroleum Resources
Hon. Jack Davis, Minister

By Larry D. Jones
A contribution to the Canada British Columbia Mineral
Development Agreement, 1985-1990

Page 3 of the PDF called OF1990-32 
The geological diversity of British Columbia provides a wide variety of settings for the occurrence of uranium and thorium. The Victoria deposit, a gold-silver-cobaltmolybdenum occurrence south of Hazelton, contains uraninite erratically distributed in narrow veins in granodiorite. The Little Gem deposit, located near Gold Bridge, contains uranium, gold and cobalt in veins within granodiorite. The Verity prospect, near Lampriere, contains uranium-bearing pyrodore in carbonatite. Uranium and thorium occur in amphibolite at the Husselbee showing, located on the west side of Atlin Lake. To the east, north of Surprise Lake, metazeunerite occurs in shears within quartz monzonite at the Purple Rose showing. The Rexspar uranium deposit is in volcanic rocks north of Kamloops. The Vowell and Malloy creek placers of the Bugaboo area contain uranium and thorium minerals in stream gravels produced from erosion of quartz monzonite rocks.
The Blizzard, Cup Lake, Hydraulic Lake, Haynes Lake, Fuki and other stratabound, basal uranium occurrences lie in fossil stream-channel sandstones and conglomerates in the Okanagan Highland and are between 1 and 4 million years of age. Even younger deposits, which are still forming today, include the many surficial uranium-enriched post-glacial organic-rich basins located along the west side of Okanagan Lake. They include the Prairie Flats, Covert Basin, Sinking Pond and North Wow Flat occurrences. 
                                                                                                                                                  Of the 182 known uranium and thorium occurrences in British Columbia, only a few have the grade and tonnage to have economic potential. These include the Rexspar deposit, some of the stratabound, basal deposits and possibly the placer and surficial deposits. Total in situ uranium in British Columbia is estimated at over 7400 tomes of uranium. However, due to the availability of high-grade large-tonnage deposits elsewhere in the World and Canada, such as those in northern Saskatchewan, uranium production from deposits in British Columbia may not be economically feasible in the foreseeable future.

New Info From CTV says that there are 196 occurrences as of 2011.   Which leaves one asking, I suppose, if there's been a Moratorium on Uranium and Thorium in our Province since 1980 why are miners looking for the damn stuff, still.

Page 4.... the Map of .....Uranium and Thorium

HISTORY (pages 13 and 15 of the PDF file)

The earliest interest in radioactivity in British Columbia was in 1914, when the federal government offered cash bonusesfor discoveries of commercial quantities of radioactive minerals to locate radium. The rewards were unclaimed and the offer was withdrawn in 1938. In 1932, an electroscopic survey, which measures
radioactivity, was carried out on the Radium property (MINFILE 092K052) on Quadra Island. Carnotite was identified in seams in volcanic rocks and assayed up to 245 per cent uranium. Little exploration for radioactive minerals was carried out until the late 1940s. The Rexspar deposit (082M021) at Birch Island, first explored for fluorite in 1920, was investigated for uranium mineralization in 1949. By 1977,1.114 million tonnes of reserves were indicated at a grade of 0.068 per cent uranium, with an appreciable content of rare-earth elements.
During the late 1940s to mid 1950s, many properties, previously considered as precious and base metal prospects, were explored for radioactive minerals. The Victoria (093M072), a gold-silver-cobalt-molybdenum property south of Hazelton, contains uraninite erratically distributed in narrow veins in granodiorite of the Rocher D6boulC stock. The Little Gem property (0921NE068) contains uranium, gold and cobalt in veins within granodiorite. The Verity property (083D005) near Lampriere contains uranium-bearing pyrochlore in carbonatite. Radioactive minerals occur in amphibolite on the Husselbee property (104N001), located on the west side of Atlin Lake. To the east, north of Surprise Lake, metazeunerite occurs in shears in granite rocks on the Purple Rose property (104N005). In 1955, radioactive secondary hydrous aluminum phosphate minerals were found in rhyolite dikes cutting quartz monzonite on the Nithi Mountain property (093F012), south of Fraser Lake. The Vowell and Malloy Creek properties (082KNE007,8), near Spillamacheen, contain Recent placer uraninite and pyrochlore, which were tested in 1954. In 1956,11312 kilograms of concentrates were produced, having an average grade of 25 per cent niobium, 0.76 per cent uranium and 13 per cent thorium oxide.
In the late 1960s, uranium minerals were found in pegmatite within gneiss on the Mota property (082FSW212), located near China Creek. In 1%8, Japanese geologists, while conducting a car-borne scintillometer survey, discovered autunite (Fuki deposit-082ENE015) in a Miocene paleochannel beneath a basalt cap in the upper Kettle River watershed. This led to discovery of the Blizzard deposit (082ENE046) and several others, which are referred to as Tertiary basal-type deposits.
From 1975 to 1978, a jointly funded Federal-Provincial Uranium Reconnaissance Program (URP), conducted by the Geologic. Survey of Canada and the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, investigated the uranium potential of the Cordillera. This program consisted of regional stream water and sediment geochemical surveys, with detailed follow-up studies, including geochemical surveys, geological mapping and uranium resource evaluation and appraisal. Various surveys were completed on map sheets 826 L and M and 104N, 0 and P.
In 1979, post-glacial uranium deposits were discovered in soil in the semi-arid Okanagan Valley. These 'young' uranium accumulations are associated with stagnant or saline waters trapped in hydraulically closed basins. Prairie Flats (082ENW073), located within the Summerland town limits, is one such fluviatile deposit.  It contains about 178 tomes of uranium, and since the glacial retreat, uranium has accumulated at an estimated rate of 23 kilograms per year.
Also in 1979, an inquiry by Dr. D.V. Bates and others was made into the adequacy of existing measures to provide protection to workers and the general public in all aspects of uranium mining in British Columbia. This resulted in a three-volume report entitled "Royal Commission of Inquiry on Health and Environmental Protection into Uranium Mining", with a summary of recommendations.
In February, 1980, the provincial government imposed a seven-year moratorium on uranium exploration and development in British Columbia. The moratorium expired on February 28,1987 and new regulations were established by the provincial government; safeguards on exploration, recommended in 1980 by the Bates inquiry, were put in place. The regulations require that proposals to explore for uranium or thorium or for exploration in certain designated areas must be filed with the Chief Inspector of Mines. Significant uranium or thorium levels must be reported whenever found. This level is defined as 0.05 per cent or more of uranium and 0.15 per cent or more thorium, over a sample length of one metre or more. Consult the regulations (Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia, June 1990) for complete details.

Page 19   The Blizzard Deposit

Page 73, 74, 75   The Occurrences, in other words the Longitude Latitudes

Page 77, 78, 79 References

Uranium Mining Moratorium 1980 Order-in-council 44280 aka 442/80 and yellow cake

Google Search Criteria:    bc ORDER IN COUNCIL 442

Order-in-council 442
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 3943

MR. D'ARCY: To the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Back on February 27 of this year, order-in-council 44280 was passed which orders that the commissioners appointed by order 170179 "shall report their findings and recommendations to date to the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council on or before the 31st day of May 1980." It goes on to indicate the methods by which they shall report and rescinds certain other orders-in-council.
My question to the minister is: since, under this order, there is absolutely no mention of a moratorium on uranium mining and exploration, what is the legal basis for the moratorium on uranium mining and exploration announced on February 27 by the Premier of the province of B.C.?

HON. MR. McCLELLAND: Well, Mr. Speaker, I'm a bit at a loss to understand the urgency of this question from last May. But the legal procedures in which we established the moratorium have been partially put in place by further orders-in-council which were passed following that order-in-council which the member mentions. There is also at the present time an amendment on the order paper which we'll have the opportunity to debate, which sets the parameters along with the regulations for the uranium moratorium.
I don't understand, first of all, whether or not the question is in order, especially since there are some proceedings which will be debated in this House, presumably within the next few days.  
BC Order in Councils on the Internet ONLY go back as far as 1992

As to finding an original Source for 44280 Order in council.... still looking.  Will have to come down to an FOI?

Google Search Criteria:   uranium bc orders in council

Fourth hit down, click on the PLUS sign + "for more information"
Statutory Authority: Environment and Land Use, s. 7
The chief inspector under the Mines Act must not
a)  issue a permit under section 10 of the Mines Act in relation to exploration for uranium or thorium
b)  exempt any person under section 10 (2) of the Mines Act from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 10 of that Act in relation to exploration for uranium or thorium.

Did the BC Liberal Government, of British Columbia, ADD the word  "not" to stop mining companies from explorations in our our pristine province?   Where oh Where is copy before this?


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
the Executive Council, orders that the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C ...

Its 2002, Christy Clark is the Presiding Member of the Executive Council and she, and one onther is busily making a change on Contaminated Sites, INCLUDING Uranium
Without a background of a Physician, with only having ATTENDED various universities around the world, what, WHY are politicians permitted to make such far reaching decisions as these......

  Google Search Criteria     bc royal commissioner uranium Bennett appointed by order 170179


In the Hearing Process as Contemporary Democracy

by Melody Beatrice Hessing

The University of British Columbia 1984...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Royal Commission of Inquiry into. Uranium Mining. 92. Community Hearings. 92. Technical Hearings ...... of Inquiry which took place in British Columbia from 1979-1980, ...... hearing in order to describe, compare and analyze participation .... by an impartial Commission, which has been appointed by Govern- ...

Search Criteria  within the above document on page 92 and 93 for this:

     Uranium daughter products       

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tracking noise polluting airplanes to and from YVR and possibly planes that don't quite make it, try using a flight tracking tool

There's this noise pollution tracking program that is available to Metro Vancouver residents if a plane has flown too close to their tender ears.   Its not in real time, but like Google Earth, you can pick a date, and time, and.... get to see which plane came nearest to you on their flight path.

Its at:


They provide a simulated photo of what it could look like, like this one for October 27, 2011, around about 7:48pm

Source: Vancouver Airport
Vancouver International Airport (YVR) today became the first airport in Canada to offer a new online tool that allows members of the public to see real-time and historical flight and noise data collected by the Airport Authority’s aircraft noise monitoring and tracking system.
WebTrak for YVR allows residents to see for themselves flight activity over much of Metro Vancouver. Using radar data received from NAV CANADA and noise data collected at 20 noise monitoring terminals stationed throughout Metro Vancouver, WebTrak displays a map of the region and current flight and noise activity. A simple visual key identifies aircraft type, elevation and noise level, and whether the aircraft is arriving or departing. With easy-to-use features and menu options, anyone with access to the Internet can replay historical flight activity within the past 30 days, locate their residence on the map to determine the distance from aircraft in flight, and, if they wish, register a comment or concern about a particular flight. SNIP



There was a Red plane (not shown in photo above, off the bottom left corner) going East to West, but it did a 180 on its course and then went West.   The plane in Red going west appears to have been in perfect alignment with the YVR runway.   Google is everywhere when it comes to mapping applications.


VANCOUVER -- A Kelowna-bound twin-engined airplane operated by Prince George-based Northern Thunderbird Air crashed late Thursday afternoon just shy of the east end of the south runway at Vancouver International Airport.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Three years ago Gordon Campbell forgave 50% of all school taxes to light and heavy industry, and now the Schools are underfunded in British Columbia.

Three years ago, Gordon Campbell painted a picture of a capital "V" of a recession, whereas Christy Clark is seeing his handiwork three years later turning into a capital "W", almost a "VY" with the Y's leg burying his once upon a time promised $.450 billion deficit.

Christy Clark's speech on October 17, 2011 could be written like this:
“Today the world’s financial system is in the grips of its worst crisis in over 3 75 years. World stock markets are reeling, commodity prices are plunging and the world’s financial system is under attack,” said Premier Campbell. Christy Clark.  “The ripple effects are being felt in every corner of the globe and every region of our province. There are no easy solutions to these problems. However, we are going to act immediately to alleviate the impacts and to emerge stronger than ever.”

First up, cut the funding that supports our schools for the next three years just like Campbell did in the previous three years!

For Immediate Release
Oct. 22, 2008
Office of the Premier

Link Updated 2019-10-28 to WayBackMachine

VICTORIA – The B.C. Government will take immediate steps to improve the province’s economic competitiveness and reduce costs for families and business in the wake of the global economic slowdown, Premier Gordon Campbell announced to British Columbians this evening.

“Today the world’s financial system is in the grips of its worst crisis in over 75 years. World stock markets are reeling, commodity prices are plunging and the world’s financial system is under attack,” said Premier Campbell. “The ripple effects are being felt in every corner of the globe and every region of our province. There are no easy solutions to these problems. However, we are going to act immediately to alleviate the impacts and to emerge stronger than ever.”

Premier Campbell outlined 10 key measures during his address:

1.      Unlimited deposit insurance for deposits to credit unions: The Province intends to provide unlimited deposit insurance protection on deposits to British Columbia’s credit unions effective immediately. Deposits at credit unions were formerly insured up to a level of $100,000. All credit unions in the province have deposit insurance through the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation. The new protection will apply to deposits currently covered by this insurance. This brings B.C. in line with Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, PEI, and New Brunswick, which all also provide unlimited provincial deposit insurance protection. Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland cover $250,000. Ontario provides $100,000 per registered account.

2.      A new pension opportunity: The Province will create a new private sector pension opportunity for British Columbians who currently have no access to a pension plan. About 75 per cent of private sector workers in B.C. currently have no access to a group pension plan. Flowing from work done with the Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards with Alberta, in the months ahead the government will spearhead the creation of a privately financed, defined contribution plan that will be available to employers, employees and self-employed people on a voluntary basis.

3.      An accelerated, retroactive personal income tax cut: There will be a five per cent personal income tax reduction retroactive to January 1, 2008.  This includes the two per cent tax cut that took effect July 1 of this year as well as the planned three per cent reduction that was to take effect January 1, 2009.  Taxpayers will see the retroactive benefit on their 2008 tax return. It will put an additional $144 million in the pockets of British Columbians.

4.      School property tax rebate for industry: 50 per cent of all school property taxes will be rebated to light and heavy industry to help some of B.C.’s oldest and largest employers, particularly in rural British Columbia. It will save industry about $115 million over the next three years and is on top of the approximately $24 million in annual benefits to heavy industry announced in the 2008 budget. This builds on the plan to have the lowest corporate income tax rate in Canada by 2011.

5.      Accelerated tax relief for small business: Effective December 1, 2008 the small business income tax rate will be reduced to 2.5 per cent from the current 3.5 per cent. Small business income tax rates were already reduced from 4.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent on July 1, 2008 with a plan to reduce them to 2.5 per cent by 2011. This will accelerate that tax cut by two years, resulting in a 44 per cent tax cut for small business this year alone. The savings to small business will be $146 million over three years.

6.      Double commission paid to business for PST and HRT collection: The Province will double the commission it pays business for collecting the provincial sales tax and hotel room tax. That will provide more than 100,000 businesses with approximately $60 million over three years and add up to $1,200 to a business’s bottom line.

7.      Accelerated public infrastructure: The Province will accelerate public investments in capital infrastructure projects. Funding will focus on projects without a long lead time that will keep people employed in our construction sector.

8.      33 per cent reduction in ferry fares for December and January: The Province will fund a 33 per cent reduction of ferry fares on all routes for December and January. This is on top of the upcoming 50 per cent reduction in the fuel surcharge on ferry fees that will come into effect November 4. In addition, ferry service levels for all routes, including the Sunshine Coast will be restored. This will require a one-time, $20-million investment.

9.      Rein in avoidable government spending: The Province will re-evaluate spending priorities and focus on scaling back unbudgeted increases.

10.  Recall the Legislature: As a number of these measures require legislative approval, the Legislature will be recalled on November 20.

These measures account for anadditional accumulation of $485 million in tax relief and support for businesses, families and individuals over the next three years.

“These measures are as aggressive as our current fiscal outlook allows, without compromising our ability to balance the budget or cut previously planned funding lifts for critical government services such as health care and education,” said Premier Campbell “These measures will provide relief for families, workers and businesses by putting more money back into taxpayers’ pockets.”

Earlier in the day, Premier Campbell announced a series of initiatives to ensure the province is getting the best possible input and expert advice on ways to improve in competitiveness and productivity. They include:

·        A “New North” Economic Summit will be organized for January in Prince George and will focus on the unique opportunities and challenges in that region.

·        A two-day Economic Summit will be held in Vancouver in late January to look at ways to capitalize on economic opportunities.

·        New measures will be taken to implement the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement with Alberta. The agreement will be fully implemented by April 1, 2009 and create the second-largest economy in Canada.

·        B.C. will work with other provinces and the federal government to eliminate regulatory duplication and reduce costs of federal-provincial overlap.


Bridgitte Anderson
Press Secretary
Office of the Premier
604 307-7177